Appropriate Topics:
The Research Report, select one of the following research areas:
i) Cloud Computing (Intranet, Extranet, and Internet)
ii) Machine Learning
iii) Artificial Intelligence
iv) Internet of Things (IoT)
v) Robotics
vi) Medical Technology
vii) Artificial Intelligence
viii) Business Intelligence
ix) Brain Linked Virtual Reality
x) Nanotechnology
xi) Game Programming Algorithms
xii) Video Gaming Algorithms
xiii) Knowledge Management Systems
· The research paper must be at least 2,500 words supported by evidence (citations from peer-reviewed sources).
· A minimum of four (4) peer-reviewed journal citations are required.
· Formatting should be double-spaced, one-inch boarders, no extra space for headings, no extra white space, no more than two levels of heading, page numbers, front and back matter).
· All images, tables, figures are to be included in the appendices and IS NOT included in the 15 page requirement. This means appendices are not included in the 15 page requirement.
· Long quotations (i.e. paragraphs) are NOT permitted. Only one quoted short sentence (less than 14 words) is permitted per page.
· Footnotes are NOT permitted.
Document Details
This area provides additional details about the content of each of the needed Research Report Chapters (5). For those instructing in Hybrid format, the instructor may want to consider having the instantiated teams work on: 1) an outline of the final research report and 2) a preliminary research report that includes Chapters 1 and 2. For those instructing in Online or F2F formats the instructor may want to consider using the Hybrid format (teams) or single student submission format. The final submission should include DETAILS of each of following:
1) Chapter 1 – Introduction
2) Chapter 2 – Literature Review
3) Chapter 3 – Methodology Specifics (comparative analysis)
4) Chapter 4 – Findings and Results
5) Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Future Recommendations
6) References – APA
7) Appendices