term paper

Please select one of the following topics, research their current background, analyze the purpose of requirements, and design/implement a new information system including a relational database gathering and justify its role in any development process. Then write the term paper.

  1. Data Warehousing Systems
  2. Data Visualization/Virtual Reality Information Systems
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
  4. Data Mining Systems
  5. Decision Support Systems
  6. Knowledge-Base Information Systems

Including Subjects in the Selected Topic:

  1. Describe how the database supports the selected topic
  2. Discuss what the database has a role to implement the selected topic
  3. Discuss your idea about to improve the current topic in accordance with the database progress
  4. Draw each component for the database and explain their function related with the topic
  5. What is the future work for improving your research?

Assignment Instructions:

  1. No ZIP file
  2. The submitted assignment must be typed by ONE Single MS Word/PDF file
  3. At least 15 pages and 5 references
  4. Use 12-font size and 1.5 lines space
  5. No more than 4 figures and 3 tables
  6. Follow APA style and content format: IGU follows the APA(American Psychological Association) for writing style in all its courses which require a Paper or Essay.

http://www.apastyle.org/ (Links to an external site.)

Project Construction Format:

You should follow the following content format:

Title: Topic

Name:  Logan Lee

ID: 123-45-567


  1. Introduction
  2. Background 
  • Current Issues and Suggest Topics
  1. Methods, Techniques, and Evaluations
  2. Future Works
  3. Summary
  • References
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