Big Data and Cloud Computing

Week 4 Research Paper: Big Data and the Internet of Things

The recent advances in information and communication technology (ICT) has promoted the evolution of conventional computer-aided manufacturing industry to smart data-driven manufacturing. Data analytics in massive manufacturing data can extract huge business values while it can also result in research challenges due to the heterogeneous data types, enormous volume and real-time velocity of manufacturing data.

For this assignment, you are required to research the benefits as well as the challenges associated with Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing Internet of Things.

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

PowerPoint presentation


Review the guidelines on the attached file then prepare a PowerPoint presentation on one of the topics below. Use the material located in the GO! with Computer Concepts textbook as well as searching online for information. Save your file as Your Name Midterm Exam.

1. Cloud Computing or One Drive: Either provide an overview of cloud computing or provide steps illustrating how to use your campus-provided OneDrive account.

2. Microsoft Sway.

3. Web versus Internet: Explain the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet.

4. Computer technology jobs: Provide an overview of the types of career opportunities available within the field of computer technology.

5. Explain some of the basic concepts associated with building a Website.

6. The history of computers.

7. The evolution of smartphone technology.

8. Present the main features and concepts associated with a Windows 10 operating system.

9. Differentiate between a server and a client in a network setting.

10. Explain how a computer’s various hardware components work, both independently and together.

11. Digital security risks associated with viruses and other malware.

12. How society uses technology in education, government, health care, publishing, manufacturing, or business (choose 1).

13. Describe the relationship among the web, webpages, websites, and web servers.

14. Differentiate between an operating system and applications.

                           You must adhere to the following criteria:

· Review the attached Do’s and Don’ts file

· The presentation must contain a minimum of eight slides to include a title slide, at least six content slides, and a summary slide at the end

· Create an appropriate title on the title slide for the presentation, include your name, course title, and midterm exam

· Apply an appropriate theme to the presentation

· Use slide layouts that will effectively present the content

· Keep in mind the 7 x 7 rule: use a maximum of seven lines of text per slide and not more than seven words per line

· Modify text alignment and line spacing as necessary

· Include at least two pictures/clip art in the presentation; apply a picture style or picture effect to each picture

· Apply a picture to one slide background OR make another format background change to the one slide

· Include at least one shape object; apply styles

· Include WordArt on at least one slide

· Include a SmartArt Graphic on at least one slide

· Animate text or object on at least one slide

· Add a footer to all slides except for the title slide that includes page numbers and your first and last name

· Apply a slide transition to all slides

· Save the presentation as “Your Name Midterm Exam.” 

· Upload the file via the link in Blackboard for grading.

Presentation power point.

Hide Folder InformationTurnitin®Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.Instructions

Pick one of the below operating systems and present information on the operating systems, and your thoughts comparing the selected operating system with other systems.

  • Windows 
  • Linux 
  • Unix
  • Android
  • iOS

Due DateOct 22.

Only seroious bidder.
Must be Computer Science Major to do this task.

1 page in APA 6th Format on BlockChain

1 page in APA 6th Format on BlockChain on the below points.

1. In chapter 2, the author describes Hyperledger Fabric and its components. Create a new thread, choose one of the Hyperledger design principles described in chapter 2, and explain why your chosen design principle is important to a successful enterprise blockchain implementation. I’m interested to read what YOU learned from this week’s reading. Do NOT submit a research paper. Tell me what you think.

2. Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. 

security architecture 11


Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references 600 words .

One of the big challenges with cloud-based reputation checks is performance. Users do not typically want to wait a few seconds while the reputation of potential URLs is checked. Most of us have come to expect that websites are at the immediate tips of our fingers and that access and loading of the content should take place rapidly and immediately. This presents a tricky security problem. Since the reputation service exists in the cloud, the challenge can be summed up as, “How can a reputation be securely retrieved without slowing Web access down so much as to create a poor user experience?”

Python coding


We are producing two types of products, product A and product B. Product A is defective if the weight is greater than 10 lbs. Product B is defective if the weight is greater than 15 lbs. For a given product, we know its product_type and its weight. Design a program to screen out defective products. Starting the program with variable definition:

product_type = ‘xxx’

weight = xxx

Hint: You need to figure out the product type first, and then check if the product is defective based on the weight. You may use a nested if statement like the following:

if product is A:

if product weight > 10:

the product is defective


if product weight >15:

the product is defective

But you need to translate the English into Python codes. 

As a challenge, you may also try a one-step if statement. such as :

if some condition is met:

the product is defective


the product is normal

And the key is the bolded “some condition”.

Just need my worked checked

I need my SQL assignment looked over. I’m currently using MS management studio


1. List the employee whose employee number is 100.

Select * from Employee where employee_Num=100;

2.  List the Employee whose salary is between 50 K to 100k.

Select * from Employee where salary between 50000 and 100000;

Select * from Employee where salary >= 50000 and salary <= 100000;

3.  List the Employees whose name starts with ‘Ami’.

Select * from Employees where name like ‘Ami%’;

4. List the Employees whose name starts with A and surname starts with S.

Select * from Employees where name like ‘A%’ and surname like ‘S%’;

5.  List the Employees whos surname contains kar word.

Select * from Employees where  surname like ‘%kar%’;

6.  List the Employees whose name starts with P,B,R characters.

Select * from Employees where name like ‘[PBR]%’;

7. List the Employees whose name not starts with P,B,R characters.

Not Operator Symbol

Select * from Employees where name like ‘[!PBR]%’;

Not Operator

Select * from Employees where name not like ‘[PBR]%’;

8. Write a query to fetch first record from Employee table?

Select * from Employees where rownum=1;

9. Write a query to fetch the last record from Employees table?

Select * from Employees where rowid = select max(rowid) from Employee; 

10. Write a query to find the 2nd highest salary of Employees using Self Join

Select * from Employees a where 2 = select count (distinct salary) from Employee where a.salary <= b.salary;

11. Write a query to display odd rows from the Employees table 

Select * from(select rownum as rno,E.*from Employees E) where Mod(rno,2)=1;

12. Write a query to display even rows from the Employees table 

Select * from(Select rownum as rno,E.* from Employees) where Mod(rno,2)=0;

13. Write a query to show the max salary and min salary together form Employees table

Select max (salary) from Employees


Select min (salary) from Employees;

14. Write a query to fetch all the record from Employee whose joining year is 2018 

Select * from Employees where substr(convert(varchar,joining_date, 103),7,4)= ’2018′

15. Write a SQL Query to find maximum salary of each department 

Select Dept_id,max(salary) from Employees group by Dept_id;

16. Write a query to find all Employees and their managers (Consider there is manager id also in Employee table). 

Select e.employee_name,m.employee name from Employees e,Employees m where e.Employee_id=m.Manager_id;

17. Write a query to display 3 to 7 records from Employee table 

Select * from (Select rownum as ‘No_of_Row’,E.* from Employee E)

18. Write a query to fetch common records from two different tables Employees and Employees1 which has not any joining conditions 

Select * from Employees 


Select * from Employees1;

19. Write a query to validate Email of Employee 





Where NOT REGEXP_LIKE(Email, ‘[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}’, ‘i’);

20. Write a query to remove duplicate rows from Employees table 

Select Employee_No FROM Employees WHERE ROWID < >

(Select max (rowid) form Employees b where Employee_No =b.Employee_No);



Assessment  002 R Analysis and Report (maximum 3000 words)

In this assignment you are going to simulate data from an area chosen by yourself. It can be cyber related, healthcare, industrial, financial/credit card fraud, commerce – anything. However, run your ideas past me first before diving in. If you recall from the dplyr tutorials we were able to simulate small amounts of data based on several dataframes. We then linked the data we required using join() commands, etc. We then obtained summaries of the data and could use ggplot2 to highlight trends, etc.  

  1. Carefully, choose your domain. Give a rationale for simulating it.
  2. Define your data frames, generate them using sample_n and/or other commands. There is a package called charlatan you may find useful for generating personal names and other values. About 4-5 dataframes will suffice.
  3. Think about seeding trends and patterns in your simulated data that you can “detect” later.
  4. Use dplyr to extract the columns you need from the dataframes.
  5. Use some sort of analysis such as summaries to get statistics on your data. Break it down by a category variable such as e.g. time, gender, fraudulent V normal, etc.
  6. In the write-up, I will expect to see an introduction section, methods, and then sections for Simulation of data and transforming data, Analysis of data; marks for plots should of course be in the Analysis section.

Part 1: Analysis of the Data (70 marks)

You will need to develop R code to support your analysis, use dplyr where possible to get the numeric answers. Regarding ggplot2, be careful as to what type of plot you use and how you use them as you have many records and want the charts to be readable. You should place the R code in an appendix at back of the report (it will not add to word count).  Section each piece of code with # comments and screenshots of outputs.

  • Simulation of data (20 marks)
  • Transforming data (10 marks)
  • Analysis of data and plots (20 marks)
  • Write-up of the data analysis (similar format of my R tutorials) (20 marks)

Part 2: Scale-up Report (30 marks)

The second part will involve writing a report. Now assuming your Part 1 was an initial study for your organisation, what are the issues when you scale it up and start using it in practice?

  • Discussion of Cyber security, big data issues, and GDPR issues (20 marks)
  • Structure of report, neatness, references. Applies to both Part 1 and Part 2 (10 marks)

Penalties: Do not go over word limit of 3,000 (other than ±10%) as loss of marks will occur according to the university guidance on penalties.

Output: Submit PDF electronic copy to Canvas before the deadline, along with a file containing your R code. The data should be generated from the R code, so do not submit any data.

Making Web Analytics Actionable (300 words minimum)


Discussion Points:

Benchmarking and setting goals are very important in driving action; it encompasses getting inside the mind of the customer you are trying to reach. Dealing with human beings as you know can be difficult there are so many variables to consider. 

Discuss the importance of Benchmarking and Setting Goals. Include your understanding of Internal and External Benchmarking.


***Chapter 11 pages 263 –296 and Chapter 12 pages 297-347 (“Web Analytics an Hour a Day” by Avinash Kaushik) will be most help full.