Discussion-6 ME


For this Discussion Question, complete the following.

1. Review the two articles about bank failures and bank diversification that are found below this. Economic history assures us that the health of the banking industry is directly related to the health of the economy. Moreover, recessions, when combined with banking crisis, will result in longer and deeper recessions versus recessions that do occur with a healthy banking industry. 

Bank Diversification, Economic Diversification?


2. Locate two JOURNAL articles which discuss this topic further. You need to focus on the Abstract, Introduction, Results, and Conclusion. For our purposes, you are not expected to fully understand the Data and Methodology.  

3. Summarize these journal articles. Please use your own words. No copy-and-paste. Cite your sources.

positive rights table

Complete a 1- to 2-page table using the Positive Rights Table Template provided comparing your opinion of the rights listed below to a corresponding ethical theory:

  • The right to a higher education
  • The right to private phone conversations
  • The right to health care
  • The right of a presidential or government candidate to receive time on television

List 1 ethical challenge that could impact a U.S. company that wants to acquire a non-U.S.-based company.

Practical Connection Assignment


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

This assignment should not be a rehash of a previous practical connection assignment from another residency/course/student.

cyber law Dis

When asked if you “accept the terms” of downloaded software, describe how clicking “yes” indicates you have entered into a contract. Discuss whether you have ever read these terms of use before you clicked and what the terms say.

Python Programming


You will complete this assignment in Python 3.x. Make sure you have downloaded the software and it is installed correctly. You will download it from this site.  You should download the Python programming language editor and compiler. To download Python (Download version 3.4 or the latest version–view the video above ). 


Create a comment block (starts at line 1 of your code) with the following information:

Jerimiah Ginn

 ENTD200 D005 Fall 2020 

 Dr. Novadean Watson-Williams 

Week # 4

Date completed

2. Problem 1: Create a Python program to solve a simple pay calculation. Calculate the amount of pay, given employee name, hours worked, and hourly rate. (The formula to calculate payroll is pay = hourly rate * hours worked.) Display employee name, hourly rate, hours worked, and pay. (Do not add any rules such as overtime)

Problem 2: Create a Python program to calculate the average miles per gallon obtained on a trip. Input car name, the amount of gas used and the number of miles driven. (The formula to calculate miles per gallon is miles per gallon = number of miles driven / amount of gas used. ) Display car name, gas used, miles driven and MPG. Use your own values to test the. You can hard code the values or you can use the input() function. See announcement  for sample code.

excel document edit

 Open the WearEverShoes-01.xlsx start file. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button so you can modify it. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.

Remove a split and freeze panes.

 Click the Split button [View tab, Window group]. The split is removed.

 Click cell A4 to freeze the column titles at this position.

 Click the Freeze Panes button [View tab, Window group].

 Choose Freeze Panes. A solid border appears between rows 3 and 4 to mark the pane.

 Scroll to row 31 and click cell E31. The column titles are frozen.

 Type 3 and press Enter (Figure 1-91).There is a thin border below the cells in row 3

Figure 1-91 Panes frozen at cell A4

 Press Ctrl+Home. The insertion point returns to cell A4.

Change zoom size and unfreeze the pane.

 Click the 100% button [View tab, Zoom group].

 Click the Freeze Panes button [View tab, Window group].

 Choose Unfreeze Panes.

 Click cell A1.

Check spelling in the worksheet.

 Click the Spelling button [Review tab, Proofing group]. The first occurrence of “Hikin” is found as misspelled.

 Select Hiking in the Suggestions list.

 Click Change All to correct all occurrences of the misspelled word (Figure 1-92).

The correct spelling is H I K I N G in Suggestions list

Figure 1-92 Change all occurrences of a misspelled word

 Click OK.

Use the Fill Handle to copy a formula.

 Click H4. The formula displays in the Formula bar. The formula multiples the quantity by the cost to calculate the value of the current stock (Figure 1-93).The formula is E4 times G4

Figure 1-93 Formula to be copied

 Point to the Fill Handle for cell H4.

 Double-click the Fill pointer. The formula is copied down the entire column.

 Press Ctrl+Home.

 Click the Themes button [Page Layout tab, Themes group] and choose Ion from the gallery.

Merge and center the titles.

 Select cells A1:J1 and click the Merge & Center button [Home tab, Alignment group].

 Merge and center cells A2:J2.

Apply cell styles and adjust row height.

 Select cell A1, click the Cell Styles button or the More button [Home tab, Styles group], and select Title in the Titles and Headings category.

 Select cell A2 and apply the Heading 4 style.

 Click the Font Size arrow [Home tab, Font group] and select 14 pt. The font size change overwrites the font size of the cell style.

 Point to the row 1 heading and drag to select row headings 1:2.

 Click the Format button [Home tab, Cells group] and choose Row Height.

 Type 22 as the new row height and press Enter.

 Select cells A3:J3.

 From the Cell Styles gallery [Home tab], select Light Yellow, 40% – Accent3.

 Apply bold to the selected cells.

 Click the row 3 heading.

 Point to the bottom border of the row heading to display the resize arrow.

 Drag the resize arrow to 21.00 (28 pixels) as the new row height and release the pointer (Figure 1-94).

The resize pointer is between the row headings for rows 3 and 4

Figure 1-94 Adjust row height from the row heading

 Click the Zoom Out button in the Status bar if necessary so that you can see all rows (1:39).

Change alignment, format values, apply borders, and increase the indent.

 Select cells D4:F39.

 Click the Center button [Home tab, Alignment group].

 Select cells G4:H39.

 Click the Accounting Number Format button [Home tab, Number group].

 Select cells A3:J39.

 Click the Borders drop-down arrow [Home tab, Font group] and select All Borders.

 Click the Font size drop-down arrow [Home tab, Font group] and choose 12 while the cells are selected.

 Select cells B4:C39 and click the Increase Indent button [Home tab, Alignment group] one time. This moves the label away from the border for easier reading.

 Click and drag to select columns A:J.

 Double-click the border between columns J and K to AutoFit the selected columns (Figure 1-95).

Columns A:J are selected and shaded gray

Figure 1-95 Select column headings to AutoFit

 Select and center align the labels in row 3.

Insert a column and create a pattern to fill data.

 Right-click column heading B.

 Choose Insert from the context menu.

 In cell B3, type Disc? and press Enter.

 In cell B4, type No and press Enter.

 In cell B5, type No and press Enter.

 In cell B6, type Yes and press Enter. The pattern is two occurrences of No and one occurrence of Yes.

 Select cells B4:B6 and increase the indent twice.

 Select cells B4:B6 and double-click the Fill pointer (Figure 1-96).The Fill pointer displays at cell B6

Figure 1-96 Double-click the Fill pointer to complete a series

 Select cells A4:A39 and increase the indent one time.

 Press Ctrl+Home.

Rename the sheet tab.

 Double-click the Sheet1 tab.

 Type Inventory and press Enter.

Use Page Layout view to insert a footer.

 Click the Page Layout button in the Status bar.

 Click the center header section. The Header & Footer Tools tab is active.

 If necessary, click the Header & Footer Tools Design tab to display it.

 Click the Go to Footer button [Header & Footer Tools Design tab, Navigation group].

 Click the middle section if necessary.

 Click the File Name button in the Header & Footer Elements group. The code is &[File].

 Click a worksheet cell to see the file name.

 Switch to Normal view and press Ctrl+Home.

Change page setup options.

 Click the Page Layout tab and click the Page Setup launcher.

 Display the Page tab and select the Landscape radio button under Orientation.

 Select the Fit to radio button and enter 1 page wide by 1 tall.

 Click OK.

 Switch to Normal view and press Ctrl+Home.

Set a print area.

 Select cells A1:K11.

 Click the Page Layout tab.

 Click the Print Area button [Page Setup group] and select Set Print Area.

 Press Ctrl+Home.

 Click the File tab and select Print to preview the worksheet print area.

 Return to the worksheet.

 Click the Save button in the Quick Access toolbar to save the workbook changes. The print area is saved.

 Close the workbook (Figure 1-97).

Research Paper

Company – Amazon

– Then select a key area of predictive analytics (from chapters 4-7) to implement in the organization. Some key areas to consider are listed below.

Select major topic (Data mining process, methods, and algorithms (from Chapter 4); Machine- learning Techniques for Predictive Analytics (from Chapter 5); Deep Learning and Cognitive Computing (from 6); and Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis, and Social Analytics to discuss for the residency requirement ( from chapter7) 

You must indicate:

– Why the predictive analytic component is going to be implemented by noting the problem that you are trying to solve, noting how your team will solve the problem with the selected method (this must be a thorough in-depth analysis), and also present your findings using a power point presentation.

-Note any Big Data Challenges or other technology or cultural challenges you may face and how you will mitigate these challenges in your presentation.

` Format for paper: Title page, Abstract, Header with page numbers, Reference page, APA form and style with Times New Roman 12 point font.  Body of the paper is 10-12 pages long (excludes title page, reference page, abstract).  Any diagrams  or charts inserted do not “count” to make the required length.  Any diagrams or charts need to be approved by the professor. FIVE scholarly sources AND your text are required both incorporating intext citations and references.  Be sure to have a concluding section that briefly summarizes the most important “take-aways” from your paper and this should be 3 paragraphs long minimum.

5s week 10 assignment PL

Answer each of these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer.

1. Should society help workers dislocated when technology, like the Internet, eliminates their jobs in a process called ‘ Creative Destruction‘?

2. are we working more and earning less?

3. Would you want a telecommuting job? Why or why not? 

4. Does the gig economy appeal to you? Why or why not?

5. How is an employee differentiated from a contractor under US law? 

6. Why have some municipalities put restrictions on innovations in the sharing economy and in on-demand services?

7. What has been the effect on the US economy of outsourcing (or offshoring) technical and professional jobs? 

8. How much monitoring of employee activities at work is appropriate? 

9. Should an employer be able to discipline or terminate an employee for on-line behavior in his/her own time? 

10. What is the relationship between BYOD (bring your own device) and shadow IT

11. What is cyberloafing?

Include references, do not copy paste. Use your own words.

Research Paper: Server Virtualization and Cloud Computing

 Research Paper: Server Virtualization and Cloud Computing 

This week, you have read about server virtualization and cloud computing in chapter 6 of your textbook. For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:

 • Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.

• Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.

• Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.

• Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities

Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Submit your midterm research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately four to six pages in length (1200-1800 words), not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

cyber kill chain


Pick a breach from the list provided and then explain in a 1,200- to 1,500-word report where the policy failed and/or where management failed to implement the policy. Make sure to address the following:

  1. What portion of the policy first allowed the Kill Chain to be effective?
  2. How can the implementation of policies be strengthened so a breach is not repeated?
  3. Were laws broken when the policy was not followed or even developed?
  4. What were the financial costs that occurred for the company?
  5. In the Bible, the story of David killing Goliath (1 Samuel 17:4) shows that Goliath has advanced bronze armor, but this armor is futile against a stone and sling. This gives us a lesson that our trust in technology to save us is not always warranted. Examine the application of the Christian worldview within the context of security breach and how it can be prevented.

Data Breaches

  1. Yahoo. Date: 2013-14.
  2. Adult Friend Finder. Date: October 2016.
  3. eBay. Date: May 2014.
  4. Equifax. Date: July 29 2017. …
  5. Heartland Payment Systems. Date: March 2008.
  6. Target Stores. Date: December 2013.
  7. TJX Companies, Inc. Date: December 2006.
  8. JP Morgan Chase. Date: July 2014.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.