Python Coding


Discussion Points:

Explore the “for loop” and the “while loop”. 
1. Explain when to use these different types of loops.
2. How do you include a ‘loop’ structure programming in Python?
3. How do you control a loop?

4. Provide sample code to demonstrate loops

please answer the following questions with a total of over 250 words



there are several benefits as well as challenges associated with the use of Big Data Analytics in the e-Healthcare industry. Pick one of the four concepts below and then identify the benefits and challenges associated with that concept. Do not simply list the benefits and challenges but detail them in a substantive, thorough post as it relates to that concept in the e-healthcare industry.

  • Data Gathering
  • Storage and Integration
  • Data Analysis
  • Knowledge Discovery and Information Interpretation

operational excellence


In 750-1000 words, identify and explain the five steps of forecasting, and then come up with an original example taken from your own professional experiences to illustrate these steps. Your response must be original. You must incorporate at least three reliable sources, both as references and corresponding in-text citations. APA format is expected.

Question 2:
In 750-1000 words, explain qualitative and quantitative forecasting, and then come up with an original example of each taken from your own professional experiences to illustrate these two forecasting types. Your response must be original. You must incorporate at least three reliable sources, both as references and corresponding in-text citations. APA format is expected.

Question 3:
In 750-1000 words, identify and explain the types of data patterns, and then come up with an original example of each (strive to make it based on your own professional experiences) to illustrate each data pattern type. Your response must be original. You must incorporate at least three reliable sources, both as references and corresponding in-text citations. APA format is expected.

CC Week 8 D

 Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 50-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer.  The discussion questions this week are from Chapter 9  (Jamsa, 2013).

Chapter 9 topics:

  • List the security advantages of cloud-based solutions.
  • List the security disadvantages of cloud-based solutions.
  • Define and discuss the data wiping process.
  • Discuss how a cloud-based solution provider may reduce the risk of a DDoS attack.
  • Define and discuss hyperjacking attacks.
  • Define and discuss guest-hopping attacks.

NOTE: You are required to use at least two-peer reviewed sources (besides your textbook) to answer the above questions.   

5s week 7 assignment BS

In 300 words,

Use the Web to search for methods to prevent XSS attacks.

Write a brief description of more than one method.

Use your own words and supply references.

Include references, no copy-paste.

Organization leader and decision making

This week’s journal article was focused on the Complexity of Information Systems Research in the Digital World.  Complexity is increasing as new technologies are emerging every day.  This complexity impacts human experiences.  Organizations are turning to digitally enabled solutions to assist with the emergence of digitalization. Please review the article and define the various technologies that are emerging as noted in the article.  Note how these emerging technologies are impacting organizations and what organizations can to do to reduce the burden of digitalization.Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research.  Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed.  The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise.  Headings should be used to transition thoughts.  Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

Project Assignment:


Write a 6-8 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

  • Why are organizations interested in fostering good business ethics?
  • What approach can you take to ensure ethical decision making?
  • What trends have increased the risk of using information technology in an unethical manner?

Provide three articles to substantiate the above three questions.

Using the APA format provide a citation for each of the articles you read

Suggestion: Use a search engine (Google) and keywords