Clinical Supervision




Your discussion video post about the patient you think was not adequately progressing according to expected outcomes was well stated, and the treatment approach is also one of the recommended therapies for drug and alcohol use disorder. Addiction is a complex disease that can affect many areas of a person’s life. According to Thomas (2019), addiction requires treatments that address the symptoms and the underlying causes of the disorder as well as the consequences that substance use has on different areas of the person. Your patient with addiction to alcohol and drug use who is also living with a boyfriend that is also an addict may cause multiple relapses. This patient needs highly motivational reasons that can make her look forward to abstaining from the use of addictive substances.

            Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Contingency Management (CM) may be a good choice for this patient. Contingency management is a type of CBT that is effective in the treatment of substance use disorder for alcohol, Opioid, marijuana and stimulants and it reinforces sobriety by providing material rewards as the motivation for desirable behaviors to help maintain sobriety. The major benefit for contingency management is that it can result in a reduction in the two of the biggest treatment-related issues reduce drop out from treatment and relapse (Thomas, 2019). As also pointed out by Alessi (2013), recent meta-analysis suggest that CM is among the most efficacious behavioral therapies for the treatment of substance use disorder, and it is used to target abstinence directly by reinforcing attendance to therapy, medication adherence and completion of activities related to treatment goals.


Alessi, S. M. (2013). Contingency management. Retrieved from

Thomas, S. (2019). Different types of therapy. Retrieved from

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