Concept Paper

Submit a 3 page concept paper IAW APA format on an approved topic (see pre-approved topics in the syllabus). 

The TOPIC WILL BE “Government vs. commercial organization security issues”

Paper organization will include (use as headings):

  • Coversheet
  • Introduction.
  • Problem Statement.
  • Relevance and Significance.
  • References (five).

Security Administrator


As a Security Administrator for a company, your Boss asks you to create a draft Enterprise Security Plan Proposal that the organization could adopt to safeguard the company’s assets from disasters. 

1)Focus on an organization that adequately practices Emergency Operation Plan

Ø Function of EOP (add references too at the end)

2) 10 slides required 

The company in the above question refers to any pharmaceutical company.

Research Paper

Step 3: complete a report based on your understanding of the Quality Data Model (QDM).

Download and read a document on Quality Data Model (QDM). Focus your reading on sections 1.1-1.5, and 2.1 – 2.8.

Tasks: Write a report that contains your answer to the following questions:

1. Why a quality data model is needed? Explain QDM’s importance in healthcare information system using examples you have seen or discussed in this Module’s required readings. (10 points)

2. Figure 1 in section 2.5 shows an example QDM element structure on the left. The diagram to the right is an example of QDM element called “Laboratory Test”. Suppose you are member of an interprofessional team working a quality health database project for a hospital. Explain how you would design a database table to store data containing in the ODM element “Laboratory Test”. For example, what is the name of this table? What are the columns to include in this table? (10 points)

3. Suppose the same database contains other tables describing ODM elements such as Doctor, Patient, Medication, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Company, etc. Describe ONE scenario where you can use this database to address questions related to QDM element “Laboratory Test”.  (40 points)

visual basic project done in visual studio


The Final Project for this course is the creation of an employee database. This assignment will give you some insight into how Visual Basic programming can be useful in the real world.  

As you work on this application, try to make it presentable like an application you would want to use if you were using an employee database application.  Feel free to incorporate pictures to make it appeal to the user….be creative.  Keep in mind the things you learned such as tab order and exception handling for user experience on the front end.  Also, think about the coding you are doing and make sure you comment your code and follow Visual Basic standard conventions. What if a new developer were to make changes to the application?  Will they understand your intentions and what the code is doing?

Complete the following Programming Challenges:

Programming Challenge #1 – Creating Employee Data found on page 625 of the textbook.

Programming Challenge #2 – Reading Employee Data found on page 625-626 of the textbook.

Programming Challenge #12 – Employee Data, Enhanced found on page 629 of the textbook.

Specifically, be sure to meet the following criteria:

  1. Employee records must be saved to a text file.
  2. Employee records can be retrieved from the text file, display one record at a time.
  3. Employee records can be retrieved from the text file, all records at once.
  4. New employee records can be added to the text file without erasing the existing records.
  5. Users can search employee records by employee ID.
  6. Save/OpenFileDialog must be used at least once.
  7. Users can print all employee records appropriately formatted.

Most students find this easier if all three programming challenges are put into one application.  If you choose to do these as three separate applications, put each one in its own zipped file.


 1. 500 words:

Chapter 9 Cluster Analysis

Answer the following questions in a point by point fashion.  NOT an essay. Please ensure to use the Author, YYYY APA citations with any content brought into the assignment.  

  1. For sparse data, discuss why considering only the presence of non-zero values might give a more accurate view of the objects than considering the actual magnitudes of values. When would such an approach not to be desirable?
  2. Describe the change in the time complexity of K-means as the number of clusters to be found increases.
  3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of treating clustering as an optimization problem. Among other factors, consider efficiency, non-determinism, and whether an optimization-based approach captures all types of clusterings that are of interest.
  4. What is the time and space complexity of fuzzy c-means? Of SOM? How do these complexities compare to those of K-means?
  5. Explain the difference between likelihood and probability.
  6. Give an example of a set of clusters in which merging based on the closeness of clusters leads to a more natural set of clusters than merging based on the strength of the connection (interconnectedness) of clusters.


Provide a question and Answer Paper with six (6) Questions specifically answered one after the other 

You must use properly formatted APA in-text citations and scholarly references. NO Copying and Pasting from the Internet or other past student paper. There is no redo for plagiarism. 

2. 250 Words:


Consider the mean of a cluster of objects from a binary transaction data set.

1. What are the minimum and maximum values of the components of the mean?

2. What is the interpretation of components of the cluster mean?

3. Which components most accurately characterize the objects in the cluster?

Please clearly LIST your response out to all THREE (3) questions and ensure to cite the specific article with the binary transaction of data set. I will be examing this for myself and other students should verify this as well. Provide the Author, YYYY  and specific page number, with any content brought into the discussion.


 Discuss the process that generates the power of AI and discuss the differences between machine learning and deep learning. 

Week Seven Discussion Topic Question:


Chapter 7 in the textbook discusses the different approaches of communication in change management. After reading the chapter, refer to the contingency approach features in communication. Offer a summary of the feature and discuss its role in organizational change. How can this change communication approach can aid in facilitating a change effort?


Read the article, “How Apple and Amazon security flaws led to my epic hacking” by Mat Honan. A PDF of the article is posted to Canvas. In addition, you can find it online

For additional information, read:

4 Security Lessons Learned from Mat Honan’s iCloud Account Hack

AFTER reading the article, answer the following questions:

2.In all, 4 accounts were hacked.  Briefly list all 4 with the extent of “damage” (why hacking into the specific account was a problem).  Include your opinion for each account as well.

  3.Googleacct.    What is Google’s two-factor authentication?    Clearly explain first A. what two-factor authentication is at Google, then B. provide a clear and specific example of how Google uses two-factor authentication, i.e. how do they do two-factor authentication. This needs to be understandable. [note be sure you understand how GOOGLE uses it!]

4.“Wired” successfully verified the hackers’ access technique by performing it on a different account.   When it came down to it, what were the final three items needed to successfully do this?  Simply list the three.

5.Mat Honan corresponded with the hacker.  A.  What was the hacker’s “name”? and B.  Why were the accounts hacked, i.e. what was the “target”? Be clear.

6.What are TWO lessons learned that YOU personally could apply, after having read this article?  [i.e. in addition to what the companies need to improve!].  Be specific and be sure these are take-aways from having read this article.

Business networks

 In chapter 6, the author describes basic components of a business network. Create a new thread, choose one of the types of participants discussed in chapter 6, and explain how you think the chosen participant type could effectively use assets in an enterprise blockchain environment to impact the organization’s outcomes.