

What are baseline security requirements that should be applied to the design and implementation of applications, databases, systems, network infrastructure, and information processing when considering cloud computing within an enterprise risk management framework?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.


In the initial milestone writing assignment, you will evaluate the history of cryptography from its origins.  Analyze how cryptography was used and describe how it grew within history.  The writing assignment requires a minimum of two written pages to evaluate the history.  You must use a minimum of three scholarly articles to complete the assignment.  The assignment must be properly APA formatted with a separate title and reference page. 

online paper


  • Kuhn, M. (2019, March 27). The caret package. Github.

 Outline for Assignment 1

  • Refer to the Documenting Research Guide for assistance in organizing your research and developing your outline.
  • You can find this guide in the Useful Information folder, as well.

 Using the research guide and the assignment 1 instructions, develop your outline. Submit the outline in an MS Word document file type. Utilize the standards in APA 7 for all citations or references in the outline. Ensure that the document includes your name. Do not include your student identification number. You may use the cover page from the student paper template, but it is not required.

 The assignment 1 instructions are at the bottom of this content folder.Submit your outline on or before the due date.By submitting this paper, you agree:

(1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy;
(2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with UC's policies; and
(3) that the use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.


Excel is probably the most popular spreadsheet software for PCs. Why? What can we do with this package that makes it so attractive for modeling efforts?

250-300 words with a minimum of 2-3 references in APA format

Data Mining Assignment


Using search engines,  find two (2) recent PEER REVIEWED ACADEMIC ARTICLES involving DATA  ANALYTICS. Describe the role of “data analytics” in the text using your own words. Here is an example of an article citation as I would expect to see it in your write up. The writeup for your citation should be at least three paragraph longs (7-9 sentences each).


Gupta, R., Tanwar, S., Tyagi, S., & Kumar, N. (2020). Machine learning models for secure data analytics: A taxonomy and threat model. Computer Communications, 153, 406-440.


1) Spelling/Grammar & APA are a huge part of this grade (25%). Failure to thoroughly edit the assignment will result in a significant deduction in points. 

2) Provide one peer reply

Apply: Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center


Assignment Content

  1. The director of IT has indicated that the Board of Directors is compiling a corporate portfolio on ethics and has asked all departments to contribute information on how a code of ethics impacts daily decisions. The director of IT has asked for you to help by providing an example.

    Using the links provided, research at least 2 of the following codes of ethics:

Process Synchronization Using Monitor and Pthreads

The purpose of this programming project is to explore process synchronization. This will be accomplished by writing a program to solve the bounded buffer problem using monitor concept. Your program must be written using C or C++ and you are required to use the Pthread libraries. 

Bounded buffer is used to enable multiple producers and consumers processes to share memory. A producer can place items into the buffer only if the buffer has a free memory location to store the item. A producer cannot add items to a full buffer. A consumer can remove items from the buffer if the buffer is not empty. A consumer must wait to consume items if the buffer is empty. The “items” stored in this buffer will be integers. Your producer processes will have to insert random numbers into the buffer. The consumer processes will consume a number. 

Java – Process Synchronization

In this assignment, you will write a Java program that implements the solution to the bounded buffer problem between a producer and a consumer. The producer will produce forever and the consumer will consume forever. The producer will put data into the buffer and the consumer will remove data from the buffer. The buffer must implement a means of ensuring that the buffer never enters an under flow (take too much data out) or over flow put too much data into the buffer. Additionally the buffer must have functionality so that a critical region problem does not occur with parallel updates to the data. 

Test you application by creating a java thread for the produce, the consumer and having them access a shared buffer with declared size 5.