4s week 12 assignment EH

In 300 words

Wireshark is one of the most widely-used network protocol analyzers. It lets you see what’s happening on your network at a microscopic level and is the preferred standard across many commercial and non-profit enterprises, government agencies, and educational institutions. GlassWire is a free network monitor & security tool with a built-in firewall. Review the features of these two products and explain how you could benefit from using either of these network management tools.



Include references.

No copy-paste, use your own words.

ERM Approaches and Models


Chapter 4 presented the approach Statoil, Inc (Test book page 59) used to implement ERM. Chapter 7 (page 107) presented the approach United Grain Growers used to implement ERM. Compare the two use cases and discuss similarities and differences. Do you agree with the approaches to implement an ERM and why? If you could change anything about the reasons to implement ERM in these case studies what would that be and why? Would you implement the same ERM approaches in your current organization (or future organization)?

Note: The paper should be a minimum of 2 to 3 pages not including title or reference page and in APA format. 

The primary goal of operational security is to protect & secure the operations of an enterprise, while securing the technologies needed to maintain network and resource availability.

Write a five-seven (5 – 7) page paper in which you:

  1. Compare & Contrast access control in relations to risk, threat and vulnerability.
  2. Research and discuss how different auditing and monitoring techniques are used to identify & protect the system against network attacks. 
  3. Explain the relationship between access control and its impact on CIA (maintaining network confidentiality, integrity and availability).
  4. Describe access control and its level of importance within operations security.
  5. Argue the need for organizations to implement access controls in relations to maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability (e.g., Is it a risky practice to store customer information for repeat visits?)
  6. Describe the necessary components within an organization’s access control metric.

Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA)


Panel Presentation: Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA)

Coordinators of an upcoming conference, attended by federal government IT managers and staff, invited you to participate in a panel presentation about privacy. For this activity, prepare a 5 to 7 paragraph briefing statement which answers the following four questions. Use information from the weekly readings as your research material. Go to Content >> Course Resources >> Expanded Explanation for Discussion Question Responses to learn more about the format requirements for a “briefing statement.”


Privacy has many definitions. When examining data protection and privacy laws and practices, it can be helpful to focus on four categories or classes of privacy.

Information privacy is concerned with establishing rules that govern the collection and handling of personal information. Examples include financial information, medical information, government records and records of a person’s activities on the Internet.

Bodily privacy focuses on a person’s physical being and any invasion thereof. Such an invasion can take the form of genetic testing, drug testing or body cavity searches. It also encompasses issues such as birth control, abortion, and adoption.

Territorial privacy is concerned with placing limits on the ability to intrude into another individual’s environment. “Environment” can include the home, workplace, or public space. Invasion into an individual’s territorial privacy typically takes the form of monitoring such as video surveillance, ID checks, and use of similar technology and procedures.

Communications privacy encompasses protection of the means of correspondence, including postal mail, telephone conversations, email, and other forms of communicative behavior and apparatus.

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): A PIA is both a process and a document. It is a process that focuses upon identifying and assessing risks related to privacy of data handled by a specific IT system or database. It is a process that communicates the results of the PIA process to stakeholders. Released PIAs are either fully available to the public, while redaction removes sensitive/non-public information in other PIAs.

When responding to this discussion, prepare a 5 to 7 paragraph briefing statement which answers the following four questions:

1. What is privacy? Is it a right? An expectation? Discuss differing definitions, e.g. “the average person” definition vs. a legal definition, and how these differences impact risk assessments for privacy protections (or the lack thereof).

2. What are some important best practices for protecting privacy for information collected, stored, used, and transferred by the US federal government? Identify and discuss three or more best practice recommendations for reducing risk by improving or ensuring the privacy of information processed by or stored in an organization’s IT systems and databases.

3. Explain why federal government agencies and departments required to complete PIA’s. Should every federal IT system have a PIA? Why or why not?

4. Name and briefly describe 3 benefits to citizens which result from the use of PIA’s. (Considering citizen’s needs for privacy and the protection of the privacy of individuals whose information is collected, processed, transmitted, and stored in federal government IT systems and databases.)

Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting.

To ensure you include all required elements, be sure to use the Discussion Rubric when creating your initial response, critiques, and replies.









Do a bit of research on-line. Find a criminal case that involved Digital Forensics. 

Using WORD, write an ORIGINAL brief essay of 300 words or more describing the case and the how digital forensics were used  in the investigation. 

Research Paper

 Any one of the below topics:

  • Information systems infrastructure: evolution and trends 
  • The strategic importance of cloud computing in business organizations 
  • Big data and its business impacts 
  • Managerial issues of a networked organization 
  • Emerging enterprise network applications 
  • Mobile computing and it’s business implications  

Research paper basics: 

  • 8-10 pages in length 
  • APA formatted 
  • Minimum six (6) sources – at least two (2) from peer reviewed journals 
  • Include an abstract, introduction, and conclusion 
  • ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM!!!! Attach a plagiarism report. 


 Define and describe business continuity.

Define and describe disaster recovery.

Explain the differences between the two using at least 2 scholarly resources in APA format. Finally, provide a real world example of both

3 pages APA format 



Write a five-page (1,250 – 1,500 words) double-spaced essay (not including cover page and references pages), in which you address the following eight objectives:

– Explain the core beliefs of the just-in-time (JIT) philosophy
– Describe the elements of JIT
– Explain the key elements of JIT manufacturing
– Explain the elements of total quality management (TGM) and their role in JIT
– Describe the role of people in JIT and why respect for people is so important
– Describe the benefits of JIT
– Discuss the implementation process of a successful JIT system
– Describe the impact of JIT on service and manufacturing organizations

The essay must be original. Each objective must have its own section heading (e.g., “Core Beliefs of JIT”). You must incorporate at least five sources, both as references and corresponding in-text citations. APA format is expected.


 In this week’s reading, the concept of 3-F Method is introduced.  Discuss the purpose of this concept and how it is calculated.  Also perform your own research/analysis using these factors and provide your assessment on whether the United States need to introduce top talents in the field of big data and cloud computing by using bibliometrics.