Physical security 7


Search the Internet for an article where physical security failed:

  • Propose a possible change in that organization’s physical security that could have prevented the breach/failure for that scenario
  • Submit at least 5 full pages double spaced (not including your required cover page, reference pages, abstract, or table of contents)
  • No photos or graphs
  • Reference all sources used
  • Your paper must be APA formatted (including a separate cover page and reference page) 
  • Your paper must include at least 2 references that are properly cited inside the body of your paper and listed in your reference section

Written Assignment


This week’s journal article was focused on the Complexity of Information Systems Research in the Digital World. Complexity is increasing as new technologies are emerging every day. This complexity impacts human experiences. Organizations are turning to digitally enabled solutions to assist with the emergence of digitalization. 

Please review the article and define the various technologies that are emerging as noted in the article. Note how these emerging technologies are impacting organizations and what organizations can to do to reduce the burden of digitalization.

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)

APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise. Headings should be used to transition thoughts. Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

Note: This written assignment is a REQUIRED ASSIGNMENT it is worth one-hundred (100) points. You are required to answer the questions as stated in the assignment question in order to obtain credit for the assignment by the due date. If you do not complete the assignment by the due date, you will receive a zero (0) for this assignment. There is a grading criterion associated with this assignment. Your work will be compared to other’s work, using SafeAssign for plagiarism, so please note that copying other people’s responses will not be tolerated.

Information Governance Research paper 2

This is the second milestone of the portfolio project (which is due in week 7).

For milestone 2 (due in week 5), you will develop an annotated bibliography with a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed scholarly articles. Additionally, you will write the literature review for the final project. The entire milestone should be a minimum of 6 pages with 10 peer-reviewed scholarly articles.

For your reference, the portfolio project guidelines are attached here. 

Please see the UC library for help in formatting your bibliography.

Here are some examples: 

Here are some resources to complete a literature review:


1. Why are the original/raw data not readily usable by analytics tasks? What are the main data preprocessing steps? List and explain their importance in analytics.

2. What are the privacy issues with data mining? Do you think they are substantiated?


Cybersecurity careers are growing at a very fast rate. what brought you to this program. What do you hope to obtain from taking this course? Has anything you learned anything potentially made you think about opportunities in cybersecurity you may have not before?

Discussion 12

Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 70-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer. The discussion questions this week are from Chapter’s 12-13  

(Jamsa, 2013).

Chapter 12 topics:

  • Discuss key items that should be included in an SLA.
  • Define predictive analytics and discuss how an IT manager might use such analytics.
  • Discuss how an IT manager might use load testing on a site.
  • Define and discuss vendor lock-in and identify steps a company should take to mitigate this risk.
  • With respect to cloud-based solutions, list and discuss 5 to 10 operations or tasks an IT manager should oversee.

Chapter 13 topics:

  • List and describe common system requirements one should consider before moving an application to the cloud.
  • Discuss why a company should consider using a consultant to oversee a cloud migration and list specific skills you would expect the consultant to have.
  • List and discuss resource utilization characteristics one should monitor for an application prior to moving the application to the cloud.
  • List possible training requirements for an SaaS solution integration, a PaaS application migration, and an IaaS application migration.
  • List and describe budget considerations one should evaluate before moving an application to the cloud.
  • List and describe IT governance considerations one should evaluate before moving an application to the cloud.
  • Define and describe cloud bursting.

NOTE: You are required to use at least two-peer reviewed sources (besides your textbook) to answer the above questions.  


When law enforcement becomes involved, the need may arise to freeze systems as part of the evidence. There is also the likelihood that the incident will become known publicly. Do you think these issues play a significant part in the decision to involve law enforcement? Why or why not? Can you name some situations in which you believe that large organizations have decided not to involve law enforcement?

Assignment should follow all APA rules and include a min. of (1) citation/reference.

Assignment on Cloud computing.

Minimum 900 words total excluding apa formatting:

1. Describe how cloud based data storage works

2. List the pros and cons of cloud based data storage

3. List the pros and cons of cloud based database