yahoo cyber attack 2016

 Discuss in your paper the specifics of the attack and how it negatively affected the organization. Make sure you site your source and use in-text citations. 

Topic is Yahoo Cyber attack on 2016.

4 pages must. APA format and No Plagiarism 



1. Use other literature reviews and articles as a guide quotation: Quotations should generally not be used

2. Voice: Avoid 1st Person

3. Avoid Slang; Use Professional Language

4. Organize the Paper by Topics not Chronology

5. Be Concise. Delete unnecessary words, phrases, and sentences to drastically improve your writing. Scientific writing is concise and to-the-point!

6. Revise and Rewrite as necessary

7. Citations: It is imperative that you use good citation habits. It is plagiarism to use other writers’ words and ideas. Reword it if used in your research and apply the necessary in-text citation

8. All writing assignments will adhere to the APA writing style. Additional information on APA is available in the University website and in week 8 content folder.

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