Team managment assignment 2

Using the Internet, each member of your team should read at least One academically reviewed articles on Team designing. Summarize the articles in 300 words or more. Provide appropriate reference. 

Essay Questions


  • Review the strategic integration section.  Note what strategic integration is and how it ties to the implementation of technology within an organization.
  • Review the information technology roles and responsibilities section.  Note how IT is divided based on operations and why this is important to understand within an organization.

HomeWork Paper

Discuss how information is classified and how it can be used in a competitive situation.

Length, 2 – 3 pages.

All paper are written in APA formatting, include title and references pages (not counted). Must use at least two references and citations.

Please reference the rubric for grading.

All paper are checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign, you can review your score.

Please use the attached APA template to get started.

E-Mail Forensics

 Explain the concept of information stores. Why is an understanding of how different clients store messaging information critical to the success of an email search? 

Security Arc

 Question A

  • If you were given a set of vulnerabilities how would you prioritize remediating them?

Question B

Each week, research a unique news story or article related to Information Security/Information Technology. Post a summary of what you learned to the discussion thread, please also provide a link to the original article. Source is your choice; however please fully cite your source.

APA format.500 words with references

computer science


using C++ program

Purpose: using 2-dimensional Array and template functions to Add, subtract and multiply two matrices.


      Note: all functions must be written with template format

  1. Write one function for header

Header looks like:

Matrix operation:

Select A/a to add two matrices

Select S/s to subtract two matrices

Select M/m to multiply two matrices

Select T/t to select all types

  1. Write a function to ask the user for number of rows and columns for matrix A and/or matrix B
  2. Write a function to read data into an Array for matrix A
  3. Write a function to read data in an Array of matrix B
  4. Write a function to add two matrices
  5. Write a function to subtract to matrices
  6. Write a function to multiply two matrices ( use the one provided for you)
  7. In main () provide a switch and case statements to call those functions.

          The project is for a 2 dimensional and 3 X 3 data

submit your topic and references

In this assignment, submit your topic and references, in APA format of preliminary references that you will use when completing your final semester research paper.

Discussion posts will include:

Part I:

  1. Create a
  2. Provide the title of your term paper (note: you may change the wording in the official title in the final version however, you cannot change the topic once you select one)
  3. Include an introduction on the topic
  4. A minimum of 3-5 references in proper APA format

Part II.

  1. Review and respond to at least 2 other students on topics that you might find interesting.  Let the student know you find his/her topic an excellent choice. Also provide constructive critique if you find another student’s topic is too broad or off-scope.

EH week8 DB


i need this paper by 10/14 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

Keystroke logging, often referred to as keylogging or keyboard capturing, is the action of recording (logging) the keys struck on a keyboard, typically covertly, so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored. Explain a situation where using a keyloggers may be used in either a legitimate (legal) way or used as a tool for criminals.

300 words.

Make sure Strictly No plagiarism content should not match and even the reference should not match in plagiarism 

Wireless Network,,


Quality of Service (QoS) is significant because it allows the user to prioritize tasks completed over a wireless network. When working with wireless networks, you must consider what is important when designing QoS. In this assignment, students will gain experience on how to conduct QoS in a wireless network. Refer to the topic readings, as well as your own additional research on QoS, for successful completion of this assignment. 

All Case Studies

Directions: Refer back to the Design Document. Complete the “QoS Requirements” section. Consider the following:

1. Include a plan for QoS.

· A plan for IP wireless phones.

· Plan for devices accessing applications.

2. Devices connecting to application databases.

· Why are devices connecting to an application database important?

· What kind of problems can be caused by losing the connection to the database?

3. A method to determine the QoS for each of the applications.

· Is there anything needed for different devices/applications vs. IP wireless phones?