The file contains a doubly linked list, essentially identical to the implementation discussed in class


The file contains a doubly linked list,
essentially identical to  the implementation discussed in class. Your task is to fill in the  method void reverse(), which should reverse the linked list. The method  should modify the list data structure by changing the next and prev  references in the linked list nodes. Do not change anything else in the  class. You can test your method by running the main method of  SimpleLinkedList,
which should print out a list in the original, and  then in reversed order. At the beginning of your void reverse() method  insert a comment, answering the following question: What is the run-  time of your reverse method as a function of the length of the list?  Describe a different way to make reversal of the list a constant-time,  i.e.
O(1) operation, if you could change anything in the class (this is a  bit of a trick question).
/**  * LinkedList class implements a doubly-linked list. Adapted from Weiss, Data  * Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java. 3rd ed.  *   */  public class LinkedList implements Iterable {
   private int size;     private Node beginMarker;     private Node endMarker;
   /**     * This is the doubly-linked list node class.     */     private class Node {         public Node(NodeT d, Node p, Node n) {             data = d;             prev = p;             next = n;         }
       public NodeT data;         public Node prev;         public Node next;     }
   /**     * Construct an empty LinkedList.     */     public LinkedList() {         doClear();     }
   /**     * Change the size of this collection to zero by initializing the beginning     * and end marker.     */     public void doClear() {         beginMarker = new Node<>(null, null, null);         endMarker = new Node<>(null, beginMarker, null); = endMarker;         size = 0;     }
   /**     * @return the number of items in this collection.     */     public int size() {         return size;     }
   /**     * @return boolean indicating if the linked list is empty     */     public boolean isEmpty() {         return size() == 0;     }
   /**     * Gets the Node at position idx, which must range from lower to upper.     *     * @param idx     * index to search at.     * @param lower     * lowest valid index.     * @param upper     * highest valid index.     * @return internal node corresponding to idx.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if index is not between lower and upper, inclusive.     */     private Node getNode(int idx, int lower, int upper) {         Node p;
       if (idx < lower || idx > upper)             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(“getNode index: ” + idx + “; size: “+ size());
       if (idx < size() / 2) { // Search through list from the beginning             p =;             for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++)                 p =;         } else { // serch through the list from the end             p = endMarker;             for (int i = size(); i > idx; i–)                 p = p.prev;         }
       return p;     }
   /**     * Gets the Node at position idx, which must range from 0 to size( ) – 1.     *     * @param idx     * index to search at.     * @return internal node corresponding to idx.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if index is out of range.     */     private Node getNode(int idx) {         return getNode(idx, 0, size() – 1);     }
   /**     * Returns the item at position idx.     *     * @param idx     * the index to search in.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if index is out of range.     */     public T get(int idx) {         return getNode(idx).data;     }
   /**     * Changes the item at position idx.     *     * @param idx     * the index to change.     * @param newVal     * the new value.     * @return the old value.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if index is out of range.     */     public T set(int idx, T newVal) {         Node p = getNode(idx);         T oldVal =; = newVal;         return oldVal;     }
   /**     * Adds an item in front of node p, shifting p and all items after it one     * position to the right in the list.     *     * @param p     * Node to add before.     * @param x     * any object.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if idx < 0 or idx > size()     */     private void addBefore(Node p, T x) {         Node newNode = new Node<>(x, p.prev, p); = newNode;         p.prev = newNode;         size++;     }
   /**     * Adds an item at specified index. Remaining items shift up one index.     *     * @param x     * any object.     * @param idx     * position to add at.     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     * if idx < 0 or idx > size()     */     public void add(int idx, T x) {         addBefore(getNode(idx, 0, size()), x);     }
   /**     * Adds an item to this collection, at the end.     *     * @param x     * any object.     */     public void add(T x) {         add(size(), x);     }
   /**     * Removes the object contained in Node p.     *     * @param p     * the Node containing the object.     * @return the item was removed from the collection.     */     private T remove(Node p) { = p.prev; =;         size–;         return;     }
   /**     * Removes an item from this collection.     *     * @param idx     * the index of the object.     * @return the item was removed from the collection.     */     public T remove(int idx) {         return remove(getNode(idx));     }
/********* ADD YOUR SOLUTIONS HERE *****************/  public void reverse() {  // insert the answer about runtime here.
// write this method.  }
/******** END STUDENT SOLUTION ********************/  
   /**     * Returns a String representation of this collection.     */     public String toString() {         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(“[ “);         for (T x : this) {             sb.append(x + ” “);         }         sb.append(“]”);         return new String(sb);     }  
   /**     * Obtains an Iterator object used to traverse the collection.     *     * @return an iterator positioned prior to the first element.     */     public java.util.Iterator iterator() {         return new LinkedListIterator();     }
   /**     * This is the implementation of the LinkedListIterator. It maintains a notion     * of a current position and of course the implicit reference to the     * LinkedList.     */     private class LinkedListIterator implements java.util.Iterator {         private Node current =;         private boolean okToRemove = false;
       public boolean hasNext() {             return current != endMarker;         }
       public T next() {             if (!hasNext())                 throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();
           T nextItem =;             current =;             okToRemove = true;             return nextItem;         }
       public void remove() {             if (!okToRemove)                 throw new IllegalStateException();
           LinkedList.this.remove(current.prev);             // ensures that remove() cannot be called twice during a single step in             // iteration             okToRemove = false;         }
   /**     * Test the linked list.     */     public static void main(String[] args) {         LinkedList lst = new LinkedList<>();
       for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)             lst.add(i);         for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++)             lst.add(0, i);
// Should print [ 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]  System.out.println(“Original list:”);         System.out.println(lst);  lst.reverse();  System.out.println(“After reversal:”);  // Should print [ 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ]         System.out.println(lst);     }  }

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