Journal Assignment

 Required Textbook: Tapscott, D., &Tapscott, A. (2016). Blockchain revolution: how the technology behind bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world. Penguin. 


 You installed and set up a Bitcoin Wallet last week(watch the above link). Do you plan to use your wallet to buy or sell merchandise or services? If so, what do you plan to do with your Bitcoin? If not, describe why you don’t want to use Bitcoin. Will your plans change in the future? 

Write 200 words paper.


Paper Requirements:   Review the section on the definitions of maturity stages and dimension variables in the CEO Technology Best Practices Arc.  Define each of the maturity stages and performance dimensions.  What are the key concepts from each section?  2pages APA format with reference 

Computer Science Business Data and Communication Presentation

Explain and provide example when it is possible that will cover chapter 6 subjects:

•Network architecture components

•Traditional network design

•Building-block network design

–Needs analysis

–Technology design

–Cost assessment

Pick Two of Network Simulation Tools from the following, and Discuss, Present them on the class:

•[WANsim] WAN simulators and emulators

•[OPNET] OPNET Modeler,

•[NS2] NS2 official website,

•[NS2-wiki] NS2 resource webpage,

•[NS3] NS3 official website,

•[OMNeT] OMNeT++ official website,

•[REAL] REAL 5.0 simulator overview,

•[SSFNet] Scalable Simulation Framework (SSF), SSFNet homepage,

•[J-Sim] J-Sim homepage

•[QualNet] QualNet official site,•[YANS], Yet Another Network Simulator

•[GTNetS] The Ge orgia Tech Network Simulator (GTNetS)

CAseStudy 5

Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study.

Discussion Questions:

  • Describe, specifically, the ethical dilemma that Peter faced.
  • What are virtues Peter needed to act as he did? What do you think motivated him?
  • What were the risks Peter faced in making this decision?
  • What factors do you think assist people in making moral decisions in the face of a great deal of pressure?

Power BI Competition


  • Research at least 2 other products that compete with Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence).
  • Discuss some pros and cons of these competing products relative to the Microsoft offerings
  • Provide a comprehensive initial post with 3-4 well-developed paragraphs. They should include a topic sentence and at least 3-5 supporting sentences with additional details, explanations, and examples.
  • Website References


 Students will create a Disaster Recovery Plan for either the organization they work for or one they wish to work for in the future.  The plan will follow the template/example provided.

 Student should request prior authorization of company to be addressed to ensure that all students are working on unique companies.

**Even though this is a technical document, for academic purposes, all sources should be cited and referenced.

***Student may modify some of the sections per the company they have selected but all students will need to complete a DR Plan for the Portfolio Requirement. 

Chat application demo (using Angular and spring)

I want to demo real time chat web application with technology Angular 8 or above (frontend) and Spring (backend) with mysql databse

1. user can signup and login and chat with each other (one to one chat for example facebook)

2. web page design is not needed.

3. all chat should be store in database. if user have some chat and when it logout then after login all previous chat should be present in chat history.

4. all configuration for spring should be in xml based whatever required.

5. it should be work in windows 10.