Doctral program (IT)

in looking at the objectives of this doctoral program (IT) how do you hope this degree will impact your life both personally and professionally. (750 words)

BI Week 16 Assignment

Complete the following assignment in one MS word document:

Chapter 14–discussion question #1, #3, #4 & exercise 2

APA in-text citations) to support the work this week. All work must be original (not copied from any source).

Discussion 1. Some say that analytics in general dehumanize managerial activities, and others say they do not. Discuss arguments for both points of view.

Discussion 3. What are some of the major privacy concerns in employing intelligent systems on mobile data?

Discussion 4. Identify some cases of violations of user privacy from current literature and their impact on data science as a profession.

Exercise 2. Search the Internet to find examples of how intelligent systems can facilitate activities such as empowerment, mass customization, and teamwork.


Final Project Topic Name:  Security and the Cloud

In 100 words (1)

1.  Include a short paragraph describing your project (  Security and the Cloud ) and how you intend to research it. 

In 200 words (2)

2. Brief abstract describing final project (  Security and the Cloud ).

3. 500-600 words, double spaced, written in APA format, showing sources and a bibliography

Please include the following:  

 What is ( Security and the Cloud ).


Challenges one might face



Discussion forum on Article readings

Required Textbook: Tapscott, D., &Tapscott, A. (2016). Blockchain revolution: how the technology behind bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world. Penguin. 

This week’s reading introduced an overview of blockchain and its impact on business(see the attachment). 


 1.choose a use case from section III, and a risk for adoption from section IV. 

2.Describe a real blockchain-based product that implements your chosen use case and how your chosen risk could impact the project’s success. 

3.Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read or videos you watched from this week’s assigned activities. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion. 

Write one page document

Name the basic constructs of an ensemble model. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ensemble models?

Please a topic from the below list and create a one-page essay answering the question noted below. 

Please use at least one reference and ensure it’s in APA format  (as well as the in-text citation).  Also, ensure to NOT COPY DIRECTLY  from any source (student or online source), rather rephrase the author’s  work and use in-text citations were necessary.

  • Name the basic constructs of an ensemble model. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ensemble models?
  • List and briefly describe the nine-step process in conducting a neural network project.
  • What is the main difference between classification and clustering? Explain using concrete examples.
  • What are the privacy issues with data mining? Do you think they are substantiated? 


Please go through the attachment for assignment details.



1.  500 words and ref

I. Which case study in the paper was most interesting to you and why?

II. Do you think that ERM is necessary in the contemporary organization and why?

2.  500 words and ref

What is the relationship between Naïve Bayes and Bayesian networks? What is the process of developing a Bayesian networks model?

3.  500 words and ref

List and briefly describe the nine-step process in con-ducting a neural network project.


In the initial milestone writing assignment, you will evaluate the history of cryptography from its origins.  Analyze how cryptography was used and describe how it grew within history.  The writing assignment requires a minimum of two written pages to evaluate the history.  You must use a minimum of three scholarly articles to complete the assignment.  The assignment must be properly APA formatted with a separate title and reference page.