
 This is a required assignment worth 20 points (20-points/1000-points). Assignment must be submitted by the due date. No late assignments are allowed. Please discuss the following topics and provide substantive comments to at least two other posts. 
Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 50-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer.  The discussion questions this week are from Chapter’s 3 & 4  (Jamsa, 2013).
Chapter 3 topics:

  • Define and describe PaaS.
  • List the benefits of PaaS solutions.
  • Describe potential disadvantages of PaaS.
  • Describe how a cloud-based database management system differs from an on-site database.
  • List the computing resources normally provided with a PaaS.

Chapter 4 topics:

  • Define and describe IaaS.
  • Define and describe system redundancy. Discuss how you might use IaaS to implement a redundancy plan.
  • Define and describe load balancing. Discuss how you might use IaaS to implement load balancing.
  • Define and describe NAS. Assume you must implement a shared file system within the cloud. What company would you select? Why? What costs should your client expect to pay for cloud-based data on a gigabyte (GB) basis?
  • Define and describe colocation. Discuss how you might use IaaS to implement colocation.
  • Compare and contrast a cloud-based disk storage device (with a file system) with a cloud based database.
  • Compare and contrast physical, dedicated virtual, and shared virtual servers. Search the web for companies that provide each. What cost should a customer expect to pay for each?

NOTE: You are required to use at least two-peer reviewed sources (besides your textbook) to answer the above questions.  The initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59pm ET.  You must engage on at least three separate days (by Wednesday for the first post and two additional days of peer engagement).  Do not wait until Sunday to engage with peers, this should be an active conversation with your peers.  When replying to peers be sure to engage with substantial posts that add to the conversation.   This is a required assignment worth 20 points (20-points/1000-points). Assignment must be submitted by the due date. No late assignments are allowed. Please discuss the following topics and provide substantive comments to at least two other posts. 
Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 50-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer.  The discussion questions this week are from Chapter’s 3 & 4  (Jamsa, 2013).
Chapter 3 topics:

  • Define and describe PaaS.
  • List the benefits of PaaS solutions.
  • Describe potential disadvantages of PaaS.
  • Describe how a cloud-based database management system differs from an on-site database.
  • List the computing resources normally provided with a PaaS.

Chapter 4 topics:

  • Define and describe IaaS.
  • Define and describe system redundancy. Discuss how you might use IaaS to implement a redundancy plan.
  • Define and describe load balancing. Discuss how you might use IaaS to implement load balancing.
  • Define and describe NAS. Assume you must implement a shared file system within the cloud. What company would you select? Why? What costs should your client expect to pay for cloud-based data on a gigabyte (GB) basis?
  • Define and describe colocation. Discuss how you might use IaaS to implement colocation.
  • Compare and contrast a cloud-based disk storage device (with a file system) with a cloud based database.
  • Compare and contrast physical, dedicated virtual, and shared virtual servers. Search the web for companies that provide each. What cost should a customer expect to pay for each?

NOTE: You are required to use at least two-peer reviewed sources (besides your textbook) to answer the above questions.  The initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59pm ET.  You must engage on at least three separate days (by Wednesday for the first post and two additional days of peer engagement).  Do not wait until Sunday to engage with peers, this should be an active conversation with your peers.  When replying to peers be sure to engage with substantial posts that add to the conversation.  

Deliverable Length: SPSS 0utputs and 500–1,000-word analysis


Use the Explore command to compare the income levels (rincdol) for both genders (sex). Go to the Resources area of the class to download the files that you will need to complete your assignments each week. Open gss.sav in SPSS, and complete the following calculations to determine the differences in the income level between males and females.

Compute the following for each group:

  1. Mean
  2. Median
  3. Quartiles
  4. Range
  5. Variance
  6. Standard deviation
  7. Skewness
  8. Kurtosis

The Explore command will also produce several different types of plots. Click on the Plots button, and create the following plots for each group:

  1. Histograms (include the normal curve on the histogram)
  2. Box plots
  3. Stem-and-leaf plots

Use the calculations and plots to answer the following questions. When discussing a calculation, include the value in the text to bolster your analysis.

  1. What can you determine from the measures of skewness and kurtosis relative to a normal curve?
  2. What are the mean and median?
  3. Does the mean or median seem better to represent the scores? How have extreme scores impacted these values?

Submit your output from all SPSS analysis as an SPSS output file and your Word document.


The final paper is a summary and self-reflection on how knowledge acquired from this course can impact your future career decision/choice/development. It should be

In this paper, write about your thoughts about informatics over the entire course and address the following:

  • What is informatics? (5 points)
  • Which aspect(s) of informatics is new to you? (15 points)
  • Were you aware of any informatics-related job opportunities before taking this course? (5 points)
  • Does this course change your overview of the future job opportunities? and How? (10 points)
  • What type of jobs do you plan to pursue after graduation? Is it going to be informatics related? (10 points)

Compose the paper in an essay format and do not just give answers in the bullet list. (5 points)

Please make your analytic points specific as this is your self-reflection. Reference anything that are not your own using APA style.

Which aspect(s) of informatics is new to you?  for this question please write health informatics is new for me you can use following link for more information for health informatics

2. Use the following resources to learn about health informatics and possible career paths:

What is Health Informatics? (Links to an external site.)

Health Informatics Degree Guide (Links to an external site.)

What is a Health Informatics Specialist? (Links to an external site.)

Healthcare Informatics (Links to an external site.)

What is Nursing Informatics?

Submission instructions:

Save your paper in a Word file and name it as FinalPaper_FL where FL are your first and last name initials. The formatting of the paper should be of at least two pages long (references do not count), single line spacing, use a font size of minimum 10 points but no larger than 12 point. Set margins to 1 inch on all sides.

Numerical computation Project

 Project Description  

 –  Learn one state of the art multivariate analysis method 

        • NMF, PCA, ICA, NN, CNN, etc. 

 –  Apply matrix analysis and numerical computation on real world data sets 

        • image, video, audio, social media, sensory signals, etc. 

Project Topics 

 – Given topics 

    • Numerical computing in econometrics             • Applications of the SVD 

    • Multi-level non-negative matrix factorization    • Multi-view non-negative matrix factorization                   

    • Advanced principal component analysis          • Binary independent component analysis 

     • 1D convolutional neural networks                    • Survey of automatic rank determination in non-                   negative matrix factorization 

– Free optional topics 

  • You can also search and select a topic other than above given topics as your final project. But your topic should be related to matrix, multivariate analysis and numerical computation. Please send me your topic for approval in advance if you choose a free optional topic. 

Project Deliveries 

   – Project proposal (template will be given) 

         • Topic, method, application, novelty 

         • Novelty (new investigation, new trials, new idea, new design, technology improvement) 

 – Presentation (10m presentation) 

– Project report 

        •Experiment and discussions 

        • Findings and conclusions 

        • In paper format (template will be given) 

         • Good quality project reports will be refined and polished by Dr. Sun and submitted for publication • https://cscsu-conference.github.io/ 

PS.  Paper types file is the guide line for this project.

        Proposal template have to be used for the project proposal. 

        Lab report template has to be used for the lab report. 

        There are explanations for .zip files in the Paper types file.

Ps. LATEX compiler and Editor Link

       MiKTex  ::  https://miktex.org/download 

       Texmaker :: https://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/download.html



Jamsa (2013) listed 10 cloud-based security issues developers must  consider when designing for security. List seven along with their pros  and cons and their importance to security in the cloud. All seven should  be used as level 1 Headers in your paper. Only one submission is  allowed.


  • 600 – 750 words
  • APA 7 format
  • Use the Jamsa and Erl et al, texbooks as your ONLY sources.

Discussion (course: Information security risk management)

 Discuss the difference between a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), and a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP).  You might want to start with the definitions from the NIST SP 800-34, located at http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-34r1.pdf.  Section 3.5 discusses the different types of Plan Testing, Training, and Exercises. 

Deployment and Maintenance: Test script Word document and test execution report



You are working as the software tester for a large travel company. Your company is planning to launch a new Web site that allows users to book their travel online. Please follow the steps below to set up the application on your computer:

  • Step 1: Click here to download the WebTours 1.0 .zip file.
  • Step 2: Go to the C: drive, and unzip the file.
  • Step 3: Click here to download the strawberry-perl- MSI file, and install it on your computer.
  • Step 4: Click on the Web Tours folder, and click StartServer file (near the bottom of the folder). Please do not close this file while the test is running.
  • Step 5: Click here and follow the steps.

You need to perform the following tasks as part of your assignment:

  • Click here to open the Tutorial Scripts.zip file.
  • Create at least 4 test specifications.
  • Each test specification section should have at least 3 test cases.
  • Each test case should contain the following:
    • Description
    • Test Steps
    • Expected Results
    • Actual Results
      • Execute each of the test cases, and update the Actual Results column
  • Create a test script execution report for your leadership team. Click here for a sample report.

Please submit your assignment.


Helping Testers. (n.d.). Test scenario case status.

Requirements: MAXIMUM

Python Code

Question 1 (10 points)

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.

Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

Do this using 2 methods.

  • Explicility testing if 3 or 5 is a divisor inside the comprehension.
  • Using a udf called inside the comprehension to test if 3 or 5 is a divisor.

Print the resulting sum each time.

Question 2 (10 points)

The below snippet of code will download daily closing prices for SPY, which is an ETF that tracks the price S and P 500.

Using a for loop and enumerate, create a list of 5 period moving averages. For instance, the first 5 values of the list are [321.56, 319.12, 320.34, 319.44, 321.14] and the average is 320.32. This means the first entry in our new list would be 320.32.

Make your own udf to calculate the mean and use this in the for loop.

Print last 5 items of the list and the sum of the list of 5 period moving averges.

In [89]:

import yfinance as yf
SPY = yf.download('SPY')
SPY = yf.Ticker('SPY')
spy_lst = SPY.history(start="2020-01-01", end="2020-02-01")["Close"].tolist()
[*********************100%***********************]  1 of 1 completed
[321.56, 319.12, 320.34, 319.44, 321.14]

Question 3 (10 points)

Consider the list of transactions, where each inner list item is a line item on a recipt. For instance, the first inner list ["A", "item_a"] indicates "A" bought "item_a". Iterate the list and return a dictionary where the key is the user id (A, B, C, D) and the values are a list of items the user bought.

The desired output for "A" can be seen in the sample_dct.

Do not include the first item in the list, ["User", "Item"], which can be considered a header.

Be sure your solution is scalable, meaning it should be sustainable for a list of transactions of any size.

Print the dictionary out at the end.

In [13]:

transactions = [
   ["User", "Item"],
   ["A", "item_a"],
   ["B", "item_a"],
   ["C", "item_a"],
   ["C", "item_b"],
   ["C", "item_c"],
   ["B", "item_c"],
   ["D", "item_b"],
   ["D", "item_b"]
sample_dct = {
   "A": ["item_a"]

Question 4 (10 points)

A string can be sliced just like a list, using the bracket notation. Find the 3 consecutive numbers and their index positions that have the greatest sum in the number 35240553124353235435234214323451282182551204321.

As an example, the the string "1324" has 2 three number windows, 132 and 324. The first sums to 6 and the later sums to 9. Thus the 3 numbers would be [3,2,4] and the indices would be [1,2,3].

Print out the 3 numbers, the 3 indices where they occur and their sum.

In [14]:

sample = "1324"
# results should be
numbers = [3,2,4]
max_val = 9
index_vals = [1,2,3]

In [15]:

a = "35240553124353235435234214323451282192551204321"

Quesiton 5 (15 points)

The sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers is

  • 1^2 + 2^2 + … + 10^2 = 385

The square of the sum of the first ten natural numbers is

  • (1 + 2 + … + 10) = 3025

Hence the difference between the sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers and the square of the sum is

  • 3025 – 385 = 2640.

Write a function, or collection of functions, that find the difference between the square of sums and sum of squares from 1 to n. Note, to solve the problem you have to:

  • find the sum of squares
  • the square of sums
  • the difference

This can be broken up into smaller functions, with one function making use of the smaller ones, or all be done in one function.

Add an assert statement to your function, to make sure the input is a positive int.

Test the function using n=12 and n=8 and print the results.

Question 6 (20 points)

Make a function, or group of functions, to find outlier datapoints in a list. The outlier should be based on the standard deviation, giving the user some ability to control the outlier threshold. For instance, setting 2 standard deviations or 3 from the mean should be possible. Note, to solve this problem you will have to:

  • find the mean of a list
  • find the standard deviation fo a list
  • convert the list of zscores using (x-mean)/std
  • find the indices of where the outlier datapoints are, using the zscores
  • return the outlier values and the indicies they occur at.

Test your data using the below stock price data for TSLA. Keep the same data range as is coded in below.

The standard deviation can be calculated as such (https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.std.html):

  • std = sqrt(mean(abs(x - x.mean())**2))

Print out the average, standard deviation, outliers and the index position of where the outliers occur.

Again, this can be done in one big function or a collection of smaller ones that are then used inside a final function to find the outliers.

NOTE: ASIDE FROM CHECKING WORK, THE ONLY PIECE OF IMPORTED CODE TO BE USED IS sqrt from math and the imported data from yfinance.

In [73]:

import yfinance as yf
from math import sqrt
TSLA = yf.download('TSLA')
TSLA = yf.Ticker('TSLA')
tsla_lst = TSLA.history(start="2019-01-01", end="2020-04-01")["Close"].tolist()
[*********************100%***********************]  1 of 1 completed

Question 7 (25 points)

Make a class to profile a list of data. Include methods to do the below:

  • Initialize and create an attribute data that is a list of data.
  • Converts the list to a zscore scale. Note, no data is returned here, instead is bound to the class using self and overrides the value of the data attribute.
  • Returns an n period moving average.
  • Returns an n period cumulative sum.
  • Returns the standard deviation.
  • Returns the range as a tuple.
  • Returns the mean.
  • Returns the median.

The standard deviation can be calculated as such (https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.std.html):

  • std = sqrt(mean(abs(x - x.mean())**2))

Zscore conversions can be checked using the below:

Test a few of your methods on the SPY data from yfinance above.

NOTE: ASIDE FROM CHECKING WORK, THE ONLY PIECE OF IMPORTED CODE TO BE USED IS sqrt from math and the imported data from yfinance.