Endless Running Games: Temple Run 2 – Fall Jungle Update!

Run or Die! So hurry!! 

Continue the endless-running journey with Professor Jones in Temple Run 2

The temple was at one time on the ground; an ancient civilization built the temple but they were killed by a disease. 

The leader of the civilization was spared by a remedy, but because he didn’t die, the potion turned him into the large demon monkey that chases you from the temple. 

As time passed, the temple remained unfound until the gems that were placed all over the huge temple were suddenly charged by an unknown source of power. 

Your mission this time is to escape from the demonic forest along with the spoils is “the cursed god statue” – which you stole from a mysterious temple. 

Remember, the Devils are still hunting for you! 

Download Temple Run 2 new version.

Use arrow keys to control in this game.

Tips and Tricks: You can turn the sound on/off on the game screen and play this game in fullscreen mode.

need out line and complete


complete a Detailed Research Outline based on the instructions provided

  • Refer to the CU Research Guide for Structure (file found under the Research Report Help section)
  • Refer to APA for format  (web link found under the Research Report Help section)



Security Architecture and Design 


1. What does an assessor need to understand before she or he can perform an assessment?

2. How active is each threat agent? How might a successful attack serve a particular threat agent’s goals?

ME d-2

For this Discussion Question, complete the following (350 words)

1.  Read the two articles below that discuss why fuel prices fluctuate. Research two of these types further.  

Article 1: https://www.forbes.com/sites/eco-nomics/2012/03/05/five-reasons-gas-prices-rise/#6f9a838d1e02

Article 2: https://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/2014/1031/Why-do-gas-prices-rise-and-fall-5-driving-factors/Oil-A-volatile-commodity

2. Locate two JOURNAL articles that discuss this topic further. You need to focus on the Abstract, Introduction, Results, and Conclusion. For our purposes, you are not expected to fully understand the Data and Methodology.  

3. Summarize these journal articles. Please use your own words. No copy-and-paste. Cite your sources.

2) Replies 2 each 150 words 

Research Paper: Enterprise Risk Management( 4-6 papers)

What are baseline security requirements that should be applied to the design and implementation of applications, databases, systems, network infrastructure, and information processing when considering cloud computing within an enterprise risk management framework?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Business Intelligence – End-of-Chapter questions

Chapter 1 – Discussion question #1 &
                    Exercise #5, #7, & #15

Chapter 2 – Discussion question #1 &
                     Exercises #4, #5, and #15

– Each answer must be at least 125 words

– 2 references apa format

– no plagiarism

1 Discussion question and Questions

Discussion 4.1

Describe the difference between using Statistics and using Summarize functions on a field.

DISCUSSION ANSWER should be at least 100 words with References.

I. SHORT ANSWERS Limit your answer to no more than 10-20 words

1. Explain the difference between attribute data and spatial data and give an example of each. Do we need to input both data to GIS? Explain your answer

2. Even with the increasing availability of digital sources, why might one still consider tracing from paper sources for a GIS project?

3. What is the difference between “spatial entities” and “continuous fields”? When we use an entity- based approach and a field-based approach. Give examples.

4. Name four DISADVANTAGES of raster data structure (name more for extra points)





5. Describe how would you create a new ArcGIS layer of the rivers (rivers.lyr), that go through three states: Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania?




6. Describe the steps in reclassifying the generic map of Virginia to the map of population. What steps do you need to do? What layers/data do you need for this?





 Check or circle the correct answer. 

1. In the World of GIS, another term for the spatial feature (object) is:

 Entity
 Topology
 Attribute
 Raster Grids

2. Which of the following is the example of non-spatial data?

 The number of rooms in an office building
 The path of a highway between two cities
 The vegetation patterns
 The location of supermarkets in Fairfax, VA

3. Which of the following are NOT the advantages of vector data structure?

 Compact data structure
 Accurate graphic representation  Overlay analysis is easy
 Network analysis is easy

III. TRUE AND FALSE QUESTIONS Mark with T=True or F=False the following statements

1. Today success or failure with GIS depends more on technology, but not on the conceptual models of



2. GIS analyst spends much more time on creation than on verification a model


3. In a GIS attribute information and spatial information are linked to each other 


4. Spatial environmental surface analysis and modeling is easy with CAD systems 


5. When you select the spatial feature on a map in ArcGIS, the attribute information about the same feature has to be found and selected separately


Mini Paper

 My Topic is a:- a comparison of authentication mechanisms

 Research topic.  You must  include at least four primary, peer-reviewed sources in your  bibliography.  Additional sources of varying standards can also be used.   However, these four must be specifically cited.  An un-cited source  should not appear in your bibliography.

A primary source is the original material. If you are directly  quoting the words of an author, that is usually a primary source.  However, if you are quoting a paraphrase from an author (known because  the author is making a citation), then you should find the original  document they are paraphrasing and then quote or paraphrase the  original.

  • Peer-reviewed means that experts in the field have vetted the ideas,  methods, and conclusions to determine its suitability for publication.

  • Use the library databases, Google Scholar, and Wikipedia to locate  these primary sources (i.e. see what Wikipedia cites, or what papers are  listed as often cited in Google Scholar). Ensure that they are from  peer reviewed sources (such as ACM, IEEE, etc.) and not from trade  publications (such as eWeek, PC Magazine, etc.) Wikipedia is not a  primary source — you can use it, but it will not count as one of the  four peer reviewed primary sources.

  • Write a 4 to 6 page research paper on your topic.  The page count  excludes any figures, tables, pictures, title page, front-matter,  back-matter, appendices, or bibliographic references. In other words,  there should be 4 to 6 pages of double-spaced prose.

  • Proofread your assignment carefully.  Improper English grammar,  sentence structure, punctuation, or spelling will result in significant  point deductions.

Assessment 3: Digital Forensic Report



i have an Assessment 3: Digital Forensic Report [Word count: 4000 words]

please check the attached file for complete details.

if you are able to do this please place your bid.

I need A+ grade in this so do quality work.. and I need plagiarism free work.

i also have attached 2017 as an example

Thank you.