24 hours

What sources have helped shape your personal code of ethics and morality?  What influences, if any, have ever pressured you to compromise those standards? Think of an experience you had at work or school that tested your ethical standards.  How did you resolve your dilemma?  Now that time has passed, are you comfortable with the decision you made?  If not, what would you do differently?  Instructions for Assignment 1: 300 Words Cover page (includes your name, date, name of assignment, name and number of course)Introduction (this is where you introduce the topic)Main body Conclusion (summarize the assignment)1 Cite 1 Reference

Emerging Threats -5

Considering the importance of data in organization, it is absolutely essential to secure the data present in the database. What are the strategic and technical security measures for good database security? Be sure to discuss at least one security model to properly develop databases for organizational security. Create a diagram of a security model for your research paper.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately 4-6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clear and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

case study

Assignment: Create User Policy

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Create a report detailing user access policies based on research.
  • Explain the details of user policy creation in organizations.


You work for a large, private health care organization that has server, mainframe, and RSA user access. Your organization requires identification of the types of user access policies provided to its employees.

Sean, your manager, just came into your office at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and asks you to write a report detailing these user access policies. He needs you to research a generic template and use that as a starting point from which to move forward. He wants you to complete this task over the weekend as he has just been given a boatload of tasks in the management meeting which ended a few minutes ago. He is counting on you to take some of the load off his shoulders. The report is due to senior management next week.

Assignment Requirements

Look for existing policy templates and examples from organizations of similar type. Write a report detailing these user access policies based on your research, and place them into a table with an introduction explaining the following: who, what, when, why. Be sure to add a conclusion with a rationale for your selection. Reference your research so Sean may add or refine this report before submission to senior management.

Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
  • Length: 3–4 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

  • I created a professional report.
  • I included a table listing policies for the given scenario.
  • I used references.
  • I used my school’s preferred style guide and formulated my report clearly.
  • I provided a rationale and conclusion.

Methods of Analysis

 Have you ever felt that there is a disconnect between scholarly research and practical application? While this research took place quite a while ago, Parnin and Orso (2011) identified that in thirty years of scholarly research on debugging programming code there were five research papers that included participants to test the theories.

Think about that for a minute. How do you generate research results, without analysis? What constitutes testing the results?

  • For this week’s discussion find a scholarly research article available in the University of the Cumberlands’ library and less than 10 years old.
  • The article you identify must include research that is practically applicable. (The research article must not be theoretical in nature.)
  • The research must include everything you would need in order to repeat the research.
  • The research must include testing the research with participants, other than the authors of the article. For example, the five research articles Parnin and Orso (2011) identify in their research. The participants do not need to be people; they could be parts, equipment, or products.

Once you find this scholarly research article discuss the following in your post:

  • Briefly identify the objective of the research in the selected article.
  • How was the data tested? What are the assumptions of this test? Is that information in the article? Were there enough participants to make the results meaningful?
  • What about this research separates it from research that does not include participants?
  • In the context of the research article, did the use of participants reduce or increase the generalizability when compared to theoretical research? Is that good or bad? Why or why not?

Access control Assignment 13

Discuss how and why companies use cryptography.

Length, 2 – 3 pages.

All paper are written in APA formatting, include title and references pages (not counted). Must use at least two references and citations.

All paper are checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign, you can review your score.

Statistics course weekly lab

just follow the instuction from top to bottom write some function and plot the diagram

involve Python, linear algebra, confidence level, bootstrap linear_model

week 3 progress log


Beginning in week one, you should keep track of the time that  you spend on the planning, design, and implementation of this project.  Every week you will complete the Weekly Work Log and Hands-on Progress  Report that you started in Unit 1.  

This is a living document.

Each week you will add on to the log that you had saved for the  prior week. For example, in Unit 3, you will have Unit 1, Unit 2, and  Unit 3 work activities documented. 

After completing it for the week, you will submit your work every week. 

Presentation. Computer Science 302

Presentation on ITUnand its purpose

ITU-T (International Telecommunications Union – Telecom Group 

Technical recommendations about telephone, telegraph and data communications interfaces 

Composed of representatives from each country in UN

Based in Geneva, Switzerland (www.itu.int)

Additional Source

