Portfolio project

  • The Final Portfolio Project is a comprehensive assessment of what you have learned during this course.  
    The Final Project has two parts: Limitations of Blockchain and Emerging Concepts.
    Blockchain continues to be deployed into various businesses and industries. However, Blockchain is not without its problems.  Several challenges have already been associated with the use of this technology.  Identify at least 5 key challenges to Blockchain. Additionally, discuss potential solutions to these challenges. Lastly, please discuss if we will see the limitations to blockchain be reduced or mitigated in the future.  
    There are several emerging concepts that are using Big Data and Blockchain Technology. Please search the internet and highlight 5 emerging concepts that are exploring the use of Blockchain and Big Data and how they are being used.
    Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section which discusses both limitations and emerging concepts. 
    The paper needs to be approximately 6-8 pages long, including both a title page and a references page (for a total of 8-10 pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid plagiarism.
    Your paper should meet the following requirements:

    • Be approximately seven to ten pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
    • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
    • Support your answers with the readings from the course, the course textbook, and at least ten scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find supplemental resources.
    • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing


Follow the doc for questions and concepts on which the questions must be answered 

Data Mining in Work Environment

Elaborate on how the knowledge and skills of Data Mining could be helpful in Real Life Work Environment. 


Paper should have at least 5 pages excluding Reference page (or 2 pages double spaced excluding references) in APA Format with Proper Citations.

Must: It should include the Plagiarism report.

Building an AI machine/Deep learning application


  1. Part 1 –
    1. Following is the link of the Project and Dataset :

Quick Guide to Build a Recommendation Engine in Python & R

MovieLens 100K Dataset

  1. Run the code several times and show the intended output…you also need to EXPLAIN the output…
  2. You will also need to provide output for the following:
    1. Python file containing your code…
    2. Dimensions of the data…
    3. Sample of the data…
    4. Statistical summary of the data…
    5. Class distribution…
    6. One univariate and one multivariate diagram…
    7. Decision Tree…explain the best depth and why?…
    8. Results of training and new data, 80%-20% split…
      1. Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…
      2. Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…
      3. Classification report…what is it telling us?…
    9. Results of training and new data, 50%-50% split…
      1. Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…
      2. Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…
      3. Classification report…what is it telling us?…
  3. Part 2 – Updated Code…
    1. Now that you have a working base of code, let’s apply it to a “real world” scenario…
    2. Find an article or video that shows a potentially SIMILAR usage of the application you created in Part 1…
    3. Update the original application so that it “works” for the NEW application…
    4. In this “Movie Recommendation” project, you might find an article on “book recommendations” …you would then update the original program to handle the new scenario…
    5. YOU MUST UPDATE THE ORIGINAL CODE…do not provide entirely new code base.
    6. Run the code several times and show the intended output…you also need to EXPLAIN the output…
    7. You will also need to provide the same output for THIS application, as you did for the ORIGINAL application…specifically:
      1. Python file containing your code…
      2. Dimensions of the data…
      3. Sample of the data…
      4. Statistical summary of the data…
      5. Class distribution…
      6. One univariate and one multivariate diagram…
      7. Decision Tree…explain the best depth and why?…
      8. Results of training and new data, 80%-20% split…
        1. Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…
        2. Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…
        3. Classification report…what is it telling us?…
      9. Results of training and new data, 50%-50% split…
        1. Accuracy report…what is it telling us?…
        2. Confusion matrix…what is it telling us?…
        3. Classification report…what is it telling us?…

1: Business strategy Analysis


Imagine you are preparing for an interview with a company as an IT manager. Part of the interview process is providing a work sample. You must provide an analysis of Amazon’s business strategy and explain what part IT governance functions in Amazon reaching their strategic goal to demonstrate your understanding of IT governance and IT strategic vision.  

Research at least 2 articles on Amazon’s business strategy.

Develop a 1- to 2-page checklist detailing the main points Amazon’s IT department should consider to be properly aligned to Amazon’s strategic business plan. Include relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards that would impact the business plan, such as PCI standards and SOX regulations. 

Write a 1- to 2-page summary of how Amazon’s IT Governance works with the Strategic Business Plan to achieve continued success and growth.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Malicious Activities 3.0

The three major types of malicious activities that organizations’ information systems face include:

  1. Hostile or malicious insider activity.
  2. Theft of private, proprietary, or sensitive data, by insiders or external attackers.
  3. Large scale DoS (denial-of-service) attacks.
    Based on your research:
  • Describe a present-day example of your selected type of malicious activity and its impact on the organization.
  • Specify the countermeasures the organization took to address the malicious activity.
  • Recommend at least one additional preventative countermeasure and at least one countermeasure organizations could take to address this type of activity once it has occurred.

Agile W3

 In your opinion, what might be some team responsibilities that are not covered in any of these roles? Could you see yourself becoming a scrum master? Why or why not? 

250-300 words


1. For this discussion topic, you will need to research methods of dealing with add in hardware devices and how they work with virtualization.  Add in hardware would be items outside of the standard server configuration and might include things like USB license keys, barcode scanners, specialty video cards etc.  As part of the discussion you will want to identify the type of hardware you found and some recommended solutions for making it work with a virtual server. 

2. For this assignment, you need to investigate what options the hypervisor you recommended in your type 1 hypervisor compare assignment have to provide highly available services.  How do these items tie into what you read about in the chapter and which ones would you recommend implementing?  While you investigate the process of making your virtual machines highly available, what else did you run across that could have an impact on the availability of your machines and services that is outside of the control of your hypervisor?  Write up a summary of the features of the hypervisor you choose, a brief section on the non-hypervisor factors and your recommendations for which features are most important to implement to ensure the best availability of your virtual machines. (which i used Oracle VM)