Cloud architect


Customer requests are:

Proposed Cloud Architecture (5 pages needed from step 1 to step 5)

Final Report Evaluating AWS and Azure Providers (5 pages (step1 to5) + 2 pages from step 6 to 7 = the final report would be 7 pages), also you will find the template for the final report is on the last pages

Below are the instructions 

Since you have become familiar with the foundations of cloud computing technologies, along with their risks and the legal and compliance issues, you will now explore cloud offerings of popular cloud providers and evaluate them to recommend one that would be the best fit for BallotOnline.

In this project, you will first learn about networking in the cloud and auxiliary cloud services provided by cloud vendors. Next, you will explore cloud computing trends, best practices, and issues involved in migrating IT deployments to the cloud, as well as typical architectures of cloud deployments. Then, you will apply your findings to propose a general architecture for BallotOnline’s cloud deployment to best address the company’s business requirements.

Once you have selected a deployment architecture, you will research two leading cloud vendors: Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Exploring and comparing the tools available for application migration will enable you to recommend a vendor to the executives in your final report. The final deliverable is a written report to BallotOnline management, describing the results of your research and recommending the cloud deployment architecture and the vendor for its deployment, with justification.

Your final report should demonstrate that you understand the IT needs of the organization as you evaluate and select cloud providers. The report should include your insights on the appropriate direction to take to handle the company’s IT business needs. You will also be assessed on the ability to integrate relevant risk, policy, and compliance consideration into the recommendations, as well as the clarity of your writing and a demonstration of logical, step-by-step decision making to formulate and justify your ideas.

Check the Project 3 FAQ thread in the discussion area for any last-minute updates or clarifications about the project.

Step 1: Research Networking and Auxiliary Services in the Cloud

The executives at BallotOnline have been impressed with your research on cloud computing thus far. While there are a variety of cloud providers, BallotOnline is considering using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, two of the top providers in the market. BallotOnline’s executives want you to help determine which would be the best provider for the organization.

You will start with learning about internet networking basics and cloud networking. You will also research many cloud services that cloud providers make available to their customers to help them take full advantage of cloud service and deployment models.

Step 2: Research Cloud Trends, Best Practices, and Migration Issues

The cloud computing revolution is redefining ways that companies of all sizes use information technology. The cloud landscape shifts rapidly, and current trends reflect this rapid pace of change. You likely got an idea about this in the last step when you conducted research on cloud architecture. Now, continue gathering information for your final report by assessing:

  • issues outside the company, such as emerging issues in      the industry, regulatory changes, and general trends in cloud computing to gain an understanding of how these issues may      influence BallotOnline’s decisions;
  • best practices for cloud implementation and assess whether BallotOnline can benefit from      these;
  • cloud migration strategies for the application and data, since BallotOnline is      moving an existing web application to the cloud, making sure that the      application is configured properly for the system architecture of your      cloud deployment; and
  • IT change management techniques      that could help BallotOnline make this transition.

In the Discussion: Cloud Trends and Migration Issues forum, post your findings and discuss them with your colleagues.

In the next step, you will propose an architecture to use for the company’s cloud deployment.

Step 3: Research Typical Architectures of Cloud Deployments

In the previous step, you considered best practices and trends in the cloud industry. Next, you will have to look at the kinds of architectures needed for cloud.

Because most elements of cloud deployments are implemented in a virtualized environment controlled by software, the degree of freedom in defining your deployment of cloud reference models is unprecedented. You can define the number of virtual servers required and the configuration, and even change them dynamically as needed. You can also define your virtual local area networks (LANs) and subnets, and place servers in them to implement network security requirements.

The basic cloud deployment components are cloud consumer, cloud provider, and cloud carrier, with cloud brokers and auditor as possible additions.

Typical cloud architectures of cloud deployments vary from single server (suitable for proof-of-concept engagements) and multiserver architectures with various servers carrying different software components and occupying different security zones, to geographically dispersed deployments to achieve high availability, resilience, and speed of delivery. There are several issues to consider when selecting a server architecture, including cost, scalability, performance, and use of management.

For this step, research the typical architectures of cloud deployments and begin to consider what might be a good fit for BallotOnline. Discuss your findings and thoughts with your colleagues in the Discussion: Cloud Architectures forum.

In the next step, you will continue research, this time on trends in cloud computing as well as issues that can arise during data migration. 

Step 4: Propose Cloud Architecture for BallotOnline Deployment

Now that you have looked into cloud architectures, in this step, you will propose the cloud deployment architecture for BallotOnline, applying the knowledge of typical architectural elements of cloud deployment from the project’s initial step. You will also consider trends and migration issues from a previous step. Your recommendation should consider the company’s business requirements.

Recall that the company has an existing web application that it wants to move to the cloud, and also that the company wants to expand its business to other parts of the world. In earlier projects, you learned about and analyzed the IT business requirements for BallotOnline. Among them were demands for application and data security, data encryption, and separation for deployments overseas. Also, the application should handle load peaks during election times in different regions.

Specific technical requirements state that BallotOnline is a web application, written using the popular open-source LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) software suite and the PHP application.

Step 5: Research AWS

You’ve described your proposed architecture and included a diagram to provide leadership a way to envision the system. Now, it’s time to look closely at the leading cloud providers to see if their services will fit BallotOnline’s needs.

Each cloud provider provides a unique profile of services, so it is good practice to compare cloud vendors and evaluate their reliability, performance, ease of use, cost, security and compliance measures. As more providers enter the marketplace, many will specialize on specific needs and use cases, making this evaluation even more critical.

In this step, you will explore AWS and assess the feasibility of this platform for deploying the architecture proposed in the previous step. You should also consider issues related to AWS Pricing.

Based on your research, determine to what degree AWS supports the elements of the BallotOnline business and technical requirements.

Share your thoughts with your colleagues in the Discussion: Amazon Web Services Feasibility forum. In the following step, you will do the same for Microsoft Azure.

Step 6: Research Microsoft Azure

Now that you have had a chance to research AWS, it’s time to explore Microsoft Azure, another cloud provider that could be used to deploy the proposed architecture. You should also consider issues related to Microsoft Azure pricing.

Based on your research, determine to what degree Microsoft Azure supports the elements of the BallotOnline business and technical requirements. Share your thoughts with your colleagues in the Discussion: Microsoft Azure Feasibility forum.

Now that you have completed research on the cloud providers, in the next steps you will work on proof of concepts for each provider.

Step 7: Generate AWS Proof of Concept (POC)

With your research complete, you will now deploy a simple one-page PHP application to the AWS cloud. It will allow you to explore deployment methods, ease of use, provisioning speed, etc., for the Amazon cloud.

Action Item

As you may have already discovered in your research on AWS, it makes a cloud migration tool called Elastic Beanstalk available for customers to migrate their existing applications into the AWS cloud. We will use this tool to deploy your AWS proof of concept (POC).Proof of Concept (POC)

Proof of concept (POC), also known as proof of principle, is a prototype or demonstration of a particular idea or method developed for the purpose of verifying that the idea or method is viable for real-world applications.

Follow the steps in the AWS lab instructions to complete your AWS POC.

In the dropbox below, upload the URL linking to your application running in the AWS portal.

Step 8: Generate Azure Proof of Concept (POC)

Now that your AWS POC is complete, you can proceed with a similar POC deployment for the Microsoft Azure cloud. 

Action Item

Follow the steps in the Azure lab instructions to complete your Azure POC.

In the dropbox below, upload the URL linking to your application running in the Azure portal.

You are ready for the last step: writing the final report with recommendations on the cloud providers for the BallotOnline executives.

Submission for Project 3: Azure Proof of Concept

Previous submissions: view

Add files or drag them here.

Step 9: Write the Final Report Evaluating AWS and Azure Providers

Now that you have completed your research, shared your ideas with colleagues, and explored the two vendors, it is time to compile your findings and recommendations for the BallotOnline executives. You may find these considerations for cloud provider selection helpful in making your decisions.

Use the Final Report Evaluating AWS and Azure Providers Template to write your report and submit your work to the dropbox below.

Report Evaluating AWS and Azure Providers 

The report will be five to seven pages in length and should include source citations, as appropriate, in APA style. 

This report should include the following components:

● Title page

○ Include: for whom you are preparing the document, the title, the date prepared, and your name as the preparer of the document.

● Executive summary

○ Include: the purpose of the report and the intended audience.

○ Brief description of conducted research and POC deployments.

● Comparison of architecture deployment feasibility (from Steps 1 – 5)

○ Describe how the architecture proposed in Step 3 can be implemented in AWS and Azure environments, and compare ease of implementation.

○ Evaluate and compare efforts to implement BallotOnline business requirements.

○ Compare availability and ease of use for application scaling, geographical distribution, and network security measures.

○ Compare availability and ease of use of cloud services required by BallotOnline (database as a service, auditing, logging, application security, etc.).

○ Compare support for application migration and monitoring.

● Comparison of ease of deployment (from Steps 6 and 7)

○ Describe AWS and Azure capabilities for deploying web applications using the PHP language and MySQL database.

○ Compare ease of use of user interfaces, portals, and management consoles.

○ Compare POC environment deployment times.

● Comparison of costs

○ Discuss and compare pricing plans available, costs of servers, and services.

● Conclusions and recommendations

○ Present the final recommendation based on your research and POC deployment.

Discussion 2 Info Tech in a global economy.


Question: How do you feel blockchain will change the global economy or will it?  

  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.
  • Your initial post must be at least 250 words.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. 

Use proper citations and references in your post.

No Plagiarism 

Professionalism assignment help -PLease use attached template


You will complete the Portfolio template, which will cover the areas listed below. Your information should be supported with research throughout the portfolio (minimally 3 sources to support work throughout the assignment). Be sure to explain each area below in detail:

  1. Title page that includes assignment title, your name, course, section number, and date
  2. Introduction: In this section, in 2–3 paragraphs, you will explain who you are and your chosen professional field as well as a brief overview of how you perceive yourself professionally.
  3. Lifelong professionalism and how you will maintain your image: You will give an overview in 2–3 paragraphs of how you will focus on continuing to maintain your professional image in the future of the career you have chosen to pursue.
  4. Short-term goals: 2–3 short-term professional goals (written as SMART statement). Explanation of a plan to meet each goal (1 paragraph per goal) and rationale for why the goal will support your professionalism (1 paragraph per goal).
  5. Long-term goals: 2–3 long-term professional goals (written as SMART statement). Explanation of a plan to meet each goal (1 paragraph per goal) and rationale for why the goal will support your professionalism (1 paragraph per goal).
  6. Education Plan: At least 3 ways that you can maintain your knowledge throughout your degree. Explain why each way would be important to your career (minimum of 3 paragraphs).
  7. Budgeting Plan: Explanation as to how you will budget to ensure all future education (should connect to the education plan) as well as future career marketability needs are met. (minimum of 3 paragraphs).
  8. Reference Page: Sources should follow APA formatting guidelines with corresponding in-text citations within the body of the portfolio.

Assignment Format

  • Detailed explanations for each part should be included.
  • Information should be organized clearly throughout the presentation
  • Support from outside source material should be included in the presentation
  • Template must be used for assignment


Discussion Question #1: Discuss the difficulties in measuring the intelligence of machines.

Exercise #4: In 2017, McKinsey & Company created a five-part video titled “Ask the AI Experts: What Advice Would You Give to Executives About AI? View the video and summarize the advice given to the major issue discussed.

Exercise #5: Watch the McKinsey & Company video (3:06 min.) on today’s drivers of AI at and identify the major AI drivers. Write a report.

Exercise #15: Explore the AI-related products and services of Nuance Inc. ( Explore the Dragon voice recognition product. Write a report. (limit to one page of analysis for exercise 15).



For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.  Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.  The paper should include the following sections each called out with a header.

• Company Overview:  The section should include the company name, the industry they are in and a general overview of the organization.
• Challenges: Discuss the challenges the organization had that limited their profitability and/or competitiveness and how they planned to leverage Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.
• Solution:  Describe the organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation.  What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing?  Did they meet their objectives for fall short?
• Conclusion:  Summarize the most important ideas from the paper and also make recommendations or how they might have achieved even greater success.


The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.  There should be at least three scholarly sources listed on the reference page.  Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due.  Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches.  The body of the paper should be 3 – 5 pages in length.  The Title and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirements.

Discussion: Introductions and Operating System Comparisons

 Need 250 words Initial Post and two replies of 70 words each. I will post the replies later. 

1-1 Discussion: Introductions and Operating System Comparisons

Before you complete this discussion, read and complete Cisco Netacad Chapter 1. Then, introduce yourself briefly and share your interests in taking this course.

Next, describe your experience with the following operating systems: Linux, Windows, OSX, iOS, and Android. (You may not have experience with all of them, but you likely have used one or more.) Compare and contrast the operating systems that you have experience with based on at least one of the following features:

  • User interface
  • Ease of use
  • Performance
  • Applications
  • Support

In your responses to your peers, try to pick those who have different experiences than you do. Consider their initial posts and describe how those features affect you in your professional and personal life. What kinds of issues have you experienced? How did you handle those issues?