Automation Testing Script using Celenium Java

Please request the candidate to have below 2 sets of exercises (Java8 and above) completed by tomorrow and share the GitHub link

 1. Selenium WebDriver – Page Object Model:

1. Visit Page

2. Search for Book ‘qa testing for beginners’

3. Click on 1st item in the listed results.


4. Before Click on add to cart Add to Cart asset price from Step3. 

5. Click on Add to Cart.

6. Before Click on Proceed to Checkout asset price from Step3.

7. Click on proceed to checkout

5. On the checkout page assert price from Step3.

 2. API automation using Rest-assured or Karate API Test

 1. Use any 2 methods(Get, and Delete) from end-points listed in

2. Perform assertions for 

   – Get & Delete – Status code to be Successful.

   – Get – Return specific Employee details(Any).

   – Delete – “message”: “successfully! deleted Records”.

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