
Please search the internet for an answer to the following question.

  • Why did Cisco Systems transition from standalone access control systems to IP networked systems?
  • What challenges did Cisco face in order to solve the physical security problems?

discussion question

  • Create a chart using a tool of your choice.
  • Include annotation features as defined in Chapter 8.  Make sure to select appropriate colors for the chart as explained in chapter 9.  
  1. Explain the reading guide, chart apparatus, labels, legends, caption, and color used.  If none is used explained why.

Ethical hacking assignment

All this files might be helpful.  I need project two done. I have done project one already. I have attached the template for project 2. You can also check what I did in project one and the comments of the professor. You can make it 3pages 

Louis Vuitton Malletier S.A. v. Haute Diggity Dog, LLC

In 2007, the high-end signature handbag and luggage maker, Louis Vuitton Malletier, lost an outrageous copyright infringement case against comedy fashion company Haute Diggity Dog.

  1. What was the principle issue in the legal dispute? This should surround the legal issue at the heart of the lawsuit and may include the essential facts of the matter.
  2. What was the rule or set of rules that the court analyzed to frame the legal dispute? Maybe they are federal laws or regulations, or it could be at the state level, or a combination.?
  3. How did the court apply the rules to the set of facts posed by each side? Here, we want your summary of the logic, the critical thinking, and the rationale that the court built its conclusion upon.
  4. What did the court conclude? Who won, who lost, what’s left unanswered for the next phase of litigation if there is one to follow?

· No Plagiarism 

· Should be 400 words without References.

· APA Format Required




Louis Vuitton’s Other Lawsuit Was a Winner, but Loses to a Parody Defense – Again.


Research paper 12 pages and 12 ppt slides subject topic INTUIT


1. Prepare a Paper that describes the assigned company. 

a. Who is the company? (2 pages)

i. What do they do?

ii. Where are they headquartered?

iii. What is their history?

iv. What does the firm believe are the most important aspects of successful new product development?

b. What problem does their product(s) or service(s) solve? (2 pages)

i. How would you measure the efficiency of the processes that they use?

ii. Are there key design principles that govern the effectiveness of the product?

c. Why are their solutions good for consumers and the business? (1 page)

i. Describe any policies that they have for their customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees, and society at large. Are there any conflicting policies?

d. The target market (1 page)

i. Do they have multiple target markets? Do they compete against each other?

e. Employees (1 page)

i. How are employees selected? What types of employees are needed?

ii. What are their policies for hiring employees? Leading employees?

iii. How would you ensure that motivation and commitment among employees?

f. Business model to market the product or service (1 page)

i. Is the model different in various global markets?

g. Technological advances of the organization that makes the product or service viable. (2 pages)

Topic : INTUIT 

i. What technology advances are key to this company?

ii. What is the physical layout of the company’s facilities? Does this impact their use of technology?

2. Prepare a Presentation that describes the assigned company.

a. Use items a-g identified above for the presentation, one slide per element. The presentation will be 10 minutes, with a 5 minute Q&A.

b. A minimum of two members will conduct the presentation while all team members must be available for the Q&A.

3. Both the paper and presentation will use APA citations and references. The paper must have a minimum of 20 unique references.


After completion of the week 3 assignment, please briefly describe and explain your recommendations for the manager in the assignment.  What tool or tools did you recommend and why?  In order to receive full credit, you must comment on two other classmates posts.

HTML programming


The purpose of this assignment is to get some experience using HTML web editors. There are many commercial and free options to choose from. If you have access to programs such as Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft Expression Web feel free to utilize them. There are several free open source web editors such as Kompozer, Amaya, and Bluefish.

Here is a page link from Wikipedia showing a comparison of Web HTML Editors. This might be a good place to start when making your choice of software. Copy the URL below to your browser.



Your assignment is to download (if necesary) and experiment with two different Web HTML Editors. Search YouTube for any available tutorials on how to use the software. For each editor, create a page with a table, image, lists, and cascading style sheet. Include the name of the editor in the comments in the HTML file. Feel free to also include any other features you find interesting. Create a short write up containing information about your reaction to using each program. Did you like it? What features did you like? What features did you not like or felt could have been better? If you prefer, you can include this information inside the pages (display it when the file is opened with a browser) that you create using the programs. Do this process for two different HTML Web Editor programs. Do not submit the exact same code for each editor. The HTML file for each editor must be different. Submit the pages you created along with the write ups (If separate documents) to the correct submission box. 

java interview question


1. Describe the key architecture points in a high capacity enterprise solution processing over 100/000 TPS?

 2. What are the key breakage points in the architecture? How would you improve upon them?