CAM lesson 3 assignment

Manual therapies include, but are not limited to, chiropractic therapy, massage therapies, osteopathy, Cranial Sacral therapy, and techniques done by physical therapists and other practitioners; for example, Strain Counter Strain, Myofasia Release, Applied Kinesiology, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Reflexology, and Neuro Fasia Processing.

  1. Use the Internet to further explore manual therapy, and answer the following questions:
    1. Identify the actions you can take to safe-guard a patient’s right to manual therapy.
    2. Describe the role of educators, counselors, advocates, and change agents in manual therapy.
    3. List several cases of EBP (evidence-based practice) that support the use of manual therapy.
  2. Your paper should be 2 pages
    • title page
    • reference page according to APA Writing Style
    • spacing and margin settings (APA Style) 
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