
1. Meals on the wheels organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation. What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing? Did they meet their objectives for fall short? (250 words)

write a one-page paper describing the Meals on wheels organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation. What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing? Did they meet their objectives for fall short?

This paper should be written in third-person. The third-person point of view belongs to the person (or people) being talked about. The third-person pronouns include he, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and themselves (Not I, we, us, our).

The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.  The Title and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirement. There should be at least one scholarly source listed on the reference page.  Each reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in the reference list must be cited in text. APA requirements for this class include:

  • A title page
  • 12-point Time New Roman font
  • Your paper should be typed and double-spaced with 1″ margins on all sides
  • The first sentence of each paragraph should be indented one tab space
  • All papers should contain the page number, flush right, in the header of every page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word-processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner; do not type page numbers manually.
  • APA 7th edition in-text citations
  • Reference page


2.  Data mining (250 words)

Regression and classification are categorized under the same umbrella of supervised machine learning. For your assignment this week

 1) Write a short paper  on the comparison and contrast between regression and classification methods.  Provide a formal definition for Regression and one for classification (20 point).

 2) Using the require text Only, write an essay that discussed Two similarities and Two differences between Regression and Classification. (40 Points)

(3) Provide one example to illustrate each similarity and differences discussed (40 points)


  • Your response must be written in no less than 250 word,
  • Use  properly formatted APA in-text citation
  • Use your Text Book as the sole reference to support all writing for this assignment
  • You will need a thesis statement in the first paragraph
  • One paragraph should focus on a single idea


3. 250 words:


The focus of this week’s discussion is on your reading of Chapter 4 for this week

Part 1. Describe in your own words two (2) differences between “shallow” neural networks and deep neural networks discussed in this section. (20 Points). Only support from your the required textbook is needed.

Part 2. List and discuss  two (2) characteristics of Deep Learning. (20 points)  Only support from your the required textbook is needed.

NOTE: Label each response with numbers. I don’t have to search through your post to find your response to each question. 

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