Ethical hacking

Wk -3 (2-3 Paragraphs)

Search the Internet and locate an article that relates to the topic of HACKING and summarize the reading in your own words. Your summary should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and uploaded as a TEXT DOCUMENT. Click the link above to submit your work. There is an EXAMPLE attached to show you the format requirements.

What is most important is that you use YOUR OWN WORDS to summarize the news article. It is essential that you do not copy text directly from the Internet. Plagiarism is unacceptable. You can easily avoid this by rephrasing the contents and summarizing it using your own words.A reference citation is also required for this assignment. You may just include a link to your article.

WK -4(2-3 Paragraphs)

Select one type of cryptography or encryption and explain it in detail. Include the benefits as well as the limitations of this type of encryption. Your summary should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and uploaded as a TEXT DOCUMENT. Click the link above to submit your work. There is an EXAMPLE attached to show you the format requirements.

What is most important is that you use YOUR OWN WORDS to summarize the news article. It is essential that you do not copy text directly from the Internet. Plagiarism is unacceptable. You can easily avoid this by rephrasing the contents and summarizing it using your own words.

Be sure ti include your reference citation.

WK -5

After responding to the weekly discussion topic on FOOTPRINTING, you now have an idea as to how to conduct a digital investigative project. For this assignment, you are asked to develop your own crime scenario. Explain the incident that occurred, and then list the steps you would follow to solve this case (examples might include: a lost child, an unauthorized charge on your credit card, an unidentified charge made with your EZ PASS, etc.).

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