Manual therapies include, but are not limited to, chiropractic therapy, massage therapies, osteopathy, Cranial Sacral therapy, and techniques done by physical therapists and other practitioners; for example, Strain Counter Strain, Myofasia Release, Applied Kinesiology, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Reflexology, and Neuro Fasia Processing.
- Use the Internet to further explore manual therapy, and answer the following questions:
- Identify the actions you can take to safe-guard a patient’s right to manual therapy.
- Describe the role of educators, counselors, advocates, and change agents in manual therapy.
- List several cases of EBP (evidence-based practice) that support the use of manual therapy.
- Your paper should be 2 pages
- title page
- reference page according to APA Writing Style
- spacing and margin settings (APA Style)