homework computer

File submission: Word processor document creation lab


Objective of the activity

Through this activity the student will reinforce the concepts and skills learned in the module


The academic goal of this assignment is to apply the skills learned in the previous module

What are we going to do?

In this activity the students will practice the use of templates and text editing

How are we going to do the job?

Download the Welcome to Word template. Preview the document

Then follow the instructions in the document. Save it with the name Welcome to Word_your name. For example: Welcome to Word_Maria Oliveros

Upload your work to the platform.

If you have any doubts about how to do the job, go through the material in the textbook, the tutorials and the simulations given.


The activity is individual. The work must be delivered on time, without spelling or grammatical errors. The works will be submitted to the tool to detect similarity of content (now Urkund). Submit the answers in a Word document, Times New Roman, size 12. You must include the references in APA format, three years old or less.

Basic review resources

Microsoft. (2018). Word for Windows Training. Retrieved from https://support.office.com/es-es/article/word-for-windows-training-7bcd85e6-2c3d-4c3c-a2a5-5ed8847eae73 (Links to an external site.)

Supplemental Review Resource

Hoisington, C., Freund, S., Vermaat, M., Pratt, P. J.,. Last, M. Z., Schmieder, E., Sebok, S. L., Starks, J. (2016). Shelly Cashman series Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2016: Introductory. Cengage.

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