Information System for Business


Chapter 2 – Study Questions 1-10, Exercise 2, Lab 2 (Information Systems for Business and Beyond) Submit the above homework in one document. 



Chapter 2 Paper: Discuss why the IT organizational structure is an important concept to understand.  Also, discuss the role of IT in the overall business strategy. (Information Technology and Organizational Learning Textbook)

The above submission should be one page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

**Remember the page length does not include the APA cover page or any references**  

Please find the below link for textbook reference: 

Chapter 2: Hardware



Jamsa (2013) listed 10 cloud-based security issues developers must  consider when designing for security. List seven along with their pros  and cons and their importance to security in the cloud. All seven should  be used as level 1 Headers in your paper. Only one submission is  allowed.


  • 600 – 750 words
  • APA 7 format
  • Use the Jamsa and Erl et al, texbooks as your ONLY sources.


Looking For Native Writers

I am Looking for  *EXPERIENCED* Writers that can be able to handle 10-20 pages a day with, Top notch Grammar. Well constructed Paragraphs with Topic Sentences. They should be familiar with Spss and Data analysis tools will be an advantage

If you know you can’t meet High grammatical standards don’t engage me. 

Email your samples to firstlanedollarshumanresource at g.m.a.i.l c.o.m indicating your name in the subject of your email and phone number

Call 0700152748

Articlee writing

please review ONE of the following films  and tell how that film represents a contribution to the field of CyberLaw.

War Games (1983)Citizen Four (2014AlphaGo (2017)Google and the World Brain (2013)

2. The minimum word count shall be not less than 1000 words.

APA format




This task relates to a sequence of assessments that will be repeated across Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Select any example of a visualisation or infographic, maybe your own work or that of others. The task is to undertake a deep, detailed ‘forensic’ like assessment of the design choices made across each of the five layers of the chosen visualisation’s anatomy. In each case your assessment is only concerned with one design layer at a time.

For this task, take a close look at the composition choices:

  1. Start by identifying all the applications of colour deployed, listing them under the headers of 1) project composition, and 2) chart composition
  2. How suitable are the choices and deployment of these composition properties? If they are not, what do you think they should have been?
  3. Go through the set of ‘Influencing factors’ from the latter section of the book’s chapter to help shape your assessment and to possibly inform how you might tackle this design layer differently
  4. Also, considering the range of potential composition approaches, what would you do differently or additionally?

Assignment Link:

IA week9 DB



i need this paper by 10/21 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

Describe two cryptographic applications and how they are used in Information System Security.

An initial post must be 300 words.

Make sure Strictly No plagiarism content should not match and even the reference should not match in plagiarism 

Business Intelligence

1. How do you describe the importance of data in analytics? Can we think of analytics without data? Explain.

2. Considering the new and broad definition of business analytics, what are the main inputs and outputs to the analytics continuum?

3. Where do the data for business analytics come from? What are the sources and the nature of those incoming data?

4. What are the most common metrics that make for analytics-ready data?

5. Go to—a U.S. government–sponsored data portal that has a very large number of data sets on a wide variety of topics ranging from healthcare to education, climate to public safety. Pick a topic that you are most passionate about. Go through the topic- specific information and explanation provided on the site. Explore the possibilities of downloading the data, and use your favorite data visualization tool to create your own meaningful information and visualizations.

 When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week. 



  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Health Informatics & Inform System – Assignment 6


1.      Discuss the changes in home health devices over the past 10 years

2.       Research a mobile health app of your choice and discuss its potential impact on healthcare

3.       Discuss the pros and cons of using electronic communications between providers and patients

I expect 3 pages of fact-based material to answer these questions.

Paper should be APA formatted with citation.

Difference between a risk, vulnerability, and threat?

 Question A

  • Explain the difference between a risk, vulnerability, and threat?

Question B

Each week, research a unique news story or article related to Information Security/Information Technology. Post a summary of what you learned to the discussion thread, please also provide a link to the original article. Source is your choice; however please fully cite your source

500 words

APA format