

respond to this discussion posts in 1 paragraph. Focus your review and (respectful) response on the strength of your colleague’s supporting argument and evidence, on presenting alternative perspectives, and on sharing insights that may prove helpful for the future individual assignments in this course. Try to ask a direct question. 

*** Tiffany Vidal 

Google is an example of a company that has continuously maintained strong ethics, social responsibility, and also has environmentally sustainable policies that have directly contributed to its competitive advantage. Hence, Google’s parent company, Alphabet, Inc. has committed to investing $2.5 billion in wind and solar projects (Dudovskiy, 2017). Google’s offices have also gained Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, and Google consistently seeks to have a smaller carbon footprint (602 Communications, 2017). These practices and policies have contributed to its competitive advantage because Google is known for its transparency regarding its workplace practices. Also, because Google has developed its own environmental sustainability programs, many consumers are willing to support the company. Hence, having a competitive advantage allows companies to differentiate themselves in the market (Competitive Advantage, 2016). Corporate social responsibility strategies also highlight the organizational morals and values that are embedded in Google’s company culture (602 Communications, 2017).

            Moreover, Google has developed ethically and socially responsible policies that have increased its workforce retention, reduced employee turnover, and improved sales (Dudovskiy, 2017). Thus, leaders at Google have recognized the importance of not only earning profits but also being effective for people and the environment (602 Communications, 2017). Google has proven that having ethics, environmentally sustainable policies, and being socially responsible reinforces consumers’ trust in companies (Madhani, 2009). Leaders at Google performed internal and external analyses to identify how they compared to its competitors (Competitive Advantage, 2016). When companies develop practices that support others and the environment, consumers begin to support them and also tell others about the company. Moreover, consumerism is extremely vital in maintaining a sustained competitive advantage (Madhani, 2009).


602 Communications. (2017, May 3). Google and the corporate social responsibility of

companies. Retrieved from

Competitive Advantage. (26 May 2016). In Boundless economics. Retrieved


Dudovskiy, J. (2017, june 20). google corporate social responsibility (csr) – research-

methodology. Retrieved from

Madhani, P. (2009). Resource based view (RBV) of competitive advantages: Importance, issues

and implications. Indian Management Research Journal1(2), 2-12. Retrieved from

 in 1 paragraph respond to this persons discussion posted on: 

Thinking about an interteam challenge* or conflict that you have either been part of or have observed in your organization.

*** Shanice Marsh 

People are people, no matter where they are – at home, out on the town or at work – and sometimes interteam conflict is inevitable when we come together with other groups — especially those not physically located in the same city, state or country (Hordos, 2018).  As a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) analyst for a public agency, most of my job entails receiving requests from the public for records and responding to the requester within a specified time frame.  Depending on the scope of the requested information, when these requests do come in, we have to task (reach out) other field offices to retrieve information not maintained in our office.  Being that the Department of Homeland Security has dozens of offices located across the United States and internationally, we are often required to reach out to individuals in different time zones that we may never come into physical contact with.  Conflict occurs when our office tasks a field office that goes beyond the specified deadline, which opens the unit up to potential litigation from the requester.  In addition, because the information is likely to be law enforcement sensitive, the information could take weeks if not months to receive, especially if we have to task multiple offices.  Unfortunately, there is little we can do to mitigate these interteam challenges from occurring because the circumstances surrounding the release of documents are compiled for law enforcement purposes and have to be carefully considered before a decision is made to release, redact or withhold records.  Correspondingly, the time and operational distances between offices can not be controlled.  In the end, my only suggestion is to follow up with the field offices when they do go past the deadline to ensure they are still aware of the request. 


Hordos, Lorna. (2018, June 06). What Are the Causes of Intergroup Conflict? Bizfluent. Retrieved from

*** Elizabeth Sabin 

We consistently have challenges between sales and the legal team.   To sign up a new customer requires the legal department to create a contract and approve a credit application.   For a typical contract, it can take up to three weeks to receive the document to provide to the client for signature.   Salespeople feel this is way too long and legal always seems to have something “bigger” they are working on.  The sales person is usually impatient (as expected) since reaching their goals and earning their commissions depends on a closed deal.  

The two teams should negotiate to gain resolution.  This is the most common way to resolve an inter-team conflict.   If the negotiations go well and satisfy all parties, it creates order, stability, and harmony( Van Kleef,  Steinel, & Homan 2013).   The legal team must be held accountable for specific deadlines and set expectations for the salespeople so that they can communicate and set expectations with the customer. 

To avoid this specific conflict from occurring in the future,  the teams need to agree on the reasonable amount of time it should take to get the completed contract to the client.  The legal team can provide a timetable and update it weekly.  The timetable can show for the week how long the turnaround time for a contract will be if it is requested that week.    Some weeks it may be a one-week turnaround and for others, it may take five weeks but at least the salesperson will know up front.   This will lower the frustration levels for the legal team, sales team, and the client.   

Van Kleef, G. A., Steinel, W., & Homan, A. C. (2013). On being peripheral and paying attention: Prototypicality and information processing in intergroup conflict. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(1), 63-79

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