Data Mining Project


Project: Need it in 20 hours

You have been asked by management (manufacturing, healthcare, retail, financial, and etc. ) to create a demo using a data analytic or BI tool. It is your responsibility to download and produce outputs using one of the tools. You will need to focus your results on the data set you select.  

Ensure to address at least one topic covered in Chapters 1-5 with the outputs. The paper should include the following as Header sections.

History of Tool [Discuss the benefits and limitations] Review of the Data [What are you reviewing?] Exploring the Data with the tool
Classifications Basic Concepts and Decision Trees
Classifications Alternative Techniques
Summary of Results
References (minimum of 2 – each must be cited at least once (of course)).

Ensure you adhere to APA7 

Types of Data Analytic Tools
Excel with Solver, but has limitations
R Studio
Tableau Public has a free trial
Microsoft Power BI
Search for others with trial options

Examples of Dataset

Discussion : Need in 12 hours:

This week, I want you to post the particular data analytics tool that you used for the midterm project. Provide the benefits and limitations of the tool. 

Replies and Explanation: Need in 2 days

You need to make the initial post and also respond to two of your peers. You’ll also need to go back and do the midterm project and explain why no one told me it wasn’t available :o|

Please include the Data Analytic Vendor Name and URL. It will also be helpful to list the pricing and trial options.

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