Concept Paper

In other words, in week 4 you are going tell the reader (the instructor) why you think your topic for your final project is worth doing. You are going to justify this as a proposal. Here is the purpose of writing a concept paper:

Purpose of a concept paper

The topic for your week 4 concept paper will be the same as your final project; they are linked together. The week 4 concept paper justifies the writing of your final project.



Submit a 3 page concept paper IAW APA format on an approved topic (see pre-approved topics in the syllabus). Paper organization will include (use as headings):




Problem Statement.

Relevance and Significance.

References (at least five).

Pre-approved research topics:


Authentication/Digital signatures

Data collections tools (hardware & software)

E-business/e-commerce security

End user security issues.

Government vs. commercial organization security issues.


Identity Theft

ID&IH Management and Legal Issues

Instant Messaging security.

Intrusion detection.

Sarbannes Oxley

Security Threats & Vulnerabilities

Wireless technology security

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