In this challenge, you are tasked with helping a small, rural town modernize its vote counting process.
You will be give a set of poll data called election_data.csv. The dataset is composed of three columns: Voter ID, County, and Candidate. Your task is to create a Python script that analyzes the votes and calculates each of the following:
The total number of votes cast
A complete list of candidates who received votes
The percentage of votes each candidate won
The total number of votes each candidate won
The winner of the election based on popular vote.
As an example, your analysis should look similar to the one below: Election Results ------------------------- Total Votes: 3521001 ------------------------- Khan: 63.000% (2218231) Correy: 20.000% (704200) Li: 14.000% (492940) O'Tooley: 3.000% (105630) ------------------------- Winner: Khan -------------------------
In addition, your final script should both print the analysis to the terminal and export a text file with the results.