
 you will analyze asymmetric and symmetric encryption.  Evaluate the differences between the two of them and which one that you would determine is the most secure.  The writing assignment requires a minimum of two written pages to evaluate the history.  You must use a minimum of three scholarly articles to complete the assignment.  The assignment must be properly APA formatted with a separate title and reference page. 


Answer the following the question:

We live in a world of data, perhaps too much data. Organizations continue to store data indefinitely. In fact, about 90% of the data stored on todays databases is deemed worthless within 3 months. Think about your email. How often do you ever go back to an email from six months ago. But you still keep it for what? How should organizations government personal data in a data warehouse? What are some best practices you might suggest to your organization if you were the CIO to ensure that the data in the system was maintained properly?


  • This is a required assignment, worth 15 points. The assignment must be submitted by the due date. Late assignment are not allowed. 
  • You are required to submit a minimum of two postings. Points will be deducted for not fulfilling this minimum requirement.
  • Apply and use the basic citation styles of APA is required. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.
  • Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others. Use in-text citation and list the reference of your supporting source following APA’s style and formatting. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.
  • Do not copy and paste information or concepts from the Internet and claim that is your work. It will be considered Plagiarism and you will receive zero for your work. A second offense results in a zero for the course. A third is termination from the university.

300 words

1. List Outcomes from the  Course – List the outcomes (objectives) as written in the course syllabus from the course.
2. Apply Your Work Experiences to The Course – Correlate your job responsibilities with the  course outcomes listed above.
3. Length of Assignment –350 words, double-spaced using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.

1 page in APA 6th Format Operational Excellence

1 Page in APA 6th format with at least one professional references:

Which software-development methodology would be best if an organization needed to develop a software tool for a small group of users in the marketing department? Why? Which implementation methodology should they use? Why?

Lists, Sets, Stacks and Queues



Write a method called retainAll that takes two sets of integers as parameters and that removes any values in the first set that are not found in the second set. 

For example, given sets: 

s1: [0, 19, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15]  

s2: [0, 19, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11]  

If the following call is made: 

retainAll(s1, s2);  

after the call, the sets would store the following values: 

s1: [0, 19, 9]  

s2: [0, 19, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11]  

You are implementing a two-argument alternative to the standard Set method called retainAll, so you are not allowed to call that method to solve this problem. 

You are also not allowed to construct any structured objects to solve the problem (no set, list, stack, queue, string, etc) although you can construct iterators. 

Your method should not change the second set passed as a parameter.

Assignment week 3 InfoTech Global Economy


Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing electronic innovation and the government. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings in the article you are reviewing. 

You should use the Google Scholar to find these types of articles ( )

Once you find the article, you will read it and write a review of it.  This is considered a research article review.

Your paper should meet these requirements: 

  • Be approximately three to four pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. 
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

No Plagirsam 

Data Quality and Security

Data Quality and Security

The reading in the text provides two key reasons for poor data quality, “the rush to install new systems and the failure to take an integrated view of the organization’s data” (p. 109). Data security breaches seem to occur every other day, and as discussed in the Week Three lecture, there are serious implications for organizations that do not take the necessary measures to ensure data security. Include the following elements in your paper supporting your statements using the required sources for this assignment.

Analyze the role of data in information systems for business and describe the risks that can arise from poor data quality.

Explain the challenges that can result from poor data quality. Provide an example of the results of poor data quality from your own personal or professional experience.

Explain at least two methods of how organizations can ensure good data including the structure and applications necessary.

Analyze the risks of poor data security.

Research an article in the popular media that covers a recent data breach. Explain the impact of the data security breach on the organization and its leaders using evidence from your article.

Explain the role of data governance in keeping data secure.

The Data Quality and Security Paper

Must be two to three double-spaced pages (600-900 words) in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style 

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least two credible sources in addition to the course text.

Assignment and Discussion


Week 10 – Discussion

Many people believe that the use of biometrics is an invasion of privacy. For example, an eye scanning device records the inner structure of a person’s eye and stores that image in a database. Critics worry that databases of human traits used to maintain corporate security may actually pose a privacy threat to individuals, if such data were used in other ways. In your view, are such concerns justified? Why or why not?

Writing Assignment – Wk 10

Some common biometric techniques include:

  1. Fingerprint recognition
  2. Signature dynamics
  3. Iris scanning
  4. Retina scanning
  5. Voice prints
  6. Face recognition

Select one of these biometric techniques and explain the benefits and the  vulnerabilities associated with that method in 3-4 paragraphs. 

Week-10 Discussion

 In no less than 250 words, describe a hacking tool that is used to gain access to a network.  Explain how the tool is used, how it works and how a netwoprk administrator can prevent this tool from access the network 


Week 10 Assignment

  • 10.1 What are three broad mechanisms that malware can use to propagate?
  • 10.2 What are four broad categories of payloads that malware may carry?
  • 10.3 What are typical phases of operation of a virus or worm?
  • 10.4 What mechanisms can a virus use to conceal itself?
  • 10.5 What is the difference between machine-executable and macro viruses?
  • 10.6 What means can a worm use to access remote systems to propagate?
  • 10.7 What is a “drive-by-download” and how does it differ from a worm?
  • 10.8 What is a “logic bomb”?
  • 10.9 Differentiate among the following: a backdoor, a bot, a keylogger, spyware, and a rootkit? Can they all be present in the same malware?
  • 10.10 List some of the different levels in a system that a rootkit may use.
  • 10.11 Describe some malware countermeasure elements.
  • 10.12 List three places malware mitigation mechanisms may be located.
  • 10.13 Briefly describe the four generations of antivirus software.
  • 10.14 How does behavior-blocking software work?
  • 10.15 What is a distributed denial-of-service system?