Case study

 Case Study

Digital Signatures and PKI

                    Examine Digital Certificates

In this assignment you will examine the digital certificates of a google web site, find the certification path, and answer the questions below.

• Open a Chrome browser and go to

• Note that the url starts with https. This means that this is a secure communication.

• Notice also the lock by the url. (Visit

• Click on the lock and the details.

• View the certificate for the site and answer these questions:

• Who is the certificate authority on this certificate?

• Who is the certificate issued to?

• What is the associated public key?

• When does the certificate expire?

  Find the Certification Path

• Look at the path of the certification. Click on the immediate parent of, Google Internet Authority G2.

• View the certificate for Google Internet Authority G2 and answer these questions:

• Who is the certificate authority on this certificate?

• Who is the certificate issued to?

• What is the associated public key?

• When does the certificate expire?

• Proceed with this until you view the certificates of all intermediate authorities and the root authority.

• Try at least two other different website and follow the same steps mentioned above and answer the same questions again about each one of them!

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