Interactivity Research Assignment


Week 7 Interactivity Research Assignment

Background: Applying the material covered in Chapter 6 and now in Chapter 7 specifically focusing on Interactivity, the assignment for this chapter will analyze the gallery of 49 chart types from Chapter 6 and provide the following for 5 of your choice.

  1. Select 5 chart type options from the gallery of 49 presented      in Chapter 6
  2. For each, select 3 of the 5 most often used data adjustment      features and for each describe in detail how you would apply each to each      of the 5 chart types. Example for one: Chart Type Selected – Word      Cloud.  The 3 Data Adjustments selected: Contributing – force input      from the viewer/user to select one word from a drop-down list before      moving forward with the display. The results would display the visualization      with the stats for the word the viewer/user selected.  The format for      this information should be in a table format with no attempt for full      sentences.
  3. Immediately following this table, provide your perspective      related to any problems, issues or constraints in selecting 3 data      adjustment features for each chart type selected. You do not have to use      the same data adjustment features for each chart type.  An example of      issues could be after selecting a Stream Graph and a Framing data      adjustment feature, any example I developed did not make sense.  I      also had to change the data adjustment feature of navigating as my first      choice because I could not think of an example to fit the data and chart      type.   Do NOT use any suggestion if any is provided in the text      for interactivity.  Do not copy my examples. You must not copy and      paste any information from the text from the pages in the gallery.       You must apply what you have learned from the previous chapters and not      copy and paste from other sources.  When you do use other sources to      help gather any knowledge such as the text and other online materials such      as the book companion site or the library, include each as a source on the      reference page following APA formatting.
  4. For each chart type selected, provide examples for each of      the 3 Presentation adjustments and why those examples fit the data and      chart type.  Again, use a table format instead of attempting      sentences.
  5. Immediately following this table, provide your perspective      related to any problems, issues or constraints in developing the examples      of the 3 Presentation adjustments for each chart type selected. An example      could be after selecting a Waffle Chart and a Focusing presentation      adjustment feature, I had to develop 4 examples before the final choice made      sense.  Do NOT use any suggestion if any is provided in the text for      interactivity. Do not copy any example I provided.  You must not copy      and paste any information from the text from the pages in the      gallery.  You must apply what you have learned from the previous      chapters and not copy and paste from other sources.  When you do use      other sources to help gather any knowledge such as the text and other      online materials such as the book companion site or the library, include      each as a source on the reference page following APA formatting.
  6. In a conclusion, provide your reflection on the chapter      contents, the material and discussions in the discussion forum, and the      efforts to complete the above requirements to include how these activities      and knowledge will assist you in the future for your data visualization      projects.  These future projects could be the possible initiations at      your organization or personal effort or maybe an upcoming class or degree      requirement.

Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, margins are normal, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read consistent font family (size no lager than 12) in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.

****The work submitted must be your own.  The work submitted must contain all sources used to complete all the content included.  All wording must be your own.  If you do include direct quotes, these must be cited corrected and must not be more than 3% of the total content.

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