Digital Forensics Tools and Tech – New England

 You have been assigned to investigate whether or not an employee at a local hospital has been accessing patient records and setting information to online pharmacies. It is your first day of the investigation. Put together a list of data sources that must be examined during the investigation. 

300 words, APA format

24 hours

What sources have helped shape your personal code of ethics and morality?  What influences, if any, have ever pressured you to compromise those standards? Think of an experience you had at work or school that tested your ethical standards.  How did you resolve your dilemma?  Now that time has passed, are you comfortable with the decision you made?  If not, what would you do differently?  Instructions for Assignment 1: 300 Words Cover page (includes your name, date, name of assignment, name and number of course)Introduction (this is where you introduce the topic)Main body Conclusion (summarize the assignment)1 Cite 1 Reference


 “A picture is worth a thousand words” may be a lovely cliché, but it’s exactly the wrong way to view visualization. For this week’s discussion question, please view the Periodic Table of Visualization at the following link ( Choose one Data Visualization and one Compound Visualization by placing your mouse cursor over each option. Provide your classmates with a brief description of your choices and explain why you made your choices. Also, describe what advantages do your choices have over the others. 

Strict APA format

2 pages

At least 2 scholarly references.

Vulnerability Process and Assessment Memorandum


Your boss wants you to draft a two- to three-page vulnerability process and assessment memorandum addressing the main points of a VM process for Mercury USA. You will cover the main elements of a vulnerability management process, tailored to Mercury USA’s business in the transportation sector, evaluate the OpenVAS scanning tool, and provide recommendations for mitigating the vulnerabilities found within the OpenVAS report.

The third-party pen tester used the free tool Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner (OpenVAS) to scan Mercury USA’s network. Review the report from the OpenVAS Scan.

As you review the scan, consider some important points from Remediation:

  • Priority
  • Difficulty of implementation
  • Communication/change control
  • Inhibitors to remediation
    • MOUs
    • SLAs
    • Business process interruption
    • Degrading functionality

Cloud computing

A three-tier web application architecture has been generically defined as the presentation, business logic, and data storage tiers. However, Amazon Web Services defines the three-tier web application architecture as the web, application, and storage/database tiers.

Write a paper comparing the generic three-tier web application architecture to that applied by Amazon Web Services.

Apply APA Edition 6 formatting.

Use at least three properly documented references (do NOT use wikis).

Correctly cite your references using APA Edition 6 formatting.Your paper should be at least 500 words in length using good grammar.

Journal Analysis

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

ANALYSIS: Using 300-350 words, write a brief analysis, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. An analysis is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format and only use journal articles