Ariticles Summary


Task 1: Article: “Real Business Value of IT” write minimum 4 paragraphs article Personal opinion summary with minimum 2 references

Task 2: Article: “Role of Information Technology in the Growth of Business” write minimum  4 paragraphs article Personal opinion summary with minimum 2 references

Business Intellegence

 Discussion: There have been many books and opinion pieces written about the impact of AI on jobs and ideas for societal responses to address the issues. Two ideas were mentioned in the chapter – UBI and SIS. What are the pros and cons of these ideas? How would these be implemented?


1. Identify applications other than those discussed in this chapter where Pepper is being used for commercial and personal purposes. 

2. Go through specifications of MAARS at https://www. maars.pdf. What are the functions of MAARS? 

3. Conduct online research to find at least one new robotics application in agriculture. Prepare a brief summary of your research: the problem addressed, technology summary results achieved if any, and lessons learned. 

4. Conduct online research to find at least one new robotics application in healthcare. Prepare a brief summary of your research: the problem addressed, technology summary, results achieved if any, and lessons learned. 

5. Conduct online research to find at least one new robotics application in customer service. Prepare a brief summary of your research: the problem addressed, technology summary, results achieved if any, and lessons learned. 

6. Conduct online research to find at least one new robotics application in an industry of your choice. Prepare a brief summary of your research: the problem addressed, technology summary, results achieved if any, and lessons learned. 

7. Conduct research to identify the most recent developments in self-driving cars. 

1. Based upon the current state of the art of robotics applications, which industries are most likely to embrace robotics? Why? 

2. Watch the following two videos: https://www. and https:// for a different view on the impact of AI on future jobs. What are your takeaways from these videos? What is the more likely scenario in your view? How can you prepare for the day when humans indeed may not need to apply for many jobs? 

Machine learning


I have a coding assignment in machine Learning. it is not an eassy is there anyone who can do coding.

Thank You.

Homework 3

Please look at the word file week 3 lab assignment for Homework 

Requirement: Follow APA,  need 2 pages and NO PLAGARISM

Look at the PPTs slides of chapter 6 7 and 8 

Why do we need an automated tool for sql injection?

Write an essay discussing sqlmap, an automated tool for sql injection and database takeover in 500 words or more. Why do we need an automated tool for sql injection? 

Do not copy without providing proper attribution.  Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list format.  Use the five-paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. 

Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google. Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. 

Leaflet Challenge- military base data and UFO sightseeing

Before You Begin

  1. Create a new repository for this project called leaflet-challenge. Do not add this homework to an existing repository.
  2. Clone the new repository to your computer.
  3. This homeworks utilizes both html and Javascript so be sure to add all the necessary files. These will be the main files to run for analysis.
  4. Push the above changes to GitHub or GitLab.

Your Task

Level 1: Basic Visualization

Your first task is to visualize an UFO sightseeing data set.

  1. Get your data set : attached
  2. Import & Visualize the Data Create a map using Leaflet that plots all of the UFO sightseeing from your data set based on city and state

Level 2: More Data 

Plot a second data set on your map to illustrate the relationship between military base locations and UFO sightseeing locations. You will need to pull in a second data set and visualize it along side your original set of data. Data on military base locations is attached. 

  • Plot a second data set on our map.
  • Add a number of base maps to choose from as well as separate out our two different data sets into overlays that can be turned on and off independently.
  • Add layer controls to our map.
    • Your data markers should reflect the location of the UFO sightseeing in their size and color. UFO sight seeing with more frequency should appear larger and darker in color.
    • Include popups that provide summary about the UFO sightseeing from the report when a marker is clicked.
    • Create a legend that will provide context for your map data.
    • Your visualization should look something like the map above.


Your final product will be assessed on the following metrics:

  • Completion of assigned tasks
  • Visual appearance
  • Professionalism

Good luck!

Question 5



After the recent security breach, Always Fresh decided to form a computer security incident response team (CSIRT). As a security administrator, you have been assigned the responsibility of developing a CSIRT policy that addresses incident evidence collection and handling. The goal is to ensure all evidence collected during investigations is valid and admissible in court.

Consider the following questions for collecting and handling evidence:

1. What are the main concerns when collecting evidence?

2. What precautions are necessary to preserve evidence state?

3. How do you ensure evidence remains in its initial state?

4. What information and procedures are necessary to ensure evidence is admissible in court?


Create a policy that ensures all evidence is collected and handled in a secure and efficient manner. Remember, you are writing a policy, not procedures. Focus on the high-level tasks, not the individual steps.

Address the following in your policy:

§ Description of information required for items of evidence

§ Documentation required in addition to item details (personnel, description of circumstances, and so on)

§ Description of measures required to preserve initial evidence integrity

§ Description of measures required to preserve ongoing evidence integrity

§ Controls necessary to maintain evidence integrity in storage

§ Documentation required to demonstrate evidence integrity

Required Resources

§ Internet access

§ Course textbook

Submission Requirements

§ Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

§ Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double-space

§ Citation Style: APA

§ Length: 2 to 4 pages

Assessment 3: Digital Forensic Report This document supplies detailed information on assessment tasks for this unit.

Students should demonstrate their ability to review and critique the digital forensic hackathons hosted in recent

years and their write-ups. Understanding these digital forensic tasks and their technical solutions will significantly

help students deepen the understanding of the industry’s standard practice and general expectations of forensic

abilities in the job market. Hackathon experiences and achievements have been valuable in the cybersecurity

industry. Students will identify, investigate, and evaluate six forensic hackathon tasks and the associated write-ups.

Students will be assessed on their ability to identify the appropriate tasks and write-ups, reproduce the technical

solutions, justify the technical findings, reflect on the learning experiences, and present a professionally written



Students are required to independently write an essay of approximately 4,000 words and exhibits to support the

findings and a bibliography. This essay should consist of the following parts:

• a professionally made title page with student name and student ID

• an abstract of 200 words capturing the highlights of the findings

• a non-technical section summarizing the six identified hackathon tasks and brief descriptions of their

write-ups along with justifications of their digital forensic relevance

• a non-technical section critiquing the issues of the existing write-ups of each hackathon task in multiple


• a technical section reproducing the solutions of the six hackathon tasks by using proper digital forensic

tools with supporting evidence (screenshots)

• a non-technical section reflecting personal learning experiences towards solving these tasks and aligning

these to our curriculum

• conclusion (around 150 words)

• reference (Harvard style)

