Information Security and Risk Management


1.Discuss why a computer incident response team (CIRT) plan is needed, and its purpose.

2.Why are the roles and responsibilities important to be listed and kept updated for a CIRT plan.

3.Connect the dots: Discuss your understanding of the CIRT incident  handling procedures, the role policies play, and the importance of  communication escalation procedures.

4.What are some best practices for implementing a CIRT plan? Do some personal research to answer this questions.

java codes

I attched 2 files. 1- has questions 2- codes and method to answers the questions just change the information to use my information like my name and ID number ,and my age 30 years old.  

mid term 10 questions


A researcher wanted to know if there was a significant difference in cyber security breaches between cities on two different continents.  What test should he conduct to determine if there is a significant difference in cyber security breaches between the continents?  Write up the results and determine what do the results mean? 

Here is the data set:














bitcoin economics research paper

 Bitcoin Economics.  For this week’s research paper, search the Internet and explain why some organizations are accepting and other organizations are rejecting the use of Bitcoins as a standard form of currency.  Your paper needs to identify two major companies that have adopted Bitcoin technology as well as one that has refused accepting Bitcoin as a form of currency. Be sure to discuss each organization, how they adopted (or why they won’t adopt) Bitcoin, and what recommendations you have for them to continue to support Bitcoin (or why they should support Bitcoin). 

5 pages , APA format, 3 scholar references

discussion 10/16

 discuss the challenges of writing the recovery plan from the perspective of your current or previous employer’s work environment.   

 400 words.

Windows Server Project

Looking to get some assistance with this assignment.


There are specific requirements for the assignment: The final submission should contain at least 6 pages worth of text written by the student (not counting title page, images, diagrams, tables, or quotations), but may be longer, not to exceed approximately 10 pages worth of student-supplied text. (With the required diagram, and other images, title page, etc., the final submission may end up being more than 10 pages in length.) It must be double-spaced, have 1-inch margins, and use 12-point Times New Roman or 10-point Arial/Helvetica font. A title page is required; APA format for the title page is optional.

· At least one diagram must be included (not counted towards the minimum length described above); this could be a diagram describing Active Directory components, DHCP/DNS design, file share hierarchy, or anything else that is worth displaying graphically to enhance the reader’s understanding of the proposal. Additional diagrams, images, or tables are welcome.

· The submission must cover all of the 6 major topics outlined above. Each choice should be explained with technical and business reasoning. The solution should be reasonably detailed. Additional topics may be covered as desired.

· The structure of the final submission is flexible. There is no specific format required, although it should be organized logically and represent a single, unified solution. It is likely that the format will include separate sections for each of the 6 topics required, as well as a summary.

· At least two non-textbook, non-LabSim, non-Wikipedia reference is required; preferably, this would be a “best practice” guide or similar content from Microsoft or an experienced provider of Microsoft solutions.

Be sure to properly quote or cite any sources used. APA format is required for in-text citations and the list of works cited at the end. 

700words: Effective leadership

Refer to the attachment:

1. How do geographically dispersed teams collaborate effectively?

2. Please find at least three tools on the market that teams can use to collaborate on a geographically dispersed team.  Please note the pros and cons of each tool. 

3. Based on the research above, note which tool you would select if you were managing the geographically dispersed team and why.


 Evaluate the history of cryptography from its origins.  Analyze how cryptography was used and describe how it grew within history.  

3 pages, APA, No PLagarism