Write 1 thread of at least 300 words on the topic below. Also, reply of at least 150 words to the thread below.
Research and develop a thread that compares and contrasts Firewalls and Virtual Private Networks. Your thread must include: an introduction statement/paragraph, body paragraph(s), and a conclusion statement/paragraph.
When thinking about the security of a network it is important to have all connections with the outside world covered. This can be done with many different components including a virtual private network (VPN) and a firewall. These two are similar in the fact that they are designed to stop threats from external entities. In order to have the best chance of keeping your systems safe, it is best to have a complete VPN and a complete firewall. Prior to beginning my college career, I thought that these two terms were synonymous. However, I have learned that they truly are two different, and very important, entities.
A firewall is defined by our textbook as a border sentry device, much like a security guard, that filters the flow of traffic examining every incoming and outgoing packet then deciding to accept or discard it (Gouda & Liu, 2007). Since firewalls are ultimately software code written by humans and therefore the possibility will always exist for mistakes or oversights. While a firewall is the filter that protects your network from external threats, a VPN is what allows the connection onto a network to remain secure through encryption and authentication. This allows the VPN to provide confidential privacy protection for all of the network’s communication. In order to be at its most efficient level of security, telecommuting employees, businesses, or travelling workers should utilize a host firewall along with a VPN to maintain secure connectivity while at a distance.
God and his word act as our firewall from the things in the world that can harm us. Zechariah 2:5says “And I myself will be a wall of fire around it and I will be its glory within” (NIV). He will protect us and keep us away from harm. I also think of the VPN as the constant flow of God in our lives. If we constantly pray over the protection of others, then evil will be unable to reach us.