Password complexity policy (Cybersecurity)

 For this week’s discussion,explain the purpose of a password complexity policy.  Give an example of a complete one that you may have used or have seen used.  Also, give an example of one that is not complete and where there may be holes that could cause issues.  Give full details of each example.  

Computer science

1.What do you understand by Data Independence? What are its two types?
2.Define the relationship between ‘View’ and ‘Data Independence’.
3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of views in the database?
4.What do you understand by Functional dependency?
5.When is functional dependency said to be the fully functional dependent?
6.What do you understand by the E-R model?


Review the material on routers.

It is sometimes said that information extracted from a router or switch does not necessarily provide specific evidence of a particular crime. What is meant by that?  If true, what then is the most useful information collected from these devices in an investigation?


Just part B


Assignment Content

  1. The presentation was a success, and the CIO of the organization you chose, while pleased, has another task for you. Because of the overwhelming support he gained from your presentation, he is assigned with staffing a team to provide the IDS solution. Therefore, you will provide him with the following information to consider in his planning:

    Part A
    Create 1- to 2-page summary, and do the following:

    • Identify the number of additional employees necessary to rollout and support an IDS desktop solution.
    • Explain how individuals will work with the existing desktop support and malware teams.
    • Identify the job title for those who normally perform rollout and support functions for the IDS desktop solution.
    • Outline the daily duties for the additional employees hired for rollout and support functions for the IDS desktop solution.
    • Part B
      Create an infographic displaying an organization chart, and do the following:
    • Identify job titles provided in your summary and how they fit in with the existing cybersecurity team.
    • Indicate the industry certifications the new IDS rollout-and-support-function employees should have or can work toward.
    • Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

      Submit your assignment.

Advanced Operating System

 Write a C or C++ program to run on a Unix platform. This program will take three arguments. The first argument will be the pathname of a directory on the system. The second argument will be a character string. The third argument is the maximum number of output lines, N. Your program should display at most N entries in the directory tree in a text file.

 You need to implement three system calls: Open, Read, and Stat

Details of the system calls are given below. You can also use man command pages to learn more about these system calls. 

1. Open system call: DIR *opendir (const char *dirname) Opendir system call opens a directory and returns a pointer to a struct DIR. DIR represents a directory stream, which is an ordered sequence of all directory entries in a particular directory. 

2. Read system call: struct dirent *readdir (DIR *dirp) Once the directory has been opened, you can read the directory with readdir system call. Each time you call readdir system call, it returns another entry in the directory. 

3. Stat system call: int stat (const char *path, struct stat *sb) Once you have the name of an entry, you can use the stat system call to get more information about it. stat function takes two arguments, the first is a path name and second is a pointer to struct stat, which contains information about the file.

 Guidelines and Requirements 

 1. You can use either C or C++ for this programming assignment. 

2. Your program should run on a UNIX platform 

3. Add comments (about the function/variable/class) to your code as much as possible 

4. Zip your project including source file(s) and input text data files (if any) 

Data visualization

According to Kirk (2016), The essence of “Formulating Your Brief” is to “identify the context in which your work will be undertaken and then define its aims: it is the who, what, where, when and how.” It could be formal or informal as any project you think you must make it. This phase is where you create a vision for your work.

1. Why is it so important to formulate your brief for a data presentation? Discuss some ways you would implement to formulate an effective brief. What are some advantages to your methods? What are some disadvantages?

2. Please provide a summary as to whether you agree/disagree with their advantages/disadvantages.

– apa

– 2pages

– no plagiarism

– 2 references

Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Ltd.