Data Warehousing


We live in a world of data,  perhaps too much data. Organizations continue to store data  indefinitely. In fact, about 90% of the data stored on todays databases  is deemed worthless within 3 months. Think about your email. How often  do you ever go back to an email from six months ago. But you still keep  it for what? How should organizations government personal data in a data  warehouse? What are some best practices you might suggest to your  organization if you were the CIO to ensure that the data in the system  was maintained properly?


  • This is a required assignment, worth 15 points. The assignment  must be submitted by the due date. Late assignment are not allowed. 
  • You are required to submit a minimum of two postings. Points will be deducted for not fulfilling this minimum requirement.
  • Apply and use the basic citation styles of APA is required. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.
  • Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of  others. Use in-text citation and list the reference of your supporting  source following APA’s style and formatting. Points are deducted per the  rubric for this behavior.
  • Do not copy and paste information or concepts from the Internet  and claim that is your work. It will be considered Plagiarism and you  will receive zero for your work. A second offense results in a zero for  the course. A third is termination from the university.

Week 5 project


Putting It All Together

This assignment has 3 parts. Be sure to check off each one so you know that you accomplished it. You will be creating a personal résumé in Microsoft Word, and a PowerPoint presentation, and then zipping these files with your Excel spreadsheet that you created for the Week 4 Project into a compressed folder (a .zip file) to upload to the Week 5 Project submission area.

Create your résumé for when you are about to graduate from your program of Psychology. Don’t limit yourself to experiences and achievements you have today; you may add experiences and achievements you expect to have by the time you graduate. Later, you can keep adding skills and experiences to your résumé as you complete classes, gain more job experience, or change jobs.

Tip: You learned about tables in Week 2. Tables are great for creating résumés. Most of the time borders are turned off on the tables after the résumé is created although sometimes a top or bottom border is turned on to separate categories. However, the easiest way to create your résumé is to use a Word résumé template.

Click on the link below, Week 5 Project Tips, for some visual aids on how to tackle this week’s project.

Week 5 Project Tips

Part I: The Resume

Create your résumé based on the following criteria in Microsoft Word and save it as W5P_Resume_LastName.docx. Remember that the program will automatically add the extension of .docx.

  1. Ensure that the résumé was logically laid out and easily understood
  2. Create categories: create distinct separation and identification of important line-item job skills and experiences using bullets or numbers with appropriate application.
  3. Have content separation: provide a distinguishing feature that separates one line or paragraph from the others.
  4. Modify text: modify default typeface in one line or section and modify the default color or style of a line or section.
  5. Modify text size: modify the default typeface size by changing the points in at least one line on the page
  6. Create an overall professional look to your résumé.
  7. Include a header with your name and include page numbers. In reality, you would only do this if your résumé was more than one page, but you are demonstrating your skills in this document.

Part II: The PowerPoint

Create a new PowerPoint presentation and save it with the file name of W5D_Presentation_LastName.pptx.

  1. Choose a slide design that suits you. On your first slide, include a title of your choosing to introduce yourself. In the subheading, include the course number, your name, and the date.
  2. Create five slides where you can share your hobbies, interesting times in your life, or just different things about you. You should not include any personal information such as your address, social security number, student ID, or anything sensitive that you would not share publicly. Make sure that whatever you share is classroom appropriate.
  3. Create one slide that will be an “invitation” to your graduation party. Identify the who, what, when, where, and why of the party details. Include appropriate graphics and text formatting to make your invitation appealing.

All slides should be formatted creatively and appropriately.

Part III: The Zip Folder

Create a new folder called W5P_LastName. Put your résumé Word file, your PowerPoint file, and your Excel file from Week 4 Project into this folder and “zip” the folder following directions below to upload one file as your Week 5 Project submission. In the Comments box, briefly share your experiences with completing this project.

This is a handy way to treat multiple files. Once uploaded, be sure to download and unzip your folder to make sure that it contains exactly what you want in it. Sometimes in a rush, students upload empty folders and lose one-fourth of their grade for the class. Don’t let this mistake happen to you!

* To zip the folder on a PC:

  • Right-click on the main folder (W5P_LastName).
  • From the drop-down menu select Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder
  • Attach the resulting ZIP file to your response in the classroom.

* To zip the folder on a MAC:

  • Right-click on the main folder (W5P_LastName).
  • From the drop-down menu select Compress.
  • Attach the resulting ZIP file to your response in the classroom.


Reflect on what you have gained from taking this course.

Write a short statement of 200 words that completes and explains the following sentence.

“One of the most important Cybersecurity learnings I am taking away from this  fundamentals of Cybersecurity course is…

Plagiarism report for document prepared

Requested help for my final project paper. But document prepared by writer was fully copied by another source. I was totally disappointed and it reflects on my grades. I reworked again to complete my project.

I lost my trust. Waste of time and money to deal


You are the web master for the Republican Party National Committee. Prepare a risk assessment analysis for your website. Some questions to consider:

  • Who is likely to attack your site?
  • When are attacks likely to occur?
  • What sort of attacks might take place?
  • How can you best minimize attacks and protect the integrity of your site?

Write between 200-300 words


Some of the different cybercrime such as Computer:

550 words

Crime, Internet, Telecommunication, Piracy,  Identity theft, Cyberspace, Denial of service attack, Spam, Zombie computer.  Select  one area of Cybercrime and discuss how to develop a security policy and various security and privacy regulations. Internet-related crime occurs every minute. Cybercriminals steal millions of dollars with near impunity. For everyone that is captured nearly 10,000 or not captured. For every one successful prosecuted in a court of law, 100 get off without punishment or with a warning. Why is it so difficult to prosecute cybercriminals?

mad discussion


The required article readings this week give a good discussion and look at some of the frameworks that are used to manage risk within organizations and enterprises. One of the readings this week provided an introduction and comparison of different frameworks. As with anything, there are going to be strengths and weaknesses to all approaches.

For your week 3 research paper, please address the following in a properly formatted research paper:

  • Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization.
  • Are there other frameworks mentioned has been discussed in the article that might be more effective?
  • Has any other research you uncover suggest there are better frameworks to use for addressing risks?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Strategic IT Plan


Strategic IT Planning: Your 3-Step Process


Strategic IT Planning is required to ensure your resources and assets continue providing the results and the support your organization needs.

What is a Strategic Plan?

It is a roadmap to achieving a goal. It may cover your entire department or responsibility or it may focus on a specific issue or element of your role. It can be long and involved or a simply one-page document that provides guidance and steps you need to implement to achieve a goal.

Making it Happen

There are a few things that are important to your success. While it may seem that developing the Strategic Plan is the hardest part, most plans fail because of the implementation. The key is to keep it small and be successful, then build on that success for the next initiative. Don’t bite off too much or try to be too ambitious.

• Take your time and keep it manageable

• Link your plan to your company’s strategy

• Justify your initiative and get buy-in and support

• Don’t re-invent, rebuild

• Go slow, manage change

• Set aside time from your operational responsibilities to make it happen

Without a Strategic Plan, you and your team won’t be effective and you won’t be able to get results, get attention and get ahead.

Why you need an IT Strategy:

Redirect from tasks to opportunities and result

• Switch from fighting fires to preventing fires

• Reduce risk with planning and a longer view

Most Strategic Plans never get written or they fail because they are too involved and complex. Keep them simple and use these three basic steps as your core approach. Ask yourself these questions:

1. Why do you need to do it? What is your goal?

2. What are the things you need to get done to achieve your goal?

3.  How can you make those things happen?

By following the 3 steps above and writing them down, you will have the outline of your Strategic IT Plan. Then, you establish the tactical things that will help you implement your plan.

Implementation Plan

Once you have established your strategic plan using the 3-step process, you need to develop your implementation plan. This includes getting approval and resources as well as the steps you need to take to achieve your strategic objective.

1. Set the objective for each step

2. Analyze internal/external factors

3. Develop solutions

4. Identify and eliminate barriers

5. Allocate resources (people, time, money)

6. Develop detailed tasks

7. Implement your plan!

Step Implementation

What Are The Roadblocks?

How Can You Overcome The Roadblocks?

What Resources Do You Need?

What Are The Timelines?

What Are The Main Steps To Implement Your Plan?

Penetration Testing


Do a bit of research on penetration testing techniques. Investigate and document the following

  • Five network penetration testing techniques
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each
  • One notable social engineering test
  • Possible negative implications of penetration tesing

Please write between 200 and 300 words

Need Response 2 to below discussion

Please read the below discussion posts and provide the response in 75 to 100 words



A cloud SLA (cloud service-level agreement) is an agreement between a cloud service provider and a customer that ensures a minimum level of service is maintained. The SLA should include not only an outline of the services to be provided and their expected service levels, but also metrics by which the services are measured, the duties and responsibilities of every party, the remedies or penalties for breach, and a protocol for adding and removing metrics. Now we have discussed 5 features of cloud SLA. “Based  on  policy  guidance,  autonomic  system  keep  the  system stable  in  unpredictable  conditions  and  adapt  quickly  in  new environmental  conditions  like  software,  hardware  failures” (Singh, Chana, & Buyya, 2017).

Uptime: Some cloud providers will offer lower uptime than what they can actually achieve just to give themselves some breathing space in the event of a data incident. This may be adequate for some businesses that can handle a brief loss in productivity, but for healthcare providers and government agencies that need immediate access to data, it is still considered inadequate (Zhao,, 2016).

 Data Protection: Data protection processes, such as backup and disaster recovery, should be addressed in any SLA. The agreement should detail what each party is responsible for, acceptable performance parameters, which applications and services are covered, monitoring procedures and a schedule for remediation of outages whether by power outage, natural disaster, human error, or malware.

Exporting Data: Some cloud providers make it easy to migrate your data into their cloud, but charge large sums of money to return it to you—or they return it to you in an unusable format (we call this the Hotel California effect). So, you want to be sure you’re able to exit the contract if you need to and that there are no fees associated with doing so (or that they are minimal). You should also negotiate the export of your data in a predefined format (CSV, XLS, XML etc.). If you don’t have a skilled IT team that can make the export easy, you might also make it a condition that the provider assists you in the export. Finally, because some contracts require a notice of non-renewal within a certain period, make sure you understand the time period and if it seems unreasonable, try to talk it down or eliminate it altogether. “One of the main green cloud computing strategies used for the reduction of energy consumption consists in maximizing the utilization of a number of physical machines (PMs) and turning off or suspending unused servers” (Malekloo,, et. al.,2018).

Scalability: Many SLAs are designed to meet the needs of the customer at the time of signing, but we all know organizations can change dramatically in size over time. Make sure the SLA details intervals for reviewing a contract so that if your organization grows larger, your cloud capacity can grow with it and if your organization happens to grow smaller, you’ll want the option to reduce capacity; no sense it paying for unused capacity.

Data Location: Although cloud computing is all about the ease of accessing your data anytime, anywhere, it’s ultimately housed somewhere. Some providers may scatter your data across multiple locations, or house it overseas. Knowing where data physically resides is key when it comes to matters of compliance. “A Service Level Agreement (SLA) can be used to address these concerns, increasing trust in the purchased services through the clear description of the guarantees offered by the provider to the subscribers” (De Carvalho, et. al., 2017).



The agreement entered between the cloud service provider companies and the client or the user of the clouding service is cloud service level agreement (SLA). This is a type of a commitment that is signed between the service provider companies and the users of the clouding services. The agreement defines the different aspects of the services and responsibilities that are agreed on mutually between the service user and the service provider. It can between two or more parties. The agreement happened between the parties has many components which are defined from starting of the service till the termination of the agreement. Service level agreements helps in proper monitoring of the services in cloud computing. These define the quality of the service the company must provide to the customers till the end of the service agreement.

SLA is responsible for setting the security system required for management of the clouding space and free from intruders and vulnerabilities and also explains well about the backup plan the company has already set to prevent the data loss of any of the customers for the failure of the performances. There are many challenges associated with the clouding services which both provider and user face. SLA defines the terms and conditions which are agreed upon by both the parties for provisioning and consuming of the clouding service. SLA clearly defines and sets the expectations for both the parties. For the purpose of the development of an effective SLA, there are certain criteria which are needed to be established between both the provider and the user of the service. “Although there are many energy-aware resource management solutions for Cloud data centers, existing approaches focus on minimizing energy consumption while ignoring the SLA violation at the time of virtual machine (VM) deployment” (Zhou, 2018).

1) Cloud hardware and software: the cloud service provider must use all the essential hardware and the software devices required for providing the services effectively to the customers potentially. The agreement must include the hardware devices that the company would be using to provide the services. When the company knows the equipments and the software specifications of the hardware devices then it becomes easy for the providers to build the cloud construction environment and teach staff about it. “Resource overbooking is one way to reduce the usage of active hosts and networks by placing more requests to the same amount of resources” (Son, 2017).

2) Customer Responsibility: the clouding responsibility is not solely hold by the provider companies but it is shared between the user and the provider both. The provider companies should well explain about the roles and responsibilities of the users before entering into an agreement.

3) Disaster recovery and backup: the service provider companies should be well equipped with a disaster recovery plan so that there is not any kind of data loss of any customer. The system must be updated with automatic backup technology and must be mentioned about its use and blueprint into the agreement. This will make the user satisfied about the data saved in the clouding space provided by the service provider companies.

4) Data Ownership: the service level agreement must clearly specify the ownership status of the data to make everything clear and transparent between the user and the service provider and avoid any kind of future conflicts.

5) Availability: the service level agreement must clearly specify the provider’s promised availabilities. The network and the service must be same throughout the agreement and must not break in between the agreement. The promises made should be accomplished upto 99.99% successfully. “As SLAs are critical for cloud deployments and wider adoption of cloud services, the management of SLAs in cloud and IoT has thus become an important and essential aspect” (Mubeen, 2017).