Data Quality and Security

Data Quality and Security

The reading in the text provides two key reasons for poor data quality, “the rush to install new systems and the failure to take an integrated view of the organization’s data” (p. 109). Data security breaches seem to occur every other day, and as discussed in the Week Three lecture, there are serious implications for organizations that do not take the necessary measures to ensure data security. Include the following elements in your paper supporting your statements using the required sources for this assignment.

Analyze the role of data in information systems for business and describe the risks that can arise from poor data quality.

Explain the challenges that can result from poor data quality. Provide an example of the results of poor data quality from your own personal or professional experience.

Explain at least two methods of how organizations can ensure good data including the structure and applications necessary.

Analyze the risks of poor data security.

Research an article in the popular media that covers a recent data breach. Explain the impact of the data security breach on the organization and its leaders using evidence from your article.

Explain the role of data governance in keeping data secure.

The Data Quality and Security Paper

Must be two to three double-spaced pages (600-900 words) in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style 

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least two credible sources in addition to the course text.

Virtual Communication

Respond to both prompts:

In recent days, most communication (business interactions, coursework, spiritual communities. etc.) has become computer-mediated  How has this changed your daily life? How might relationships be affected over time? How might our culture change? Advantages? Disadvantages?

View “5 Tips for Delivering Zoom Presentations Like a Pro” How can you apply these suggestions to your presentations in class and at work?


 The readings this week expand on investigation and of digital forensic analysis and investigations. Organizations, especially those in the public, health and educational areas are bound by legal and statutory requirements to protect data and private information, therefore digital forensics analysis will be very beneficial when security breaches do occur. Using this weeks readings and your own research, discuss digital forensics and how it could be used in a risk management program. 


Attached is the document contains the question. Include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations). The assignment is one page in length. 


For this assignment, you are to construct a visual story of yourself, through information.

You have a lot of leeway with this assignment, but I want you to come up with an interesting and informative way to tell someone something about yourself, or to somehow track a particular characteristic or event. What is important, what is not? How does it relate to other things? If you can describe yourself in a paragraph, how would you describe yourself in a visual? Can you pick out a little piece of your experience of life and use graphical structure to tell this story, and even learn from it?

Think of this as building something like a resumé (meaning: “summary”) or curriculum vitae (“story of life”), but constructed through graphical structures rather than words, and topically about something broader than your skills and job history. This visual should investigate and show something about yourself that is interesting, unique, and perhaps quirky.

You can, and likely will, choose to concentrate on a particular area or subset of yourself rather than trying to incorporate everything, but you should try to make a coherent point, statement, or story with this visual. Incorporate as much or as little as you want.

This visual can be based on real data, if you have it, or it can be based on pseudo-data — approximations and an organizational sense, even if there is not true “data” to back it up. The point is rather to come up with a way to visually arrange, organize, and communicate.

You can choose to organize your graphic through some mechanism of time, space, flow, connection, overlap, impact, interest, happiness, …

C++ code


Please Upload a source code file for this assignment. Explain your program appropriately using comments the source code.

Check the attached files of “OS Security II,”  for further details of assignment. You are to implement a Dictionary Attack with and without Password Salt program in either C++ or Python.

If you are not familiar with measuring execution time in C++, see the following website:

If you are not familiar with measuring execution time in Python, see the following website:

See the following steps.

1. Accept a user password of length N as keyboard input to your program. You can determine your own length N.

2. Compute the hash of the password from step 1.

Your hash function H() is simply the checksum. (See Assignment 2)

3. Now you become an attacker and try to find the password of length N.

Try every combination of length N password and for each combination, compute the hash and compare to the hash of the password from step 2.

Measure execution time.

4. Now let’s reinforce our password using the password salt. Accept an arbitrary non-negative integer number as keyboard input to your program.

5. Compute the hash of the concatenated password salt and password from step 4 and step 1. To compute the password salt portion of the checksum, you can treat the entire password salt as EITHER a single integer OR multiple one-byte integers.

6. Now you become an attacker and try to find the concatenated password salt and password.

Try every combination of an arbitrary non-negative integer number and length N password and for each combination, compute the hash and compare to the hash from step 5.

Measure execution time.

NOTE: your program should have separate functions for the checksum and the two dictionary attacks with and without the password salt by the attacker.