design and reusability

It is a project work about creating a note reminder app , a pact analysis is required coding to be written in c++ , sample solution is attached below. will require a summarisation of everything cause Im supposed to do a presentation with it

Digital Forensics Evidence


In August of 1997, a Swiss couple, John 52 years old and Buntham 26 years old Graben Stetter, were arrested at the Hilton in Buffalo, New York, and accused of smuggling thousands of computerized pictures of children having sex into the United States. The couple were alleged by authorities to have sold wholesale amounts of child pornography through the internet and carried with them thousands of electronic files of child pornography to the United States from their Swiss home.


  1. The couple were unproven to have agreed over the internet to sell child pornography to the United States (US) Customs agents posing as local US porn shop owners.
  2. The couple were suspected to have agreed to sell 250 CD-ROMs to US investigators for $10,000. According to reports, one CD-ROM had over 7,000 images.
  3. The couple were further alleged to have their 2-year-old daughter, traveling with them at the time of the arrest, who is also a victim.
  4. Authorities professed that photographs of the 2-year old daughter are on the CD-ROMs the parent were distributing.


Criminal’s MO is a learned behavior that continue to grow, develop, and advance tirelessly as the perpetrators turn out to be more experienced, sophisticated, and confident in the operation. Digital imaging technology and the internet allegedly help to unearth Swiss couple; John and Bentham’s prevailing MO, with intent of producing, marketing, and distributing child pornography materials to counterparts, and vulnerable innocent citizens of the world community.

          Underground communications, seizure of 250 CD-ROMs and arrest of the Swiss couple was made possible by efficient use of computer and internet technologies. The couple were targeting international buying communities, secured agreement to sell and distribute illicit materials. Furthermore, the illicit items were alleged to have been digitized for transport, ease of storage, and ease of duplication as soon as the couple arrive in the United States. Emergence of computer and internet technologies helped digital forensic investigation in process.


  1. The Swiss couple attempted to underestimate the United States custom agents and digital forensic investigator. Provide all-inclusive description on the importance of computer and the internet technologies.
  2. The couple were suspected to have agreed to sell 250 CD-ROMs to US investigators for $10,000. Provide comprehensive narrative on how to approach the Swiss couple with only allegation; yet, not officially charged.

short answer


  • Differentiate between the Browser Object Model and the Document Object Model (DOM). Recommend three DOM methods that you believe are essential to an effective and efficient website.
  • Flesh out your thoughts and interact with your classmates. Post your initial response by Wednesday each week and then return on a couple of other days to see what’s going on with the discussions. The more you interact, the more you learn from your peers, and the more you share with them about what you know. You will also be showing your instructor what you have picked up.

online paper


  • Kuhn, M. (2019, March 27). The caret package. Github.

 Outline for Assignment 1

  • Refer to the Documenting Research Guide for assistance in organizing your research and developing your outline.
  • You can find this guide in the Useful Information folder, as well.

 Using the research guide and the assignment 1 instructions, develop your outline. Submit the outline in an MS Word document file type. Utilize the standards in APA 7 for all citations or references in the outline. Ensure that the document includes your name. Do not include your student identification number. You may use the cover page from the student paper template, but it is not required.

 The assignment 1 instructions are at the bottom of this content folder.Submit your outline on or before the due date.By submitting this paper, you agree:

(1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy;
(2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with UC's policies; and
(3) that the use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

2 Individual Questions

Question 1:

Do some basic research on security certifications.  See  Write a brief summary of certifications that are open.  Consider if any of the certifications would be valuable for your career.
Investigate and report on exam options. Write 200-300 words

Question 2: both are in a separate document 

 Final Project Name: Efficient Disaster Recovery 

1.  A brief abstract describing your final project. (200words) 

2.  Final Project Research paper. 700-1000 word, double spaced, written in APA format, showing sources, and a bibliography


How to Write an Abstract (

How to write a research paper (


In 200 words,

Do a bit  if research into File Inclusion Vulnerability.

  • What is it?
  • Why is it dangerous?
  • What is the difference of low and remote inclusion?
  • What methods can me employed to prevent a security breach?
  • What programming languages are vulnerable to this type of attack.

Paper 7


Paper Section 1: Reflection and Literature Review

Using Microsoft Word and Professional APA format, prepare a professional written paper supported with three sources of research that details what you have learned from chapters 13 and 14.  This section of the paper should be a minimum of two pages. 

Paper Section 2:  Applied Learning Exercises

In this section of the professional paper, apply what you have learned from chapters 13 and 14 to descriptively address and answer the problems below.  Important Note:  Dot not type the actual written problems within the paper itself.

  1. Go to,,, or or in combination to find at least three customer case studies on Hadoop implementation, and then discuss the commonalities and differences of these cases.
  2. Search the job search sites like,, and so forth. Find at least five job postings for data scientist. Identify the key characteristics and skills expected from the applicants and based on what you are learned in this class, how high is your motivation now to seek these types of career choices?
  3. Important Note:  With limited time for a college class, perfection is not expected but effort to be exposed to various tools with attempts to learn about them is critical when considering a career in information technology associated disciplines.

Important Note:  There is no specific page requirement for this section of the paper but make sure any content provided fully addresses each problem.

Paper Section 3:  Conclusions (Part 1)

After addressing the problems, conclude your paper with details on how you will use this knowledge and skills to support your professional and or academic goals. This section of the paper should be around one page including a custom and original process flow or flow diagram to visually represent how you will apply this knowledge going forward.  This customized and original flow process flow or flow diagram can be created using the “Smart Art” tools in Microsoft Word.

Paper Section 4:  Overall Course Conclusions and Reflection (Part 2)

After the primary conclusion of this paper, extend this conclusion into an overall class conclusion and reflection providing at least 500 additional words of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current or future work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Paper Section 5:  APA Reference Page

The three or more sources of research used to support this overall paper should be included in proper APA format in the final section of the paper.