Computer Ethics

In a typical 700 to 1000 word essay, discuss the following points:

What is wrong with each of these nine theories?

Which theory you think most acceptable for you?  

Which one is most supportive to your values?

Which one should serve as the foundation for the society’s moral order where you would want to live?  

1. Subjective Relativism

2. Cultural Relativism

3. Divine Command Theory

4. Ethical Egoism

5. Categorical Imperative: Kant

6. Act Utilitarianism

7. Rule Utilitarianism

8. Social Contract Theory

9. Virtue Ethics

Do not select passages from any resources!  You must express your opinion from your reading of the course materials and online resources.

Students have to include proper citations. The essay’s quality of writing is part of the assessment. Therefore, grammatical, typographical or syntactical errors will affect the grade. No late submission. It WON’T be accepted.

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