Response to peers – Discussion 13 – ERM

Please write a post for the two documents with 150 words each substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.



Discuss  techniques for combining multiple anomaly detection techniques to  improve the identification of anomalous objects. Consider both  supervised and unsupervised cases.

emerging threats and counter measures


For this assignment, review the article:

Abomhara, M., & Koien, G.M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things: Vulnerabilities, threats, intruders, and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security, 4, 65-88. Doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.414

Address the following:

  • What did the authors investigate, and in general how did they do so?
  • Identify the hypothesis or question being tested
  • Summarize the overall article.
  • Identify the conclusions of the authors
  • Indicate whether or not you think the data support their conclusions/hypothesis
  • Consider alternative explanations for the results
  • Provide any additional comments pertaining to other approaches to testing their hypothesis (logical follow-up studies to build on, confirm or refute the conclusions)
  • The relevance or importance of the study
  • The appropriateness of the experimental design

When you write your evaluation, be brief and concise, this is not meant to be an essay but an objective evaluation that one can read very easily and quickly. Also, you should include a complete reference (title, authors, journal, issue, pages) you turn in your evaluation. This is good practice for your literature review, which you’ll be completing during the dissertation process.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Assignment – Database Security

Write an essay of at least 500 words discussing the use of encryption to protect data at rest, in motion, and in use.    

Do not copy without providing proper attribution. This paper will be evaluated through SafeAssign. 

Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list format.  

Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references. Include an interesting meaninful title.

Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google.  Place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled). The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.

Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations).

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your submission Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. Proof read your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about.

Transparent Data Encryption

Homomorphic Encryption

urgent and needed in 6 hours

Review the draft papers. Before Tuesday, post a critique for two (2) or more of these selection papers including your evaluation of how well the students justified their recommendations.

3. Before 11:59 PM ET Tuesday, post a reply to 2 different selection papers (reply in their threads) which contain your vote for the best technology selection recommendations. Along with your vote, provide a brief one paragraph justification for your choice. (These count as your follow-up postings to your peers.)

Summary of topics

There are TWO tasks that you would need to do( they are separate): 

Task 1:

Write a summary of the below points for a  total 300 words (100 words for each question with three research papers as reference)

 1.  What are the business costs or risks of poof data quality? Support your discussion with at least 3 references.

2.  What is data mining? Support your discussion with at least 3 references.

3.  What is text mining? Support your discussion with at least 3 references.


Write a reply to the two responses in the attached document ( Response 1 and Response 2) with 150 words for each. 

There should be no plagiarism. Attach a plagiarism report with 0 % similarity index. 

forming effective searching


As outlined in the lecture, there are various types of strategies and tools that students can use to develop search phrases to find exactly what they need without mining through hundreds of results.

In this assignment, you will develop a search phrase to best locate the information posed in the prompt. Then, using at least 50 words for each search scenario, explain why you picked this approach. Finally, perform the search in question and evaluate the results. In at least 50 words, explain if your search results were what you expected and why or why not this was the case.

Example: You want to find information on the President Teddy Roosevelt.

Search Phrase developed: “Teddy Roosevelt” president

Strategy: I chose this strategy because using quotation marks around the name Teddy Roosevelt will ensure that both pieces of the name are searched for together. When quotation marks aren’t used, results showing the first name and the second name will all show up, which will populate many results unrelated to Teddy Roosevelt such as Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Search Results:




Analysis: Yes, these search results were what I expected to see based on my search. The results reflected my usage of the quotation marks as sites that discussed Teddy Roosevelt’s role as president were returned first. All of the sites included both Teddy Roosevelt’s name as well as the word president.

1, You want to find information on Buffalo, NY but not anything related to the Buffalo Bills football team.

⦁ Develop and document a search phrase that you would use in a search engine to find this information.

⦁ Explain why you chose this strategy using at least 50 words.

⦁ After performing the search yourself, document the first 2-3 result entries that were returned. Analyze if the search results were what you expected using at least 50 words.

2, You want to find information on recipes for stuffed peppers that do not include rice.

⦁ Develop and document a search phrase that you would use in a search engine to find this information.

⦁ Explain why you chose this strategy using at least 50 words.

⦁ After performing the search yourself, document the first 2-3 result entries that were returned. Analyze if the search results were what you expected using at least 50 words.

3, You want to find videos about astronomy only on YouTube.

⦁ Develop and document a search phrase that you would use in a search engine to find this information.

⦁ Explain why you chose this strategy using at least 50 words.

⦁ After performing the search yourself, document the first 2-3 result entries that were returned. Analyze if the search results were what you expected using at least 50 words.

4, You want to combine the search for both woodworking and welding.

⦁ Develop and document a search phrase that you would use in a search engine to find this information.

⦁ Explain why you chose this strategy using at least 50 words.

⦁ After performing the search yourself, document the first 2-3 result entries that were returned. Analyze if the search results were what you expected using at least 25 words.

5. You want to find information related only to gestational diabetes.

⦁ Develop and document a search phrase that you would use in a search engine to find this information.

⦁ Explain why you chose this strategy using at least 50 words.

⦁ After performing the search yourself, document the first 2-3 result entries that were returned. Analyze if the search results were what you expected using at least 50 words.


  1. Organizational performance is the fifth aspect of the model, reflect on the question, do certain leadership behaviors improve and sustain performance at the individual, group, and organizational level?  Please explain your response.
  2. There were two types of innovation addressed this week (product and process innovation), please note your own personal definition of these concepts and offer an example of both.

Please be sure to answer all of the questions above in the initial post.