Linux Implementation Proposal: Client Response Memo


Faster Computing was impressed with your presentation. The company is  interested in moving forward with the project, but the senior  management team has responded to the presentation with the following  questions and concerns:

  • How will security be implemented in the Linux systems—both workstations and servers?
  • End users have expressed some concern about completing their  day-to-day tasks on Linux. How would activities such as web browsing  work? How would they work with their previous Microsoft Office files?
  • The current Windows administrators are unsure about administering  Linux systems. How are common tasks, such as process monitoring and  management, handled in Linux? How does logging work? Do we have event  logs like we do in Windows?
  • Some folks in IT raised questions about the Linux flavor that was  recommended. They would like to see comparisons between your  recommendation and a couple of other popular options. What makes your  recommendation the best option?
  • How does software installation work on Linux? Can we use existing Windows software?
  • How can Linux work together with the systems that will continue to  run Windows? How will we share files between the different system types?

The deliverable for this phase of the project is a memo. There is no  minimum or maximum page requirement, but all of the questions must be  fully answered with sufficient detail. The recommended format is to  respond to the questions in a bulleted format. Provide sufficient detail  to fully address the questions. You must cite at least two quality  sources.



Go2Linux, Inc.


Provide a brief summary of your recommendation

of a specific version of Linux. Explain how your choice meets the business need of Faster 

Computing, Inc.

The bold text questions below represent the specifics you need to focus on. For 

each question, refer to your Implementation Proposal (Assignment #1) for consistency. In this 

assignment you will provide technical details for Information Technology personnel.

Any example Linux commands should be properly displayed (e.g., in lower case) 

and any acronyms explained on first use (e.g., Secure Shell (SSH)).


How will you implement security in the Linux systems?


Start by outlining how you plan to migrate the existing Windows 

Servers to Linux. Ho

w will users authenticate? What technologies will be used? What 

kind of access controls will be used?


Will you recommend simple authentication mechanisms or employ 

multiple factors? For passwords, what policy(ies) will you recommend?



How will you handle data-at-rest and data-in-transit?



How will you enforce software installations and control which 

applications may run on the network?


End users have expressed some concern about completing their day-to-day tasks on 

Linux. How would activities such as email/web browsing work? How would they work 

with their previous Microsoft Office files?


There are several ways to address the use of existing applications. 

Conduct research to determine the available options.


For web browsing, you should provide at least 2 alternatives and 

consider the impact to initial configuration (bookmarks, extensions, plugins)



For Microsoft Office, provide a full discussion on how users will 

continue to open/edit/save office docs in the Linux environment. You should provide at 

least 2 alternatives.


The current Windows administrators are unsure about administering Linux systems. How

are common tasks, such as process monitoring and management, handled in Linux? 

How does logging work? Do we have event logs like we do in Windows?


Discuss your logging and monitoring approach in this section. You 

should include the location of specific Linux log files.


Discuss how admins can manage processes. It may be helpful to 

compare/contrast in familiar terms (e.g., the Windows Event Viewer). Discuss how to 

stop processes, including the corresponding commands.


Some folks in IT raised questions about the Linux flavor that was recommended. They 

would like to see comparisons between your recommendation and a couple of other 

popular options. What makes your recommendation the best option?



The key differentiator is …


How does software installation work on Linux? Can we use existing Windows software?


Discuss a Linux package management specific to your distro. How will

you automate updates?


Discuss how specific Windows applications can be installed and used,

if at all.


How can Linux work together with the systems that will continue to run Windows? How 

will we share files between the different system types?


Discuss how file and printer sharing will work. Will the users need to 

do anything “different”? What underlying technology will need to be implemented?

as needed>

Warm regards,


Linux Deployment Manager


to be used. Ensure you utilize in-text citations in the body of your paper as appropriate.>

[1] Red Hat Enterprise, “Encryption,” Chapter 3, Section 3.1.3. Red Hat, Inc., 2019. [Online]. 



Encryption. [Accessed December 1, 2019]. 

[2] TestOut Labsim, “TestOut Linux Pro,” Chapter 15, Section 15.8.3. TestOut, 2019 [Online]. 

Available: [Accessed 

December 6, 2019].

… and so on …



Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and back up your responses with facts and examples.

Why Is Enterprise Architecture Important for healthcare industry ?

Discussion Post 3 and Assignment

 1) Note the various aspects of knowledge management, continuous innovation, and competitive advantage and how they integrate with one another. ( 250 to 300 words)

2) What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? Create at least three statements that identify the differences between the two.

3)  Find the information security policy at your place of employment or study. Is it a good policy? Does it meet the standards outlined in the chapter?

4)How diligent are you in keeping your own information secure? Review the steps listed in the chapter and comment on your security status

Practical connection assignment 500 WORD ( due in 4 hours MANDATORY ) NO PLAGIARISIM ).


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the management of the organization can enhance their organizations’ ** (( NETWORK SECURITY.))** If you are not currently working, share how this could be applied to an (( EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY IN YOUR FIELD OF STUDY {{ COMPUTER SCIENCE }} ).

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 


Network Design


You work as a network consultant for West Consulting, a graphic design and printing company. West Consulting is growing in customer and sales volume and, therefore, is expanding its local campus in Houston, Texas, and adding a test location in China.

You are tasked with designing a network to support their growth and expansion plan and drafting a proposal. You will work on this project over the next five weeks. The first task is to confirm your understanding of the project and outline your high-level plan to approach the design.

Refer to the West Consulting Network Design Summary document, which lists the network requirements and configuration details.

Create a Customer Design Summary that includes the following: 

  • Project Summary
  • A description of the organization, the business environment, and the project purpose
  • Design Requirements
  • Desired functional network requirements, any technical constraints, and network performance or design goals
  • Existing High-Level Network Infrastructure Survey
  • Include logical topology diagrams (layer 3) and physical network diagrams of current infrastructure and routing.
  • Implementation Plan
  • Description of a high-level network upgrade plan based on Cisco’s network design lifecycle principles and an explanation of how your plan addresses West Consulting’s goals and strategies

Diagram your current network survey in Microsoft® Visio®.

Document the remainder of your Customer Design Summary as either a:

  • 2- to 3-page Microsoft® Word document
  • 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes

Research Paper: Building an economy: Government planning vs. entrepreneurial innovation

Research Paper: Building an economy: Government planning vs. entrepreneurial innovation

Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing government planning and/or entrepreneurial innovation. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings in the article you are reviewing. 

You should use the UC library ( and/or Google Scholar to find these types of articles ( )

Once you find the article, you will read it and write a review of it.  This is considered a research article review.

Your paper should meet these requirements: 

  • Be approximately 3-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

human computer interface

 discuss how a particular human-computer interface might impact a person’s satisfaction with and ability to use technology. Then, describe another example of a technology product and the human-computer interface you use to interact with that product, such as a wearable device or a self-service checkout machine. In your post, discuss the positives and negatives of the experience, with a focus on how HCI elements allow you to interact with the technology. Finally, describe how interacting with that technology compares to the way you were accustomed to doing that task before. 

need help in homework

 The reading this week discusses strategy and how ERM can be integrated with an organization’s overall strategy. Prepare a research paper on some of the various issues, protocols, methods, frameworks you found and discuss how – if possible – organizations can use ERM as strategy. It is perfectly acceptable if you deem ERM cannot be used as strategy, just back up your claim with scholarly research and justifications.