Disaster Recovery for Cyber Security

Individual Assignment.

Both Deliverables: Post in Discussion Board.

(1) Prepare a list of four (4) Back-up and Disaster Recovery vendors.

Vendors: https://solutionsreview.com/backup-disaster-recovery/backup-and-disaster-recovery-solutions-directory/

Provide a brief description of their services.

Create a grid of them and compare and contrast them. 

(2) Disaster Recovery – AWS Outage 

Disaster Recovery Preparedness

At 9:45 AM (PST) on February 28, 2017, Amazon reported a severe degradation with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Many companies and organizations rely on AWS for their infrastructure. As a result, the incident created a highly-deprecated experience for customers. 

Many companies engineering teams worked through this outage and restored services using an alternate site. 

Companies are continuously enhancing/improving their back-up and disaster recovery readiness. Organizations learned from this incident to mitigate the risks associated with large scale outages from their service providers.

Using Internet resources, research and answer the following questions using MS Word/PDF:  

1. When did the AWS outage start and how long did it last?

2. What was the root-cause of the outage?

3. About how many sites were effected and what are some names of the larger companies?

4. When was the last time AWS was down prior to this incident and what was the root-cause?

5. Has AWS been down since this incident? If so, when, for how long, and what was the root-cause of the outage?

6. What can AWS do to prevent an outage again?

7. Briefly describe the AWS Shared Responsibility Model

8. What can a customer of AWS do to continue uninterrupted computer operations?

9. See this link on Barracuda Security for AWS: https://www.barracuda.com/programs/aws

If you were a customer of AWS, would you consider implementing Barracuda Security for AWS? What security features and why?

10. Prepare a high-level diagram of the AWS infrastructure and pinpoint in the diagram where the root-cause of the security vulnerability occurred.

Grading – 15 Points broken down as follows:

– 5 Points – The details in Deliverable 1

– 10 Points –  The details in Deliverable 2

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