information security-Delete Yourself from the Internet (Is it possible and how can it be accomplished?)


Do you feel you are vulnerable to hackers or identity thieves because you have a large online presence? Have you ever thought of removing your personal data from the net? Well, it’s not quite as simple as it should be. There are a few easy-to-follow steps that should point you in the right direction that can be found online, but the story does not end there. How can you make sure your personal information or financial data will not be exposed on sites that do not have your written permission? Is it possible to completely remove yourself from the web?


Project Plan

In this case project, we will determine the many options and the companies that collect your personal information. They’re called data brokers and they have names like Spokeo,, PeopleFinder, BeenVerified, as well as plenty of others. 

1) In addition to the sites named above, list 5 additional agencies you find that collect this type of personal data. Hint: Many of them claim to be marketing agencies.

2) Provide a list of the companies that you find that claim to be able to remove your personal information from the data broker sites and the methods they use to delete this information.

3) Write a report with a step-by-step written summary of the processes and the methods which describe how you would go about DELETING yourself from the Internet. 

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