Discuss Malware

Discuss the following, supplying citations to support any information that you provide.  Do not include your opinion, only what you can support with a citation.  Address the following topics.

  1. What is malware? 
    1. Discuss at least five types, describing each.
    2. Discuss what they are and what they do.
    3. Discuss a notable instance of each type
  2. What impact can malware have on an organization
  3. How can an organization reduce risks associated with malware?  (Hint: talk about appropriate types of policies, procedures, and the use of technology)
  4. What is software piracy or license violations?
    1. What can an organization do to avoid it?
    2. What are the potential consequences of it?
    3. What relationship does it have with malware?

For all writing assignments ensure that you do the following:

  • Write 1000 to 1500 words in APA format.
  • Utilize at least five scholarly references. 
  • Note that scholarly references do not include Wikipedia, .COM websites, blogs, or other non-peer reviewed sources. 
  • Utilize Google Scholar and/or the university library. 
  • Do not copy and paste bulleted lists.  Instead, read the material and in your words, describe the recommendation citing the source. 
  • Review the rubric to see how you will be graded.
  • Plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment. 
  • The second instance of plagiarism will result in your failure of this class.
  • If you use a source, cite it.  If you do not, it is plagiarism.

Need Response to below discussion-cloud IT

Please provide the responses to below discussions in 75 to 100 words for each discussion



Federated architecture in cloud systems is also referred to as the Cloud Federation Architecture. It is a system that provides an intercloud service where heterogeneous cloud gets capacitated to interoperate. All the clouds participating ‘adopt unique techniques to describe the different services obtained from their platforms’ (Liu, Zhang, Song, & Letaief, 2020). Users, on the other hand, are enabled to use the created mechanism or system to benefit from the common as well as available services within the cloud, this being after the conclusive application of the federation’s architecture within the interface. There are specialist service brokers whose mandate is to provide a platform for translating services between and amongst the interfaces, thus providing the necessary updates for its successful operations.

Cloud federation architecture applies brokerages, including the most common, typical objective request broker architecture (Liu et al., 2020). Others that have gained notoriety in the market amongst consumers include the Object Request Broker, which acts as middleware, especially after introducing the XML. It is now possible to apply similar technologies in processing similar languages while avoiding unnecessary translations. Brokers play a core role in the cloud federation, ‘whereas other service providers such as the CPSs facilitate the broker-to-broker communications’ (Liu et al., 2020). Such a function can be matched with those offered under the federation resources and have to be operated using a user command just as it is done while considering the SLAs parties. It is incumbent upon the brokers to identify the unique ways cloud services and resources ca. n be applied before gathering information seamlessly and smoothly. Service pricing information is another crucial benefit that can be gained from brokerage services.

For cloud federation architecture to function correctly as designed, the engaging parties, as well as those that are interested, need to ‘subscribe for the FLA services’ (Wu, He, & Chen, 2020). This service guarantees particular interconnections, laws, and rules of operation, which also dictates the unique roles and responsibilities of the parties. Only acceptable behaviors are allowed leading to more significant financial gains. There are administrative penalties, however, following violations of the laid down protocols, which equally encourages smaller parties to subscribe and unsubscribe at will. All the pros and cons of cloud federation architecture, however, serve to ensure that the system as developed promotes interoperability, collaboration, and cooperation.

Research on the intercloud services reveals a growing interest and concern for the use of cloud federations. Some of the factors that have been cited for this ever-increasing urge include its power-efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and even the dynamism associated with it when it comes to sharing and disseminating information, services, and resources (Wu et al., 2020). It is required of the members in a federation to sign up for the Sign Service-Level Agreements, which is depended upon for continued availability as well as QoS. Other things to consider include defining the marketing system based on the costs of utilities, determine the geographic dispersion that will dictate how resources are distributed. Equally important is that it will eliminate any likely problems within the network ass that would interrupt normal services or alter access to services through delays. 



Identity and access management (IAM) in enterprise IT is about defining and managing the roles and access privileges of individual network users and the circumstances in which users are granted (or denied) those privileges. Those users might be customers (customer identity management) or employees (employee identity management). The core objective of IAM systems is one digital identity per individual. Once that digital identity has been established, it must be maintained, modified and monitored throughout each user’s access lifecycle. Identity and management technologies include but aren’t limited to password-management tools, provisioning software, security-policy enforcement applications, reporting and monitoring apps and identity repositories. Identity management systems are available for on-premises systems, such as Microsoft SharePoint, as well as for cloud-based systems, such as Microsoft Office 365.

“An Identity and Access Management (IAM) framework manages these different slices of your profile, including your memberships, groups and organizations, roles, resources, resource-level roles, risk, history, status, and so on” (Scheidel, 2010). IAM systems provide administrators with the tools and technologies to change a user’s role, track user activities, create reports on those activities, and enforce policies on an ongoing basis. These systems are designed to provide a means of administering user access across an entire enterprise and to ensure compliance with corporate policies and government regulations. 

“Unlike manual new-user access and subsequent modification controls, the primary benefit of centralized and automated IAM controls is the enforcement of organizational security policies at the point of use” (George, Aldhizer, Paul & Dale, 2008). Specifically, security policies are enforced through the real-time monitoring of employee and third-party access and use of sensitive data across multiple enterprise resource planning (ERP) databases in numerous locations. Additional benefits of centralized and automated IAM controls include improved operational efficiency, increased userproductivity, enhanced internal audit efficiency, and improved compliance with federal privacy laws and regulations.

“Implementing centralized authentication is a great method when there are too many users and servers, although this itself needs a good amount of time to implement and maintain. Thus, depending on operational benefits, you can give a thought” (Vora, & Pruteanu, 2017). Many organizations should consider automating the following five IAM processes and related controls: password changes or resets, new-user access, subsequent modifications to existing user access, termination of user access, and third-party access. While the benefits of deploying a robust IAM solution are clear, the cost and complexity of implementation can derail even the most well-intentioned organization. However, when enterprises consider the cost of a potential security breach or study the inefficiencies inherent to the manual provisioning and de-provisioning of access to corporate resources, the imperative is clear. In addition, enterprises can ensure security by deploying solutions with strong multifactor authentication, while eliminating user frustration by delivering seamless access to cloud-based applications. 

Identity and access management (IAM) in enterprise IT is about defining and managing the roles and access privileges of individual network users and the circumstances in which users are granted (or denied) those privileges. Those users might be customers (customer identity management) or employees (employee identity management). The core objective of IAM systems is one digital identity per individual. Once that digital identity has been established, it must be maintained, modified and monitored throughout each user’s access lifecycle. Identity and management technologies include but aren’t limited to password-management tools, provisioning software, security-policy enforcement applications, reporting and monitoring apps and identity repositories. Identity management systems are available for on-premises systems, such as Microsoft SharePoint, as well as for cloud-based systems, such as Microsoft Office 365.

“An Identity and Access Management (IAM) framework manages these different slices of your profile, including your memberships, groups and organizations, roles, resources, resource-level roles, risk, history, status, and so on” (Scheidel, 2010). IAM systems provide administrators with the tools and technologies to change a user’s role, track user activities, create reports on those activities, and enforce policies on an ongoing basis. These systems are designed to provide a means of administering user access across an entire enterprise and to ensure compliance with corporate policies and government regulations. 

“Unlike manual new-user access and subsequent modification controls, the primary benefit of centralized and automated IAM controls is the enforcement of organizational security policies at the point of use” (George, Aldhizer, Paul & Dale, 2008). Specifically, security policies are enforced through the real-time monitoring of employee and third-party access and use of sensitive data across multiple enterprise resource planning (ERP) databases in numerous locations. Additional benefits of centralized and automated IAM controls include improved operational efficiency, increased userproductivity, enhanced internal audit efficiency, and improved compliance with federal privacy laws and regulations.

“Implementing centralized authentication is a great method when there are too many users and servers, although this itself needs a good amount of time to implement and maintain. Thus, depending on operational benefits, you can give a thought” (Vora, & Pruteanu, 2017). Many organizations should consider automating the following five IAM processes and related controls: password changes or resets, new-user access, subsequent modifications to existing user access, termination of user access, and third-party access. While the benefits of deploying a robust IAM solution are clear, the cost and complexity of implementation can derail even the most well-intentioned organization. However, when enterprises consider the cost of a potential security breach or study the inefficiencies inherent to the manual provisioning and de-provisioning of access to corporate resources, the imperative is clear. In addition, enterprises can ensure security by deploying solutions with strong multifactor authentication, while eliminating user frustration by delivering seamless access to cloud-based applications.

IA week7 DB



i need this paper by 10/07 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

Describe some ways that an administrator can harden a system on a network.

An initial post must be 300 words 

Make sure Strictly No plagiarism content should not match and even the reference should not match in plagiarism 

Order # 12531

Title: Network Security

Paper type Essay

Paper format APA

Course level Undegraduate

Subject Area Other (Not listed)

# pages 2   ( or 600 words Minimum)

Spacing Double Spacing

# sources 4

Paper Details

For this assessment, imagine that you are responsible for creating a security and privacy plan for a small doctors’ office that has 4 doctors and 10 staff. The purpose of your plan is to describe standards that help ensure the privacy and integrity of the many different facets of a network.

To prepare to make recommendations, complete the practice labs provided in the Virtual Resource Portal activity for this assessment.

Include the following in your 5–6-page security and privacy plan:

•Create an enterprise-wide network security plan for an organization.

•Describe the most common vulnerabilities, risks, and issues that your plan will address.

•Describe a plan for standards to protect the users from harming the network and system, both intentionally and accidentally. Discuss how these will be enforced.

•Include policies that protect the hardware and physical aspects of the network.

•Identify hardware areas that need to be secured.

•Describe steps that will be taken to ensure the security of the operating systems and network files.

•Discuss measures that are necessary to protect the transfer of data to and from the network.

•Apply the concepts from the assigned practice lab activity.

Additional Requirements

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

•APA formatting: If you use sources, ensure that resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Operational Excellence

APA format

plagiarism free

Assignment 1(1 page)

Discussion: This week we focus on the various maturity stages and variables in the middle manager best practices arc.  Refer to chapter 12 from this week’s reading and not the various stages, what they are and why they are important.

Assignment 2(1 page)

Review the section on the definitions of maturity stages and dimension variables in the CEO Technology Best Practices Arc. Define each of the maturity stages and performance dimensions. What are the key concepts from each section? (Information Technology and Organizational Learning) Chapter 12.

Cloud computing Assignments

  Course – Cloud Computing

  • Residency Poster PresentationPrepare a PowerPoint presentation of your preliminary idea for your research project. The PowerPoint presentation must include the following:  
    • Background on the problem (1-2 slides)
    • Explanation of the problem to be studied (1-2 slides). Include evidence that the problem is current and significant
    • The overarching research question(s) (1 slide)
    • Identify at least three scholarly sources that directly inform the project. The sources should be relevant and recent.


Extended Annotated Bibliography (September 26th 6:00 pm EST)  [5 more references needed ]which includes the references delivered in poster presentation and cover the below requirements for the topic and for which we will be doinfg for final upcoming research paper] Begin organizing the research and topics for your project using an annotated bibliography. The format of the annotated bibliography is a referene to the article, formatted per APA 7th edition, and an annotation or summary of the article. The summary should include important topics and how the topic relates to your research. Your annotations should cover three areas (typically formatted in three paragraphs):  

  • Summary: What did the author do? Why? What did he/she find?
  • Analysis: Was the author’s method sound? What information was missing? Is this a scholarly source?
  • Application: Does this article fill a gap in the literature? How would you be able to apply this method/study to yoru study? Is the article universal?
  • Writing annotated bibliographies will help you develop the skills to critically read and identify key points within an article. This will help you determine the validity and usefulness of the articles in relation to your research topic.
  • Residency Literature Review (september 27th 11:30 AM pm est)You will submit a draft of the literature review portion of your research paper. The literature review will form the main body of your final research paper. This will be where you provide a synthesis of the articles you have found related to your topic. When writing a literature review, you should include or consider the following:  
    • An introduction and a conclusion
    • Avoid direct quotes.
    • Organize by topic or theme rather than by author
    • Use headings
    • Show relationships and consider the flow of ideas
  • Residency Draft Paper (September 27th 1:00 pm est)Submit a draft of your final paper. The draft must adhere to APA format and style (APA 7th edition). 
  • Residency Research Paper (October 1st 7:00 pm est)Submit your professional research paper on a current topic in cloud computing. Amend your paper based on feedback you received during the residency weekend. The paper includes your final literature review and your completed analysis of your chosen research topic. The paper must adhere to APA format and style (APA 7th edition). 

For the final project, you will be conducting a forensics investigation using one of the following items: A smartphone A network (ideally, a wireless network)


For the final project, you will be conducting a forensics investigation using one of the following items:

  1. A smartphone
  2. A network (ideally, a wireless network)

 You may use either for your investigation. However, be aware of legal issues surrounding your data gathering. If you are using any system you do not personally control and have authority to investigate/discover, please get written permission from the owner/operator of the system or refrain from your forensics analysis of that systems and use a personal system. For a network, you can use your own personal home network. For a smartphone, consider using an image from the Internet or a personal device. There could be issues related to using a live, active, personal device (example: corruption of the device). If using a personal device, consider using an old, outdated phone, if available.

 You will review various forensics tools used with your selected system. Select a tool and use that tool to gather forensics data for analysis. You are simulating the process of gathering this data, so you do not need to investigate a compromised device or system. The project deliverables are as follows:

 Week 7 – Prepare an investigative report of the forensics data capture conducted using the tool selected for this purpose. The paper should provide the following information: 

  • Executive Summary of your investigation, including a description of the device or systems and the tool used for the forensics analysis
  • Step-by-step description you used to gather data for analysis
  • Report on the information that was obtainable from the device
  • Graphics evidence that you conducted the forensics data gathering and analysis

 The paper should be in a form that would be used for reporting to a court or a law enforcement agency. Be sure to provide graphics evidence of your forensics investigation effort (Screenshots, reports, etc.). References should be in APA format.