File based database implementation in java



You are to implement a simple database using a sorted file of fixed length records. The data that you are to use for testing is in file: Parks.csv Windows compatible (cr lf). This data contains the visitation records for the US National Parks from 1904 to 2016.. The goal of this assignment is to understand and practice using file management techniques to implement a database system. Your file-based database needs to handle overflow by writing records to an overflow file that contains unsorted records.

First, create a file of fixed length records from the data provided interleaved with blank records. Your file should create space for insertions by writing one blank record between each real record. Meta-information should be stored in a non-fixed length way in a separate configuration file, e.g., “Parks.config”. The config file must also store useful data like the names of the fields (for display), the number of records, and anything else you would want to add.

So, the initial file will have 764 records, half of which are blank. When a record is inserted, the file is searched (using binary search) to find the correct location. If there is a blank record where the new record needs to go, then the blank record is simply overwritten. However, if there is no empty record available in the correct location, the original file should be re-written with new blanks inserted, including after the new record. For example, if we do 3 inserts into blank records, we would now have 385 real records in our file of 764 total records. If the next insert fails, we would create a new file with 770 total records in it (the 385 real records, each with one blank record after it).

You must not read the whole data file into memory at a time

Program Description

Create a program which offers the user the following menu of operations:

1) Create new database
2) Open database
3) Close database
4) Display record
5) Update record
6) Create report
7) Add record
8) Delete record
9) Quit

Need help in homework111820

Building an economy: Government planning vs. entrepreneurial innovation

Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing government planning and/or entrepreneurial innovation. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings in the article you are reviewing. 

You should use Google Scholar 

Your paper should meet these requirements: 

  • Be approximately 4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion and citations.

TCP/IP protocol

 You will type a three to five page paper on the TCP/IP Protocol suite, its history and application. You may use the textbook in addition to researching  the internet for additional sources. Please submit your APA-formatted paper in a Word document. Your paper must be double spaced and include a cover page and a reference page for your cited sources. Please note that the reference page and cover page do not count towards your paper’s three to five pages in length. 



Week 1 Assignment

1.1 What is the OSI security architecture?

1.2 What is the difference between passive and active security threats?

1.3 List and briefly define categories of passive and active security attacks.

1.4 List and briefly define categories of security services.

1.5 List and briefly define categories of security mechanisms.

1.6 List and briefly define the fundamental security design principles.

1.7 Explain the difference between an attack surface and an attack tree.
Complete your answers on a WORD Document.



The term paper for this class is worth 200 points, and it requires you to do a research and write a 2000-2500 word paper describing  RIPv2 Protocol

 The paper will include the following:

  • The paper must have a distinct and well written Introduction, Supporting Body and Conclusion; 
    • In the body include the following 
      • The history of the protocol chosen;
      • The programmable parameters of the protocol and how they affect traffic flow;
      • The major differences between the routing protocol chosen and the others that were not chosen;
      • How the chosen protocol can be used in a modern day routed network environment.
  • ·  Site at least two advantages and two disadvantages, of your chosen routing protocol subject

·  Site at least two of the most common programmable parameters of the protocol, and how they affect traffic flow

·  Discuss the major differences between the routing protocol chosen and all others that were not chosen

In the Conclusion of your Paper 

·  Discuss how your chosen protocol can be used in a modern day routed network environment. (seen in Conclusion)

Paper Sections:

Description: Your Paper MUST contain the following sections. 

* Title Page

– Title of Paper

– Author

– Class

– Professor

* Introduction

* Body

– Support Introduction 

– Elements (see above)

– History

– Advantages/Dis-advantages

– Two Programmable Parameters

– How do they effect traffic flow

– Compared your chosen Protocol to all Routing Protocols we have studied

* Conclusion

– Your Opinion of selected Routing Protocol

– A Summary

– Modern Day Usage 

Operative Paradigm

  1. Develop a personal “operative paradigm” based on a review of the paradigmatic assumptions and concepts involved in each of the three basic methodological approaches in organization and management research. First, a brief review of the three basic methodological approaches in organization and management research is conducted. Second, the preferred personal “operative paradigm” is covered based on the following components: assumptions, concepts, propositions, hypotheses, variables, and operational definitions.
  2. The body of your paper should be 7–10 pages long, written in good APA, and with at least 10 references.

graded assignment

Using a web browser,perform some reasearch on a newer malware variant that has been reported by a major malware containment vendor.Using a search engine,go to the vendor’s web site,this could be symantec,McAfee or any of their competitiors.Visit one malware prevention software vendor.Search for the newest malware varianta and pick one.Note its name and try to understand how it works.Now look for information about that same malware from at least one other vendor.were you able to see this malware at both vendors?If so,are there any differences in how they are reported between the two vendors?



Do you believe Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning is the future of cybersecurity? Explain why or why not.


Why do we need to understand data visualisations? There is more and more data around us, and data are increasingly used in decision-making, journalism, and to make sense of the world. One of the main ways that people get access to data is through visualisations, but lots of people feel like they don’t have the skills and knowledge to make sense of visualisations. This can mean that some people feel left out of conversations about data.”

Please conduct the following activity located at the following address:

Tell us what you think of the visualisations that we used in our focus group research. Instructions below!

What to do

  1. Look at the visualisations by clicking on the images below. You can choose to open the visualisation in a NEW tab or window (we recommend this) or view it in a pop-up window if you prefer to stay on this page. Some are interactive (i) and some are static (s).
  2. Place the images on the grid. When you’ve looked at one, go to the grid and position the image according to whether you liked or didn’t like and learned or didn’t learn something from the visualisation (‘learning something’ could also mean confirming something you already knew). Only place the visualisations that you have looked at onto the grid. Click SUBMIT.
  3. Compare your views with others. You can compare your responses to the visualisations with those of others, by clicking COMPARE.

Choose three of your favorite visualisations. Post a 3 – 5 sentence summary of why you chose the visualisations. What caught your attention? Were they effective in presenting the provided data? If possible, explain how you would you do to improve the visualization?

MF week 5

Cost of Capital

In the links below, you will explore how companies compute their cost of capital by computing a weighted average of the three major components of capital: debt, preferred stock, and common equity. The firm’s cost of capital is a key element in capital budgeting decisions and must be understood in order to justify capital projects. 

Cost of Capital:

For this Discussion, imagine the following scenario:

You are the director of operations for your company, and your vice president wants to expand production by adding new and more expensive fabrication machines. You are directed to build a business case for implementing this program of capacity expansion. Assume the company’s weighted average cost of capital is 13%, the after-tax cost of debt is 7%, preferred stock is 10.5%, and common equity is 15%. As you work with your staff on the first cut of the business case, you surmise that this is a fairly risky project due to a recent slowing in product sales. As a matter of fact, when using the 13% weighted average cost of capital, you discover that the project is estimated to return about 10%, which is quite a bit less than the company’s weighted average cost of capital. An enterprising young analyst in your department, Harriet, suggests that the project is financed from retained earnings (50%) and bonds (50%). She reasons that using retained earnings does not cost the firm anything since it is cash you already have in the bank and the after-tax cost of debt is only 7%. That would lower your weighted average cost of capital to 3.5% and make your 10% projected return look great.

Based on the scenario above, post your reactions to the following questions and concerns:

What is your reaction to Harriet’s suggestion of using the cost of debt only? Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Why? Do you think capital projects should have their own unique cost of capital rates for budgeting purposes, as opposed to using the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) or the cost of equity capital as computed by CAPM? What about the relatively high risk inherent in this project? How can you factor into the analysis of the notion of risk so that all competing projects that have relatively lower or higher risks can be evaluated on a level playing field?

B) 3 replies each 150 words