short answer


Think back over the quarter and where you began with your storyboard and how your final project looks. Were you able to develop a site that followed your storyboard? Where did you need to adjust the outcome from your original vision of the site’s functionality? What challenges did you face? What major wins will you take away from the process?

SyncSession Assignment


Write a 4-5 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

  • What key characteristics distinguish a professional from other kinds of workers, and is an IT worker considered a professional?
  • What factors are transforming the professional services industry?
  • What relationships must an IT worker manage, and what key ethical issues can arise in each?
  • Be prepared to present this assignment at SyncSession 1.
    Sync Sessions are held four times per term. For the exact dates and times please check the course schedule under the Course Overview area.  To connect to a Sync Session, please click on the Sync Session Classroom area and select the appropriate session.
    Due: Assignment is due Wednesday of the second week in the module.

Week 5 – Research Paper – Develop a Computer/Internet Security Policy

You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers the following areas:

  • Computer and email acceptable use policy
  • Internet acceptable use policy
  • Password protection policy

Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area. There are plenty of security policy and guideline templates available online for you to use as a reference or for guidance. Your plan should reflect the business model and corporate culture of a specific organization that you select. 

 Include at least 3 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook.  The UC Library is a good place to find these references. At least two of the references cited need to be peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the library.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least three scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Data Classification and Data Loss Prevention


Before you begin: review the information provided in this resource:

It takes a team of individuals throughout an organization who work together to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of data resources. But, how does an organization know that it has enough people in the right roles performing the right tasks to ensure that digital assets will be protected from loss or harm?

The RACI matrix is a tool that can be used to outline the various roles and responsibilities required to provide this protection. For this discussion, you will prepare a RACI matrix that outlines roles of key players in the organization who have data protection responsibilities (i.e. asset security and data protection). Your matrix should specifically address executives (C-level), managers, supervisors, employees. The tasks that you should address are: generating information, using information, classifying information, and managing / using / implementing data loss prevention technologies.

After you have completed your chart, write a brief discussion of responsibilities for each role listed in the rows of your chart. Each role should be addressed in a separate paragraph.

Combine your matrix and your narrative descriptions into a briefing paper for a working group that has been charged with reviewing and improving the company’s data classification business processes. Post your paper in the body of your reply to this topic.

Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting. Use a consistent and professional style for your citations and reference list entries. (Hanging indent is NOT required.)

Research Paper on 2019 Georgia Cyberattacks

  2019 Georgia Cyberattacks

You are assigned with the task of writing a 1500-2000 word critical analysis academic paper on the incident response and disaster recovery of a specific cybersecurity incident. You will find your assigned cyberattack/breach in the list below. Your paper must analyze how the targeted/victim organization detected, responded to, and recovered from the attack. Your paper must include the following:

1. It must be 1500-2000 words not including the references (you will lose marks if you exceed or fail to meet the wordcount by). 

2. It must be an original work of your own research and writing skills, free of plagiarism. 

3. It must be in the ieee format with correct citations and references. 

4. It must be written in professional academic language free of colloquialisms but also written so that a reader with an unknown level of knowledge (such as a C level executive, a board member, or manager) can understand your meaning, argument, and purpose. 

5. You must use reliable sources. i.e. Trusted verifiable web resources (i.e. legitimate websites, news resources, white papers, peer reviewed works such as books, conference papers, reports journal articles, etc) NOT Wikipedia or personal blogs. 

6. Your paper must have an introduction with a clearly stated thesis (an argument statement that tells the reader the point you will make. For example, XYZ company’s response to the ABC cyberattack was poorly managed due to a lack of communication or 123 Corp prevented severe financial losses due to their incident response handling). The introduction is the roadmap/outline to your paper. Following the introduction there must be a body containing the history of the attack/breach and an analysis of the incident that supports and proves your thesis. Lastly, you must write a conclusion that states how you have proven your argument and why it matters to Contingency Planning (IRP, BCP, DRP). The written part of the paper must be followed by a properly formatted list of references.

network scanning

Select one network scanning software tool in online and explain in detail in 300 words how it works and how detects network vulnerabilities. Provide the site where you obtained your information and include that in your assignment write-up